Understanding Tendermint Core: Building Secure and Scalable Blockchain Applications.

Understanding Tendermint Core: Building Secure and Scalable Blockchain Applications.


Tendermint Core has emerged as a prominent technology for building robust and scalable blockchain applications. With its Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus algorithm and focus on developer-friendly APIs, Tendermint Core offers a solid foundation for creating decentralized systems. In this article, we will explore the architecture of Tendermint Core and provide real-life coding examples to illustrate its practical application.

Understanding Tendermint Core:

Tendermint Core serves as the engine behind various blockchain platforms, providing a Byzantine Fault Tolerant consensus mechanism and a modular architecture that supports application-specific blockchain development. Key components and concepts of Tendermint Core include:

  1. Consensus Algorithm: Tendermint Core utilizes the Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) consensus algorithm to ensure agreement among a network of nodes, even in the presence of malicious actors. This consensus algorithm provides high transaction throughput and quick finality, making it suitable for a wide range of use cases.
  2. Application Blockchain Interface (ABCI): Tendermint Core separates the consensus and networking layers from the application logic through the ABCI. This interface allows developers to implement custom application logic using their preferred programming language, facilitating the creation of diverse blockchain applications.
  3. Validators and Full Nodes: Tendermint Core consists of two types of nodes: validators and full nodes. Validators participate in the consensus process, while full nodes maintain a complete copy of the blockchain. This distributed network architecture ensures decentralization, security, and fault tolerance.

Real-Life Coding Example: Building a Simple Voting Application

To demonstrate the practical application of Tendermint Core, let's consider a basic voting application. The application allows participants to cast votes for various candidates, and the results are stored on the blockchain. Here's an example implementation using the Tendermint Core framework:

Define the ABCI Application:

package main

import (
	abci "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/types"

type VotingApplication struct {
	Results map[string]int

func NewVotingApplication() *VotingApplication {
	return &VotingApplication{
		Results: make(map[string]int),

func (app *VotingApplication) DeliverTx(tx []byte) abci.ResponseDeliverTx {
	vote := string(tx)
	return abci.ResponseDeliverTx{}

func (app *VotingApplication) Query(req abci.RequestQuery) abci.ResponseQuery {
	result := app.Results[string(req.Data)]
	return abci.ResponseQuery{
		Value: []byte(result),

func (app *VotingApplication) Commit() abci.ResponseCommit {
	return abci.ResponseCommit{Data: bytes.Repeat([]byte{0x1}, 8)}

func main() {
	app := NewVotingApplication()
	abciServer := abci.NewServer("", "socket", app)
	defer abciServer.Stop()
	select {}

Run the Tendermint Core Node:

tendermint init
tendermint node        

By following the above steps, you can create a simple voting application using Tendermint Core. Participants can send transactions to cast their votes, and the results are stored on the blockchain.


Tendermint Core offers a reliable and flexible foundation for building secure and scalable blockchain applications. Its modular architecture, BFT consensus algorithm, and developer-friendly approach make it an appealing choice for various use cases. By exploring the concepts of Tendermint Core and experimenting with real-life coding examples, developers can unlock the potential

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