Understanding the power of Thought for the first time.
David Greenaway
Delivering Peace of Mind Through Driving Licence & Vehicle Checks. Ensuring safety & compliance by providing comprehensive driving licence & vehicle checking services | Barns Cafe Director (Volunteer)
I was at a business planning day held by a superb coach, someone I admire and respect very much. His coaching is excellent, it’s just that I saw things differently to what he was saying. It was a feeling from the soul, the gut that was speaking to me to not accept something because it was being said and therefore it must be true for me. Or at least I wished it was true for me.
I wanted nothing more than to make the coaching work for me but I just knew deep down in my depths that it wouldn't and that it's not how I wanted to BE in business or life.
It is not to say what was being talked about is bad or wrong, it just doesn't work for me and I realised on that day, at that moment, it didn't need to work for me and that's perfectly fine.?
The very thoughts that made me feel unsuccessful and out of place were actually my strengths.
I remember vividly the feeling of relief and becoming free from my own thinking for the first time, even though I did not know it then. The sense of inner peace as I dropped out of beating myself up as to how useless and unsuccessful I am. This was a new feeling. ?
This new feeling stayed with me for a while, I'm not sure exactly how long but it was magnificent, the feeling of freedom and space and a quietening of my mind. It felt like I could See for the first time. An overwhelming sense of it's all ok, I’m not wrong or broken.
Speed through the years to 2020 when I first stumbled onto Sydney Banks and the 3 principles. It was a close call actually, I almost didn't read it when I saw what Syd looked like. ‘What can he teach me?’ I thought. I could have so easily moved on, not listened and life would be, well, like my old life. I didn't though, I pressed play, sat and listened.?
You might be expecting some huge epiphany on life and that I was awakened and enlightened somehow…I wasn’t!?
Syd spoke about the power of thought which was a seed planted, but I did not get the parts on Universal Mind or Consciousness. I thought, what on earth does an old Scottish welder know about life??
What did unconsciously happen though is my mind opened to a new perspective, I ordered a book Syd wrote, the Enlightened Gardener and read it. Then read it again and again. Things were feeling different and I wasn't sure why as I had not done anything other than reading. No new strategies, methods or plans - just reading. Huh!!!
This is where it went a bit nuts, I had started a vortex for myself, I ordered and read it all, and I watched and listened to the 3 principles understanding more and more over and over. I had begun to See my true nature and the true nature of all humans. The more I fought against it and tried to prove it wrong or it was not for me the more it made sense and became the truth. A real truth, like gravity, is a truth.?
Then I remembered how I felt on that day when I had accidentally freed myself. Now I can See what had happened, I realised the power of thought, that I was able to change how I felt and on that day and that I had accidentally had a glimmer of the true me, who I am, not who I was pretending to be or felt I should be.?
Wow! It all fell into place like the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle. Mind, Consciousness and Thought are the powers behind life. The secret of life.
Thought is the creative form that creates every experience in our lives.
Syd Banks
Fast forward to today and my understanding of life and people has shifted, forever and for the better in immeasurable ways. The simple understanding that we live in an inside-out reality, that our circumstances do not control our feelings but that our thoughts about our circumstances control our feelings, changed everything.?
A life where stuff still happens, good and bad and everything in the middle, it's just that I don't need to believe everything I think about all the stuff anymore.?The past is left in the past and the future does not exist.
Naturally, this has had an impact on the coaching and how my time is spent with the people I help. There has been a change in my approach and I can see more clearly than ever that business is people and people might want to see life as it truly is and come to understand who they actually are beyond all their Thinking, the secret of life.?This might be the last piece of their puzzle in life and business.
So there you have it, my story (of sorts) so far. There will never be an end to my learning of the understanding that is the 3 principles and for that, I am eternally grateful. An unshakeable commitment to point others in the direction of changing their lives from the inside-out.
All I have ever truly wanted in life is to be happy, content and at peace, I just did not know it until all the thoughts I took to be true fell away and the actual truth was all that was left. Seeing that I was happy and content and at peace all along was the biggest moment of, let's call it, enlightenment. It’s the stories I thought and then believed that kept my personal well-being buried for so long.?
So Life in Business goes far beyond the next strategy, method or plan but to the root of everything, you, the person and the secrets that lie within you, within us all.
If this touches your soul and you are curious as to what it's all about then just message me and we can talk.?
David Greenaway
Life in Business. Coach.