Understanding the ref and out Keywords in C#
When working with C#, you may come across two special parameter modifiers: ref and out. Both allow pass-by-reference, but each does so in a slightly different way. In this blog post, we’ll explore what these keywords do, how they differ, and why you might use them.
1. Passing Parameters in C# — A Quick Refresher
By default, C# passes parameters by value. That means a method receives a copy of the argument’s value. Changing the parameter inside the method doesn’t affect the original variable outside. However, sometimes you want a method to directly modify the caller’s variable — or you might need to return multiple outputs from a single function without creating a custom object or tuple. That’s where ref and out come in.
2. What is the ref Keyword?
The ref keyword indicates that a parameter is passed by reference. Specifically:
Syntax and Example
public void Increase(ref int number)
number += 10;
// Usage
int myValue = 5;
Increase(ref myValue);
Console.WriteLine(myValue); // Outputs: 15
In this example:
When to Use ref
3. What is the out Keyword?
The out keyword also passes a parameter by reference, but with a twist:
Syntax and Example
public bool TryParseNumber(string input, out int result)
// Try to parse the input as an integer
if (int.TryParse(input, out int parsedNumber))
result = parsedNumber;
return true;
// The method must still set 'result' before returning
result = 0;
return false;
// Usage
int parsedValue;
bool success = TryParseNumber("123", out parsedValue);
if (success)
Console.WriteLine(parsedValue); // Outputs: 123
When to Use out
4. Differences Between ref and out
Initialization Requirement
Reading the Argument
Common Use Cases
5. Code Comparison: ref vs. out
// REF
public void ProcessRef(ref int x)
// x MUST be assigned before the call
// We can read x's initial value here if needed
x += 10;
// OUT
public void ProcessOut(out int y)
// y does NOT need to be assigned before the call
// We must assign y before returning
y = 42;
int refNumber = 5;
ProcessRef(ref refNumber);
// refNumber is now 15
int outNumber; // uninitialized
ProcessOut(out outNumber);
// outNumber is now 42
6. Pitfalls and Considerations
Overuse Can Harm Readability
ref and out are Not the Same as Returning a Value
Method Overloads
Nullable Context
7. Real-World Use Cases
Try Patterns
Methods That Need to Modify State
Performance-Sensitive Code
Both ref and out enable pass-by-reference in C#, letting methods modify or produce values that persist beyond the method call. The key difference is:
Use them thoughtfully, and you’ll find them valuable tools for certain scenarios — particularly when returning multiple pieces of data from a method, or carefully modifying an existing variable. However, don’t forget that for most common cases, returning a value (or using tuples/classes) can be simpler and more readable!