Understanding Snowflake ID, UUID, and ULID: Choosing the Right Identifier for Your System

Understanding Snowflake ID, UUID, and ULID: Choosing the Right Identifier for Your System

When building scalable systems, generating unique identifiers for objects is a critical task. There are many options available, and selecting the right one depends on your system's needs, performance requirements, and the ability to manage uniqueness at scale. In this article, we’ll compare three popular identifier formats—Snowflake ID, UUID, and ULID. Let's break down each one and explore its advantages and drawbacks.

1. Snowflake ID

Snowflake ID is a time-based unique identifier generation system originally developed by Twitter. The format ensures distributed uniqueness without coordination between machines. Snowflake IDs consist of a 64-bit integer structured as:

  • 41 bits for the timestamp (milliseconds since a custom epoch)
  • 10 bits for machine identification
  • 12 bits for a per-machine sequence number


  • Time-ordered: IDs generated are roughly in chronological order.
  • Highly performant: IDs can be generated quickly without coordination between machines.
  • Scalable: Suitable for distributed systems that need high performance.


  • Requires centralized clock synchronization: A drifting system clock can cause ID collisions.

Use case: Great for distributed systems, like microservices architectures, where global uniqueness and time-ordered IDs are critical.

2. UUID (Universally Unique Identifier)

UUIDs are 128-bit alphanumeric strings that provide near-certain uniqueness across space and time. They are widely used and supported by databases, programming languages, and operating systems. There are several versions of UUIDs (v1, v4, etc.), each with different structures and purposes.


  • Globally unique: UUIDs are guaranteed to be unique across systems without the need for coordination.
  • Widely supported: Almost every system and database supports UUIDs.
  • Randomness: Version 4 (UUIDv4) uses random numbers, which make collisions virtually impossible.


  • Not time-ordered: UUIDv4 has no inherent time information, which makes sorting difficult in time-sensitive applications.
  • Large size: UUIDs are 128 bits long, which is significantly larger than other identifier types, increasing storage requirements.

Use case: Ideal for general-purpose systems that need globally unique IDs without any dependencies on a specific infrastructure or time-ordering.

3. ULID (Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier)

ULID is a more recent alternative to UUID, designed to address some of the shortcomings of traditional UUIDs, such as readability and sortability. ULID is a 128-bit identifier, represented as a 26-character alphanumeric string, and is composed of two parts:

  • 48 bits for timestamp (milliseconds since Unix epoch).
  • 80 bits for randomness.


  • Time-ordered: ULIDs retain a sortable order based on time (in lexicographical order), which makes them useful for log management and querying large datasets.
  • Readable: The alphanumeric format is more compact and easier to read compared to UUID.
  • No coordination required: Can be generated in distributed environments without needing coordination between machines.


  • Limited to millisecond precision: While millisecond precision is sufficient for most use cases, it might not be adequate for systems that need higher granularity.
  • Larger in size: Even though it's lexicographically sortable, ULIDs are longer than other ID formats like Snowflake IDs.

Use case: Ideal for systems that need unique identifiers to be time-sorted but also require easy portability across systems (databases, services, logs).


Each of these ID systems has its strengths and weaknesses. Snowflake IDs are ideal for systems that require high throughput and time-ordering without coordination, whereas UUIDs are the classic choice for general-purpose globally unique IDs. ULIDs provide the best of both worlds—sortability and readability, making them great for logs and database indexing.

When choosing between them, consider your system's needs for scalability, performance, time ordering, and whether human-readability or portability is important.


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