Understanding the Power of what we Think & Say
When we think of the word injure, that does not only relate to physical and verbal. Many will recall the Nursey Rhyme: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”?The rhyme attempts to point out that a physical attack will harm me, but a verbal one will not injure me”. Throughout this article, I will share whether this is true and what impact words we think and say have on us.
The popular Nursey Rhyme appeared first in the Christian Recorder, a Methodist Episcopal Church publication on March 22, 1862.?Although instilling in younger people that words have no power to make them more resilient is admirable, it is false.?Words said to a child or any other person have a more profound effect.?A new rhyme should go like this “Sticks and stones may break my bones, and words may scare me for life.” ??Whether it was a paper cut, scrapped knee, bruised elbow, etc., they all heal quickly, but words how the power to create negativity for years and possibly life.
In 2001, Jonah Lehrer’s elaborated on an experiment he conducted in his book by Frederic Brochet 2001 at the University of Bordeaux.?Brochet took two glasses of the exact white wine and colored one red with food coloring.?He then presented these wines to fifty-seven wine experts, and many described the red wine with all the jargon of high-quality red wine.?Strangely not one of the connoisseurs addressed the red wine that was colored by food coloring to be white.
Later, Brochet took two of the same medium-quality Bordeaux and served them in two bottles.?One bottle had a label to appear fancy as high-quality white wine, and the other was labeled to indicate it was an everyday table wine.?The experts were each given both bottles of wine for their rating, and one that had the fancy label received words such as agreeable, complex, balanced, and rounded.?The other bottle of wine with a standard label was said to be weak, short, light, flat, and straightforward.
One of my favorite indications of proof comes from Masaru Emoto’s Water Experiment results he published around 1999.?Dr. Emoto was a Japanese Scientist that pioneered the understanding that water possessed consciousness, which he worked on for over twenty years until he passed in 2014.?He started freezing water in 1994 and taking photos of the crystal formations.?He observed that playing classical music produced well-shaped crystals, and heavy metal songs caused irregular, broken formations.
Dr. Emoto filled several jars with water one day, labeling them each with either a positive or negative word.?He uses the words “love” and “gratitude,” and they produce beautifully shaped perfect crystals.?The jars labeled with negative words made either no crystals or crystals with broken formations.?He also did this with pictures of mountains from nature and negative pictures, and the same results were derived.
Did you know that 70% of our bodies consist of water? Thus, his experiments aroused the interest of many people.?He demonstrated that our thoughts, words, and images impact the state of water molecules, and author Greg Braden also discovered this.?Gred Braden said, “?Emoto’s work makes me stop and think twice about what I say or think because thoughts and intentions produce an energy that affects matter, either for good or bad.”?Thus, if this is all true, we know that thoughts, words, and images will affect our body’s water and the surrounding cells and organisms
In 2006 a double-blind test of the effects of distant intention on water crystal formation was conducted with approximately 2000 people in Tokyo, which focused on sending positive choices toward water samples located inside an electromagnetically shielded room in California.?The people in this group were unaware of similar water samples set aside in a different location as controls.?Images from both sites were blindly assessed for aesthetic appeal by 100 independent judges.?The results showed that the treated water was given higher scores for aesthetic appeal than those from the control water (P = .001, one-tailed), supporting the hypothesis that sending positive thoughts or intentions to water will. Make them more beautiful.
According to National Geographic, they conducted a Power of Positivity Study on Brain Games, and the results were astounding.?They took volunteers and asked them to make some baskets; many missed ten.?Then they blindfolded the people, and one by one, they had them take shots and were cheered and praised, making them believe they sunk the baskets when they had all missed.?Then they removed the blindfolds and asked the players to shoot again, first missing one or two. The subsequent shots were all sunk baskets.?By making the players think they sunk those shots while blindfolded and rewarding them with positive reinforcement feedback and cheers, their self-confidence was hacked to believe they could do it, and they did.
This has also been proved several times by the Global Consciousness Project, using RNG (Random Number Generators), also referred to as EGG Project, that began in 1998 to study if human consciousness affects machines.?The project monitors a geographically distributed network of hardware random number generators to decipher anomalies of output that correlate to human consciousness, such as in widespread emotional responses to world events.?In the 1990s at Princeton University, Rodger Nelson got the idea that intention was only one piece of the puzzle but attending is also essential.?
There are roughly 66 RNGs placed worldwide, and the number that comes into the generator during everyday events is only that random.?These laboratories and field sites deployed around the globe have had significant proof that human consciousness is affecting these machines. It has been observed that when human consciousness becomes coherent, the behavior of the RNGs may change.?RNGs based on quantum tunneling produce unpredictable sequences of ones and zeros.
In 1997, Rodger Nelson and Dean Raden started experimenting by placing RNGs near a meditating group.?After many tests, they did conclude that when there is mental coherence, the output from the RNG’s is affected and not completely random.?They noticed that after 911, there was a significant spike in the earth’s magnetic fields, which is believed to be because of the mass collection of heart-pouring emotions.?Two satellites over the northern hemisphere send reports every thirty minutes telling scientists how strong the magnetic force is in our earth.?
Scientists noticed that at 9:00 AM, fifteen minutes after the plane hit the first tower, there was a large spike due to human emotion.?RNGs collect data from a global network in close to 70 sites worldwide simultaneously.?Thus, thoughts, primarily those affected by feelings activated through our heart shape, are reality.?Remember to eliminate negative words from your vocabulary and cancel out any negative words you hear from others.?Did you know the heart is our second brain, and it has more connection from it to the brain than the brain to the heart?
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