Nigeria is so often misunderstood due to lopsided coverage of the country and its people by western media, and by the fact that a relative minority of thugs, corrupt criminals and terrorists have hijacked the reputation and perception of Nigeria and Nigerians.
There are no people anywhere in the world quite like Nigerians and here are some of the reasons why.
- Nigerians are proud, confident African people. This confidence is often misconstrued as brashness or arrogance. But that's not it at all. Nigerians are simply supremely confident and do not require, nor seek, any outside validation or approval of who and what they are as Nigerians and as Africans.
- Nigerians are proud of their cultures and traditions and love to share them with anyone who is interested. They will extend invitations to Nigerians and Non-Nigerians alike to join in the festivities and celebrations. If you have ever observed or attended a Nigerian event, you know that you will be treated to Nigerian music, dance, food, speeches and an all around good time. And all the while, you will be made to feel welcome and valued.
- Nigerians are highly educated. In the United States, Africans are the most highly educated immigrant group, and among them, Nigerians in particular have attained the highest levels of education. Education is highly valued in Nigeria, beginning from childhood and continuing on to adulthood.
- Family. Well, for Nigerians, there is nothing more important than family. Family is not limited to the immediate family, not by any means. Family includes the entire extended family, from the nuclear family, to the neighborhood, to the village, to the hometown. Family means grandparents and a host of aunts, uncles, cousins, and more cousins, nieces and nephews. Family duty and obligation is expected and families help each other out financially, emotionally, physically, and in any other way that help is needed. According to a World Bank blog article, Nigerians in the Diaspora sent home $25 billion in 2018. A lot of it was sent to help support family and friends back home. Read the blog article here
- Nigerians are exuberant. When a group of Nigerians are gathered together and discussing an event or topic, it can sound loud and argumentative. This is because a Nigerian will defend his or her position boisterously. It can even sound like the participants may come to blows, but it mostly playful bravado and will blow over. You don't have to worry that one of the participants will take it all too personally, go home, get a gun, and come back to shoot the person he disagreed with.
- Nigerians are very hospitable. It is a rare thing for you to visit a Nigerian's house, whether in Nigeria or in some other country, and not be welcomed with meal or a snack, or a drink, at the very least.
- Closely related to Nigerian hospitality is Nigerian generosity. If a Nigerian has something and you admire it, they may just offer it to you, "Here, take." It's no big deal. And if it is not given to you right then and there, the next time you visit, you may be presented with a gift of something similar.
- Community is very important. Nigerians help each other out in times of crisis, loss, or illness. No matter where they are in the world, there are Nigerian communities and organizations that help each other. A call goes out that someone needs help and Nigerians, if they are able, will send money to help, even when they don't know the person. All that matters is that a fellow Nigerian needs help. These organizations also provide a space for Nigerians to stay connected while living abroad.
- When it comes to entrepreneurship and creativity, Nigerians are at the helm. This is seen in child inventors working on projects in school or by the roadside, using whatever materials are available. You recognize it in the accomplishments of numerous Nigerian immigrants who contribute to the success and innovations of corporations and organizations in the fields of technology, medicine, education, literature, finance, science and so much more. And of course, there is Nollywood, Nigeria's movie and entertainment industry.
- Nigerians have the ability to laugh at themselves and not take everything so seriously. If there is something to laugh about, a Nigerian will surely find that one thing.
- Even during challenging and bleak times, Nigerians remain keenly optimistic and hopeful. They are confident that, given time, they will find a way and all will be well.
- And one last thing. Nigerians are convinced that they make the best jollof rice!
3 年Beautifully written, and knowing Mary, I believe it all sincerely! Thank you, Mary!