Understanding The Origin And Mystery Of Hypnosis
Don L Price

Understanding The Origin And Mystery Of Hypnosis

There are a host of questions brought about simply because of Hollywood’s portrayal of hypnotism; the latest was the movie “Get Out” where a person would be hypnotized by stirring a spoon in a cup of coffee.

There are many other misconceptions surrounding Hypnosis. Lack of education, satanic rituals, cultism, and stage hypnosis. Leading people to believe it’s all about controlling the mind against the will of the person.

Unquestionably when the word hypnosis pops-up in a conversation or in the mainstream press, nostrils flare, minds conjure up strong reactions of parlor tricks and pictures of late night scary movies where starry-eyed maidens are seduced to carry out satanic acts.

Altered states and trance experiences have been around long before the word hypnosis. What is unique about hypnosis is that it’s truly magical and at the same time clearly explainable and understandable. Regardless, of the mystique surrounding hypnosis, there is no hocus-pocus involved.

Researchers understand people who are struggling with any area of life and want to have the fastest and most efficient evidence-based brain technology (hypnosis) to create new habits. attitudes. and behaviors’ will support the change they desire.

The question most often asked, does hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis work? And the answer is yes! Hypnosis occurs in a natural/unintentional way. For a better understanding of how hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis work we need to go back in history and then move into modern science and brain research.

A brief history of hypnosis:

No study can begin without some recognition, examination, and review of the history and/or experience that preceded it.

Dr. James Braid of Scotland in the mid 19th century (1842), devised the word “hypnosis” from the Greek word “Hypnos” which means sleep. Prior to this time and from the late 18th century it was mostly called “Mesmerism” after the German doctor, Frederich Anton Mesmer.

While the suggestive act of “trance” noted by Mesmer and those who followed him differed as to the interpretation, it was Dr. Braid who established the name “hypnosis.” So that there will be no misunderstanding, the word “hypnotism” means exactly the same as “hypnosis.” The state or “trance can then be called hypnotic state, hypnotism, trance or hypnosis. “Hypnotherapy” is the word used professionally by a physician, psychiatrist, clinical psychologist, counselor, dentist or certified hypnotherapist.

For students in hetero-hypnosis, probably no name in history is as important as Dr. Frederich A. Mesmer, also known as Franz Mesmer, Anton Mesmer, Count Mesmer, and Count Franz Mesmer. He was born May 23, 1734, in Iznang, Austria, on the Bordensee (Lake of Constance) which borders Austria, Germany, and Switzerland.

Hypnosis was not truly created by Mesmer, but surely his own suggestive techniques were picked up by his followers and hypnotism, auto-suggestion and hypnotherapy followed.

Father Gassner (1727-1779) was a Roman Catholic priest with parishes in southern Germany, and to this day probably holds the record for inducing the hypnotic state in the shortest possible time – seven seconds.

He amazed medical science, clergy, and others by suddenly appearing before his congregation at Mass bearing an illuminated crucifix, and saying in Latin, the equivalent of “go to sleep.” It was recorded that his congregation immediately slumped in their pews and into a deep somnambulistic trance. He then, it is reported, shouted positive affirmations for healing.

While there is some doubt that Mesmer’s method actually induced the hypnotic state, there is no question about Father Gassner.

While Dr. Mesmer theorized magnets and fluids for “cures,” Fr. Gassner used the immense psychological power of his position and the church to awe and therefore strongly impress (hypnotize) his congregation.

James Braid (1795-1860) As Mesmer is considered the father of hypnosis, Dr. Braid must join him as a co-parent since it was he who gave the term “hypnosis” to the world. Taken from the Greek word “Hypnos,” meaning sleep, Dr. Braid created this word which is now accepted universally.

Born in Fifeshire, Scotland, Braid was educated at the University of Edinburgh. As a young doctor, he moved to Manchester, England, where he conducted his practice throughout his stormy lifetime.

There were others who followed providing words for publication about hypnosis: Charles Darwin (1809-1882), Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), Emile Coue (1857-1926), Aocust Henri Forel (1848-1931) and Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936).

Is Hypnosis Real? Let’s look at Science today!

Irving Kirsch, a lecturer, and director of the Program in Placebo Studies at Harvard Medical School. Kirsch says: “Hypnosis is a well-studied and legitimate form of adjunct treatment for conditions ranging from obesity and pain after surgery to anxiety and stress.”

Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. A stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award

“Hypnosis is the way we learned our programs in the first 6 years of life.”

Dr. Michael Merzenich, widely known as “the father of neuroplasticity” “Neuroplasticity is the brain’s innate ability to change or reorganize itself. The brain can change in both function and structure. That innate potential to change can be harnessed and used to make therapy outcomes better.”  “Dr. Merzenich said… We choose and sculpt how our ever-changing minds will work, we choose who we will be the next moment in a very real sense, and these choices are left embossed in physical form on our material selves.”

Understanding the structure of Self-Hypnosis and how to rewire your mind for health and healing.

You can change and FREE your Mind Of Toxic Habits, Attitudes, Behaviors, Emotions, and feelings

  • Overcoming procrastination, doubt, and fear
  • Improve memory, retention & comprehension
  • Stress control and manage panic anxiety
  • Sports excellence, sleep, confidence, and self-esteem

Read my Blog on The Fundamentals of Self-Hypnosis.


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