Understanding The Real Pashmina Making Process | ORIGIN

Understanding The Real Pashmina Making Process | ORIGIN


Changthang Plateau: This the place where the ORIGIN of The Real Pashmina Luxurious Wrap happens. This is also called the Cold Desert of the World.

As winter descends on this plateau in Ladakh, the world of the Changpa Nomads (Pashmina Goat Shepherds) transforms as drastically as the landscape of this high-altitude cold desert. These shepherds stay off modernity, knowing full well that everything they can trust in summers will be rendered useless by the cold and their gas cylinders will be useless when the temperatures will get as low as Minus -40 degrees Celsius. And yet, for these guardians of the Pashmina Goats, retreating to lower altitudes is not an option. Rather, they seek out the cold, the elemental ingredient essential to trigger the growth of the fine coat of the goats. And for it, they embrace a lifestyle honed to perfection over centuries and based on a beautiful symbiosis.

The climate of Changthang is harsh and unpredictable. The summers are warm but short and thunder storms can occur at any time of year, often with hail. The winters are cold and Arctic like, despite the latitude, due to the high elevation. The people of the Changthang are nomadic pastoralists, they are known as 'Changpa', for 'northerners,' or 'Drukpa' for 'Nomads' in Tibetan. The economy of the region is based around the livestock of the Changpa, and the most important resource is the plants the animals graze on. The movement of the Changpa over one year limits the impact that their animals have on the grazing lands, the grasses of which are dead for 8 - 9 months of the year, and provide poor fodder during that time.

Listen to our Co-Founder Babar Afzal on BBC World Service and how the tragedy of 25000 Pashmina Goats that died of starvation changed his course of life.

Unlike many other nomadic pastoralists the Changpa do not move from one climatic region to another; this allows them to move shorter distances in many cases, in the range of about 10 - 40 miles. Migratory routes are established and followed year after year, staying in the same encampments each year, often in camps that have stone walls for corals and for sheltering the tents.

Within the sustainable Pashmina Dialogue we are constantly highlighting that Changthang has been experiencing many socio-economical developments since the late Twentieth Century. Ladakh is one of the regions most exposed to international mass tourism in India. Centuries-old cultural and social fabrics are now changing rapidly, influenced by consumerist and modern lifestyles. This is becoming a source of both concern and hope for the populace of the region.

For each of these process that go into the creation of a beautiful luxurious wrap there is a different expertise and experience needed and each stage of the process has it's own challenges that keep the culture, practices and traditions alive. These skills are passed from one generation to the next and that is how this beautiful yet fragile eco-system has preserved itself from centuries.


To Experience the Finest Form of Pashmina, You can Visit and Order the?Limited Edition Collection?of The Real Pashmina by?#PashminaGoatProject?on the link below. Each Piece is?CERTIFIED HANDMADE, SUSATAINABLE, CONSCIOUS, ORGANIC?and Extremely?SLOW.

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Happy Pashmina To You :)

Team |?#PashminaGoatProject

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