Understanding the Role of Safety Performance Monitoring Within an SMS
Introduction – Safety Performance and Safety Performance Monitoring
Safety Performance is a balance between the safety system achievements of the organisation, and the effectiveness of the mitigations which are implemented to enable the safety achievements.
SMS General Understanding of Terms:
Safety Policy?– A clear statement of the organization’s policy, management principles, and intentions, for a continuous process of improvement in the safety level.
Safety Objectives for Improvement?– Concerns about planning the safety objectives, and choosing effective methods for safety performance measurement.
Identification of Hazards
Risk Assessment and Mitigation:
Monitoring and Evaluation:
Note?– Ensure appropriate reports are made to the Accountable Manager to enable management review.
What is a Safety Performance Indicator?
A safety performance indicator (SPI) is defined in the ICAO Safety Management Manual as a measure (or metric) used to express the level of safety performance achieved in a system.
Note – These indicators do not require a safety event to take place and are metrics that provide information on the current situation that may affect future performance.
Safety Risk Management
The ultimate success of the organizational SMS will depend on the organisation achieving established targets:
How to Drive Safety Performance within our Organisation?
o The Organisations Data.
o Industry Best Practice.
o Regulatory Requirements.
o To ensure the collection & processing of data in accordance with Step 1.
o To validate on a continuous basis including following Step 3 interventions.
The Basics of Safety Performance Monitoring
Typically performed by reference to 3 essential elements:
o Safety objectives – may be:
· Process-oriented (expected system behaviours),
· Outcome–orientated (containment of incidents / accidents)
· Related to Specific Interventions
Example – To take all necessary measures to minimize any adverse safety events during base maintenance activities / Ground Operations – Through the introduction of additional safety measures.
SPT Examples:
What is the main difference between Safety Performance Indicators (SPI) and Safety Performance Targets (SPT)?
ICAO defines:
SPI/SPT Development Considerations
Leading & Lagging SPIs and SPTs
o Low frequency of high severity negative outcomes (aggregation nationally may be necessary for meaningful analyses). – example runway excursion accidents/10 000 landings.
o SPIs/SPTs for lower severity/higher probability (typically considered also as “precursor” events.) – example – The number of non-stable approaches/1 000 landings.
o Leading SPIs support proactive development of the organisation’s safety management System – Capability to improve safety exposure.
· SPI – 0.75 events of foreign object damage FOD) to aircraft per 10,000 ramp service delivery operations.
· SPT: To reduce to 0.5 events of foreign object damage to aircraft per 10 000 ramp service delivery operations with 12 months from the introduction.
Next Steps
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