Understanding Shoulder Fractures: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
A shoulder fracture is the breaking of a bone. These breaks usually manifest after a severe fall or accident. Shoulder fractures often do not need surgical intervention for treatment.
The shoulder is a flexible joint that connects the arm to the body. Among its many components are the bones that provide all of their mobility and functionality. Someone could fracture a shoulder bone after a high-impact injury, such as a tumble.
A shoulder fracture is a common kind of shoulder injury that may lead to a lot of discomfort, edema, and bruising. Putting the arm in a sling and letting it rest is a common part of shoulder injury therapy. A person may need surgery for more serious instances.
What is a shoulder fracture?
A complicated joint, the shoulder, secures the arm to the body and provides motion to that part of the body. Three bones make up the shoulder:
A shoulder fracture is characterized by a split in any of the three bones that make up the shoulder joint, as opposed to a more generalized crack or break in any bone.
There are four joints in the shoulder that allow it a lot of mobility (Trusted Source). Shoulder fractures, whether they affect one or more bones, may limit motion and produce severe pain.
Different types of shoulder fractures
There are three different types of shoulder fractures, according to the ASSH.
The term for a broken collarbone is a clavicle fracture. An individual’s clavicle is the bone that joins their breastbone to their shoulder blade. People of all ages may sustain a clavicle fracture. The midline of the bone is the most common site for fractures.
The shoulder blade, commonly referred to as the scapula, is a triangle-shaped bone in the shoulder. Due to the scapula’s protection by the chest and surrounding muscles, this kind of shoulder fracture is rare.
The humerus is a bone located in the upper arm. The “proximal” portion of this bone is the one that forms a ball and attaches to the shoulder blade socket. Therefore, if the upper portion of the humerus bone breaks, it is called a proximal humerus fracture.
Reasons why a shoulder could fracture
Shoulder fractures usually happen as a result of intense blunt force trauma or any incident that applies excessive pressure to this region.
A fall onto an extended hand may cause fractures to the clavicle and the proximal humerus.
Shoulder fracture symptoms
Pain, bruising, and swelling in and around the shoulder are common symptoms of trauma and similar situations. Additional, more specific symptoms could include, depending on the fracture type:
Clavicle fracture
Scapula fracture
A fracture of the proximal humerus
Shoulder fracture diagnosis
After reviewing a patient’s medical history, doing a physical examination, and analyzing X-rays, doctors can usually verify a shoulder fracture.
In most cases, X-rays can confirm a shoulder fracture.?
To further evaluate possible injury to other structures in the shoulder, a doctor may recommend further imaging tests like a CT or MRI scan.
A doctor may determine the exact position of the fracture and assess its severity with the use of imaging tests.
Shoulder fracture treatment
Shoulder fractures generally do not need surgical intervention for treatment. Placing the shoulder in a sling and using pain medication may usually cure the problem.?
On the other hand, surgery may be necessary in cases of serious fractures. The following procedures may be necessary to treat a fracture:
Clavicle fracture
Surgical intervention may be necessary if the fracture penetrates the skin or if the bone is significantly misaligned. Plates, screws, or rods inserted into the bone to stabilize a clavicle fracture are common surgical procedures.
Scapula fracture
Scapula fractures that need surgery are very rare. Shoulder joint involvement from fracture fragments or another serious clavicle fracture may need this. Bone alignment and fracture repair with plates and screws are common surgical procedures.
Proximal humerus fracture
Surgery could be required if the bone pieces are very misplaced. Plates, screws, pins, or shoulder joint replacement may be necessary to secure the fracture pieces. The treatment involves surgically inserting prosthetic components into the injured shoulder.
Shoulder fracture recovery
How long it takes to get back on your toes after a shoulder fracture depends on the specific kind of break.
When you have a shoulder fracture, your doctor may probably suggest certain activities to help you heal faster.?
Depending on the kind of fracture, these exercises will be slightly different, but they all have the same goal: to help you get your shoulder moving and strong again.?
The healing procedure for the injury is usually just a few weeks, but the rehabilitation process might go on for months.
Wrapping It Up
A breakage of the three bones that make up the shoulder is known as a fracture. The three bones in question are the proximal humerus, clavicle, and scapula. When you experience significant impact trauma, such as a fall or car accident, it might lead to a shoulder fracture.
Shoulder stiffness, discomfort, edema, and bruising are common symptoms. Many times, all it takes to diagnose a shoulder fracture is an X-ray. A sling may be necessary when treating a patient. Surgery may be required in more serious situations.?
Within 12 weeks, the majority of injuries should have healed. But getting back on your feet can take a while.?