Understanding - Part 2
What is true understanding? You are in a situation, or have been faced with something, and you don't understand what has happened, or what you are supposed to do. Understanding comes from moving within your own heart, not your head, and seeking knowledge that will lead your heart in the direction it is meant to follow. The brain and the heart go hand in hand, and sometimes it is hard to know which one to follow. Our brain is filled with past experiences that flood our heart with mixed emotions. It is up to us to filter those emotions, and find understanding in the current situation we are faced with. When you reach a true understanding you will feel a click, and it will be like a light that went off in your brain that says "okay, now I get it". Our heart will never lead us in the wrong direction, but our brain will. Fill your heart with knowledge, love, and gratitude, and our brain will click with the understanding that is needed in that very moment that we need to move forward in a positive direction.