Understanding More About Our Reality
Chapter 1
How did it start?
The Universe has uncertain beginnings. Where it began and how it began is also uncertain.
The forces that move the Universe and which crafts planets and solar systems is given the name of Nature. The forces that create the environments, that drives the creation and existence of different species and which has also created us Humans, is also given the name of Nature.
On Earth we can see many examples of Natures work. We can see the patterns, systems, structures, processes and we can get an insight into Natures Philosophy and Psychology.
Nature invites us to look at it in many different ways and from many different perspectives. Some only want to look at Nature from a Scientific perspective, some want to look at Nature from a Religious perspective, some from a Spiritual perspective and many simply do not care and simply want to get through the day.
When we look at Nature, regardless of the prism that we use, we see Patterns, Structures, Systems, Processes and a repetition of these, over and over again; using different scales of Time, Distance, Size and Complexity.
Nature has created Reality Matrix's that we are a part off and we can get a glimpse into these on and from the Earth.
It is my view that Nature has a Philosophy that it follows. This Philosophy produces a Psychology.
This Psychology produces Behaviours, Actions, Systems, Structures and Processes. These produce a Whole that is greater than the Sum of its Parts.
We call the Parts of the Whole that we can understand and experience; our Reality.
Human's are part of the Whole of Nature and we have our own reality; our reality is also subject to the Philosophy and Psychology of Nature.
Surrounding the Human reality are other realities that we connect with, that we exist within and which exist independently of our own reality. We are parts of the Sum that contributes to the Whole.
An example of this relationship between the Whole and the Sum of its parts can be seen in Spectrums; for example the colour pallet and the radiation pallet.
Another important way that this relationship can be seen is in the Confluence relationships that are abundant in Nature. The way that Nature uses Confluences to blend together Environments, Structures, Systems, Processes and Scale is indeed Masterful and Elegantly Simple.
Human's are failing to recognise the Confluence Processes and Patterns within our own world and within our place in Natures matrix.
We can see examples of Natures repeated used of its Psychology through its use of the Fractal process.
Human's are part of a Reality Matrix, in much the same way that our solar system is a part of the Reality Matrix of the Milky Way galaxy.
The Milky Way galaxy, in its turn, is then part of a larger Reality Matrix for galaxies; and this process of combining goes on until a Greater Confluence is established. Once a Greater Confluence of galaxies is established, it becomes like the Confluence of our solar system. It becomes a part of the Whole; the Whole being the Universe.
Confluences can create systems which are dynamic but which also appears stable; while at the same time a vast amount of change can occur within the Confluences. For example think of our solar system and the other Confluences of which we are a part. Now think of the vast amount of change which occurs within our solar system and within/on our planet.
It is my view, that Confluence Systems grow in scale until the whole of the reality of our Universe is incorporated within them. We then become part of the Confluence of other Universes and the same Philosophy and Psychology applies: The Whole is greater than the Sum of its parts; the nature of the Whole can be changed when the Parts of the Sum change their nature; It is this simple process that allows for Evolution at all scales.
Once again we are part of the Whole, which is greater than the Sum of its parts. Over time, the nature, structures, processes and systems of the Sum of its parts can change; this allows for the nature of the Whole to also change while still allowing the Whole to continue to exist.
This is an example of Evolution across the entirety of Nature and all that is contained within Nature and not simply an example of the Evolution of Life Forms.
For example; the Earth can change, the Sun can change and our Moon can change; but they still remain part of our Solar System; as long as our Solar System exist. If our Solar System ceased to exist in its current form, it would change its form and become a part of other Confluences.
This simple process of Confluence Development also applies to Human Behaviours and the systems, structures and processes we create and use. We fail to see the impact of Nature upon ourselves and the environments in which we live; we tend instead to focus on the human environment which we create.
The Human Impact exist and the shape of that impact can change as the shape of the parts that create that impact change. For example; Humans are focused on Climate Change without really understanding the processes involved. In my view; it is short term thinking and actions that will not really affect the long term outcomes. The Human view has become too narrow and it is looking at the wrong things.
Within the Philosophy and Psychology of:
The Whole is greater than the Sum of its parts but the nature of the Whole can be changed and influenced, as the Parts of its Sum are changed.
Within this process, scale can and does change and the relevance of scale also changes.
For example; we can see the workings of these processes out in the Cosmos, but we fail to see the working of these processes within our own planet, within Human societies and within ourselves.
Within Nature, the scale changes from that of the Cosmos to that of the individual, the family, the community, the populations; but we are so caught up in the process of living, that we fail to understand the real forces of Nature that are also being applied to us, as a part of the different Confluences in which we are an active part.
Chapter 2
What Is Real Time?
We need to appreciate that it is estimated that a galactic cycle (one rotation) of the Milky Way galaxy is estimated to take about 250,000,000 years (Our Solar year is 365 days).
With the dynamics of the interplay of the different Galactic Confluences that can occur both locally and within the greater Whole, being so huge; both local and wider felt influences will occur, these will include the processes that lead to change; processes that will begin, stop, pause, restart, speed up, slow down and continue.
All these things can happen within a Common Timeline and within Individual Timelines; all are possible at the same time because of the Layering Affect and the Confluence Affect that fits within the Psychology of: The Whole is greater than the Sum of its parts; but the nature of the Whole can be changed through the changing of the nature of the Parts of its Sum.
We can see this process in action.
If we consider our own solar system and the Mechanics of Movement within it. Those same types of mechanics of movement are present in other solar systems. As we move to the larger scale of a galaxy, those same mechanics of movement still exist. As we then move on to a larger scale of galaxy clusters and super clusters; the same Mechanics of Movement still exist.
Within the Confluences of galaxies, many changes will occur within the Whole; Solar Systems will change, the shape of the galaxy may change, there will be huge levels of change within the different galactic bodies such as moons and planets.
Throughout all those changes, the galaxy will continue to exist; that Whole will continue to exist until the pressures from other Confluences come to bear and begin to act upon that Whole.
Within this process, we have both stability, change and evolution occurring at the same time.
In our universe, nothing seems to be totally stationary or perfectly still.
Things are Relative to other things. For example; on Earth I may stand perfectly still, but the world is rotating and spinning through space, it is doing this within the orbit of the sun, which is also rotating and spinning through space within the orbit of the Milky Way galaxy; which in its turn is also going through the same process.
I can be stationary only by reference to something else which is fixed in position on this planet, but I cannot be stationary within the Confluences of the Universe.
Time has the same type of problem. Time can be relative to Process but it cannot be independent of it; as the Purpose and Use of Time is Relative to the Process that it is being used to measure.
It is why I have a problem with Time being used on so many arguments about things like the horizons of Black Holes. Time does not slow down because Time itself does not exist. The Process of things can change and we can use Time to measure and become a part of the Process of change but it does not exist independently of it. It becomes a Relative Factor that we use to compare process.
This is where Relative becomes important and it is important in so many of the things which are part of the Whole and Part of the Sum of its parts.
This is also important in Human Behaviours; such is the real scope of Nature, that it works on our scale and on scales that are greater and smaller than us; all at the same time.
It is this and many other processes which lead me to not believe in the Big Bang Theory.
The Philosophy and Psychology of the Universe is such that it behaves and acts upon the Whole and the Sum of its Parts all of the time.
The problem that we as Humans have, is that we are not used to Multi-level, Multi-dimensional, Multi-structured, Multi-timed processes that appear random and chaotic but in reality are simply another form of Complex Order which is part of the Layering process of Nature.
This Complex Order then joins the other Forms of Complex Order to create families, communities and become a part of the perpetual diasporic of Nature through the Dynamic Confluences of the Processes of Nature.
Whatever Nature creates will become incorporated into one or more of the Confluences of Nature and become a part of that Whole and the greater Whole. For example; our Solar System is one Confluence and our Galaxy is another Confluence.
Because of the Timescales of many of these processes being so long and many of these processes being so large; it is possible for other processes to occur within one Part of the Sum of its parts, as it moves to another position on its journey. This produces Processes within the dynamics of other processes (Another way to say this is Layering).
For example; a galaxy may be on the journey of a Process, on that journey it forms many different Solar Systems which may last for billions of years. Within those Solar Systems there are many planets and many moons. On those planets and moons, different Life Forms become possible and some may be created and experience the process of living.
On that journey the galaxy will form its unique identity with many different solar systems of many different types. In those solar systems will be many different types of worlds, with many different types of Life Forms on them.
Because of the length of the processes involved, each Life Form has an opportunity to experience Life and its development. Their DNA Templates can be spread around within their environment and no-one really knows where they will ultimately end up.
The creation of life and the existence of life has occurred within the process of creation that involves galaxies and very long periods of Time. The events need to be understood as being a part of a larger process and not as a series of unconnected events. It is the Processes within the dynamics of other processes that produces such variations and varieties of all the different types and purposes of Matter.
It so happens that the Processes within the dynamics of other processes, that can create galaxies, has other Layers within it, that allows for the creation of solar systems and worlds that can support the development of Life Forms.
The Life Forms on Earth are part of that process and are subject to the same Philosophy and Psychology of Nature (This is what I call Natures Fractals).
The Matrix of Nature is a living thing with many different EcoCultures, many different scales and many different lengths of process (I do not believe that Time is a constant of the Universe; Processes being in process is a constant and the process of measuring the actions of those processes is what we call Time. Time itself is a process in which the process of attempting to measure other processes also varies in the same way as other processes do; it is a false constant).
Chapter 3
The Philosophy and Psychology of Nature
Whatever your position on the creation of the Universe, there is a consensus of views that there is a Psychology and a Philosophy involved.
I say this because with religion they have teachings and practices that involve dealing with a Devine Intelligence. With science, they have to acknowledge the presence of a mind greater than theirs. They may argue about how the mind is constituted but the reality, in all circumstances, is that human's did not create Nature; Nature created human's.
My personal view is that Nature has a Philosophy and that this Philosophy creates a Psychology; that Psychology in turn creates the patterns, systems, structures, methods, practices and behaviours of what we call Nature.
One of the Philosophies of Nature, that it uses across the Whole of Nature is this.
The use of:
Layers, Spectrums, Blends and Confluences.
That Philosophy also becomes part of the Psychology of Nature with its usage in effect across the entire matrix of Nature. From the very small scale to the very large scale and everything in between (including us Humans).
It is this process that is employed at the level of Human's, which creates our ability to survive and thrive within any environment on this planet.
As an example; think of the Layers of different Life Forms that exist on Earth and their capabilities, capacities and potentials.
Our DNA template creates the body and form of the Life Form. This includes the Brain and the capacity and capabilities of that brain.
Within the brain, our Mind is created.
Our Brain/Mind and Body/Environment works through a Confluence process that I call the process of the Environment Confluence?.
Our Environment Confluence? is what enables us to create our individual identity, our characters, behaviours and actions.
The Environment Confluence? has a dynamic capability that allows for a wide range of responses.
That same process is available to all Life Forms on this planet and versions of this system are relative to the form, function and purpose of the Life Form.
For example; a tree will have DNA and it will have its own version of the Environment Confluence?. A Mouse, Rat, Dog, Cat, Rabbit, Horse, Toad, Lizard and Snake, will all have their own versions of DNA and their own Versions of the Environment Confluence?.
The bringing together of these processes; the capabilities of DNA and the Environment Confluence?, creates more potential variety and more potential complexity, that may or may not be available to that Life Form.
Some Life Forms, like Humans, will use more complexity while other Life Forms will use less complexity. For example; a Human compared to a Frog.
When we stand back from our own proximity to these processes, we can see that Nature is using its simple Philosophy and its simple Psychology across the Life Form matrix on our planet.
The reusing of successful systems, processes, structures and methods in nature is another of Natures Philosophies. Look at the use of DNA and the Environment Confluence? within Life Forms.
All known Lifeforms are made from materials which we consider to be inanimate (not in any way alive). For example; Iron, Nickel, Copper, Carbon, Hydrogen.
These materials can be reactive but Humans do not consider that they have the capabilities or capacities for the presence of a brain or a mind. Humans use the phrase; Non Sentient to classify them as a form of matter that is devoid of Sentient life.
Human's have very set opinions about many things and many of those things are not correct.
All the materials from which we and every Life Form is created and the material of every other thing which we consider living; was not created by Human's. However; without the existence of these materials; we simply would not exist.
We need the inanimate for us to be animated.
The materials that are used in the creation of Life Forms were brought together through a process that we call DNA and DNA can be considered to be a Production Platform.
That Production Platform will use materials that it connects with, in order to build, following the capabilities, capacities and potential of that DNA Template and it will also be adaptable (this allows for different types of Evolution).
Nature had developed a number of Production Platforms that it uses repeatedly.
The Production Platforms used will also use the process of:
Layers, Spectrums, Blends and Confluences.
The Layers are the first part of the process that determine the location of the item in Natures Matrix.
When we think in terms of Layers we need to think a bit differently. Layers can be created through connections and they can have any orientation. In addition, Nature may use Layers on one orientation and then involve another Layer or Layers in other orientations. As an example, think of bones in a body and the way that it helps to support and aid the functions of the body but it is also a part of the body.
Spectrums can create ranges of materials, some of which are considered solid and some which are not. Spectrums are part of the gathering process for the Materials that are available and which can be used;
Blends are the selections of the Materials and the Confluences are the final product through the bringing together of the Blends and any other influences. Other influences can be applied at any of the stages and be incorporated into the Whole (These influences include Environmental Influences).
The Intelligence for what to do with the materials and how to use those materials throughout the lifetime of the Life Form is provided by the DNA Template.
What you have to realise is that Nature uses Layers upon Layers. Each Layer may be simple and through the process of putting one simple Layer upon the other; it creates something that is complex.
Nature can then Layer that complexity with other simple and complex Layers, to create something that combines processes from different environments that will have capabilities, capacities and potential which is not always obvious.
For example; the creation of Atoms, through the gathering and arranging of Electrons, Neutrons, Positrons and Quarks.
These are arrangements of different types of Energy and different types of Fields that can have gone through many different processes before arriving at that stage.
Each type of Atom is the Confluence of other processes, systems and structures that has produced the Atoms and which themselves will produce Elements that we show in the Periodic Tables.
Those Elements then go on to produce materials such as Silver which form part of our Layer of reality.
It is my view that the creation of Atoms is also a process that works with the Layering, Spectrums, Blends and Confluences Philosophy; with processes that include Energy Compression, Energy Locking, Magnetic Tensions, Resonant Frequencies and Environmental Factors (such as higher levels of cold than we are told are possible).
Each stage of the process can lock in characteristics, that then allows the next stage to perform its Confluences; until we eventually arrive at the layered Atom structure and the layered parts which make up that structure. The Atom is the next stage in the Confluence and the Atom will go on to join other Confluences to create matter and also to create matter that has specific purposes and utility. For example; Life Forms, Oxygen and Water.
Remember, that Space is a much larger supply store than a planet like Earth. Capabilities are possible across the Universe that we cannot comprehend.
It is my view that Quantum's also have a DNA like process and this is indicated in the Periodic Tables. It is my view that Nature can created different Quantum DNA realities and that we experience, currently, only one of those.
Facilities like the Hadron super collider are probably creating what are called exotic particles that may be indicative of the ability to form new elements with changes to the Quantum.
However; those particles will only survive in our reality until the pressure to conform to our Quantum DNA reality is exerted. It is my view that those materials closest to our own spectrum will likely be the ones that we would experience first.
An example of this process of locking in capabilities, capacities and potential is shown in the process of Super Conductivity. When the material is brought to a much lower temperature than normal, its properties change and new functionality become possible.
As further examples we can look at fuels on this planet. Oil, gas, petrol, diesel, coal, wood and Nuclear. Each can have different Energy Densities and Energy Variability. This shows that it is possible to pack different energy densities into different materials that perform in different ways.
If we can ever work our way through the myriad of Processes, Systems and Structures that Nature uses; we will find that DNA is not a unique process for Life Forms.
It is my view, that all materials, including radiations, that exist in our Universe will have their equivalent of the Life Form DNA. I call this process Quantum DNA's, Matter DNA's and DNA Templates for processes, systems and structures. We can begin exploring these by looking at the Elemental Tables. These then, simply, become examples of Natures use of Fractals.
Within Life Forms the DNA seems to work like a seed, examples of the DNA are contained within the Life Form and the Life Form constructs around it.
With other types of DNA this process does not have to be followed. DNA templates can work with form and also with function and need only operate at key moments.
For example; at the point at which a Confluence may create a Black Hole, the structure of the Black Hole could easily support a DNA template (In affect; the Black Hole is constructed following a DNA template and this then determines its capabilities, capacities and potential) at each stage where the material/energy is being processes.
This would then enable the Black Hole to provided the correct type of material into any particular environment.
If we apply Natures Psychology of:
Layers, Spectrums, Blends and Confluences.
We can then begin to see that for Nature to create Universes, other than our own; it simply needs to change the Quantum nature of the materials that it uses; which then goes on to be used within the creation of Life Forms and other structures.
For example; within our Universe it is not possible for Elements to have more or less Quantum than they have within their Quantum DNA range. Hence, we have the Life Forms that we have and which we can see and interact with; this is our part of the Layers, Spectrums, Blends and the Confluences for our reality.
If you change the Nature of the matter and the materials which create that reality; you change the Nature of that reality.
This is a part of: The Whole is greater than the Sum of its Parts. If we change the Nature of the Parts of the Sum; then we can change the Nature of the Whole.
Nature shows us that the processes that are used to create the materials which are used in the construction of things, can also change.
In it normal Philosophy and Psychology, Nature would once again use the process of Layers, Spectrums, Blends and Confluences, to create the possibility of more variations and more varieties.
In addition; a few materials show us the way that an Element will change when the Quantum DNA range changes. These are ones that are visible to us; we cannot see the ones that are not visible to us (once again, see the Periodic Table).
This can also be a clue to the reality of Alternate Universes or Alternative Realities.
How much of the fundamental structure really needs to change for material to become unvisible and unattainable to us within our reality?
It is my view that each Universe or Reality is made from the various DNA type templates (Life Form DNA, Material DNA, Quantum DNA and Natures Fractals). This produces the fundamental particles and structures that go on to create the Elements and which then go on to create the materials from which substances and Life Forms are made.
Like all construction, some materials can be used for many different purposes and it is logical to think that Nature would do the same thing. What we would call an Exotic Particle or Exotic Material can become a part of the normal construction process of many things, in different ways and at different stages of that construction.
The combining of Exotic Particles can be the same building process as in our Universe but because of the different nature and characteristics of the evolution of the product being created and its intended location within Natures Matrix; its reality does not exist in any Universe other than its own. Personally; I think that this is part of Natures plan.
We can think of a Universe as being like an Atmosphere on a plant like Earth. Things evolve to survive in that atmosphere and cannot exist without that atmosphere. When we want to leave the planet, we need to take the characteristics of that atmosphere with us to survive.
This simple process helps to keep things local to the environments in which they were created.
This is the Layering principle and the Confluence principle again.
This process of Localisation becomes possible at the early stages of construction, all the way through to the final stages of construction. Also scale can change as these processes move forwards and they combine and become a part of other processes. This means that the same process can be used at different stages to create different outcomes that become locked in at those different stages.
This is likely to be what processes like Super Conductivity can show us.
It is my view that Alternate Realities would exist and they would be like things which sit on a spectrum.
Each Reality is part of the spectrum but also unique in their part of the spectrum. For example; Radiation and Colours exist in spectrums and also as unique parts of that spectrum. They also exist as parts of a Whole in which they are part of the Sum of its parts.
The Life Form DNA Template is a dynamic process, it is like a seeds being put into different soils and then making use of the different materials it finds to produce a product. The resulting Life Form does not solely have to conform to the requirements of the DNA template, as the DNA template has the ability to be broken down and reformed (this is what Humans are doing with DNA resequencing).
In one type of soil a Life Form of one type, with a range of capabilities, capacities and potentials can be produced. Put the same seed into a different type of soil and what it produces can be similar or completely different, because of the potential of the different materials it will find and use.
The DNA process has the ability to begin the process in different ways and the Template will try to produce a Life Form according to its Algorithmic capabilities; I call these Smart Algorithms.
We can begin to see that with just a few DNA type templates that cover Material Creation, Life Form Creation, Material Use and the Management of Environments; that Nature can move certain materials into places and begin the processes; then allow the Processes to continue and eventually develop into something that we can understand (It is my view that the Evolution capacity is designed into the DNA platforms)
If we think about it, Nature has already created Smart Matter, Self Replicating Organic Structures, Nano Technology and different forms of Intelligence. Now Nature is spreading them throughout the Universes; we are part of that process.
All you have to do is to look at all the Life Forms on the Earth through a different prism, to see and understand this.
It is my view that Each Universe is a vast Ecosystem that connect too and with other vast Ecosystems.
Our own Universe is a vast Ecosystem that we can use the Earth to begin to understand; at least in part.
On Earth we have different Ecosystems, different Ecologies, different Environments and we have many Confluences that come together and conform to a common Philosophy and a common Psychology.
This includes the many different Life Forms that have been created through the use of the DNA Template and the use of the Environment Confluence? Template which produces capabilities within the Life Forms that are specific to their species.
We also have a variety of methods for the distribution of materials across the planet.
We have water systems, weather systems, volcanic systems, life form distribution and Space interactions with Space Winds, meteorites, comets and other particles that connect with the earth and become a part of the Earth process.
It is my view that we are a part off and subject to the influences off Cosmic Weather Systems and Confluence Systems; but we do not understand anything about Cosmic Weather Systems or Confluence Systems.
I say this because: Any sufficiently large volume can create and produce symptoms within its mass and across its volume that are akin to weather patterns that we are familiar with on Earth.
Space and that which exist within Space, certainly has sufficiently large volume and mass. We don't have to be able to see the mass for it to be having an affect.
For example; a nebula, a galaxy, a solar system all have volume and mass; it is my view that it is unlikely that weather only exist within atmospheres such as we have here on Earth. We simply have become conditioned to think like that.
In reality; Space itself becomes the atmosphere of the Universe.
My personal view is that we should consider our Universe as a unique Ecosystem that has the capabilities to connect with and too other Ecosystem Universes.
Although our Universe has a very long life span, it is subject to the same Philosophy and Psychology as all the other Universes.
The Whole is greater than the Sum of its parts, applies to all Universes. As the nature of the parts begins to modify and change; so the nature of the Whole begins to modify and change.
Our universe does not need to have a Big Bang or a catastrophic end. It can simply modify the nature of the Parts that make up the Whole to gradually change the Nature of the Whole. This is my view of what will be more likely.
Our universe is not a one way process. New things can be created within our universe and from our universe. Look at Nebulae as an example; where did all of that matter really come from?
It is my view that our Universe is not a all or nothing process with a big beginning and a big end. It is my view that Evolution exist across the matrix of Nature and that our Universe will simply follow the psychology that; the Whole is greater than the Sum of its Parts, the nature of the Parts can be changed and they in turn can change the nature of the Whole.
To understand this; imagine the Earth over a time span of just one million years.
Now think of all the real changes that will occur during that time span. Forest will begin to flourish, mature and then cease; the courses of rivers will change; mountains will erode and new ones will be created; grasslands will develop, lakes will be created, seas will be created and some will cease; Life forms will begin, mature and cease to have dominant footholds in their environments.
So; the whole EcoCulture changes but the Earth still continues to exist and it will continue to exist until another Confluence comes along and changes the nature of the ball of matter that we call Earth.
When the ball of matter ceases to be a ball of matter; the Earth still continues to exist but as matter that is on a very long journey and as part of other Confluences; the Universal Confluence.
In my view, it is likely that what we call Gravity is formed by a Confluence that is similar to the relationship of Electricity and Magnetism. It is also my view that Gravity exist for another purpose, other than that which is the common view.
Chapter 4
The Universal Confluence
Nature does not waste vast amounts of energy for no purpose. If the scale is too great, if the final outcomes are to distant, we as humans simply do not see them.
It is my view that we are a part of the Universal Confluence. So what is the Universal Confluence?
It is my view that Nature has developed a Philosophy and as a result of that Philosophy it has also developed a Psychology.
Natures Psychology leads to the patterns, structures, systems, processes and behaviours that Nature and the creations of Nature use.
The Universal Confluence is based on the Philosophy and Psychology of Nature and these are applied across all of Natures activities.
At times the process of Layers, Spectrums, Blends and Confluences becomes so complicated and interwoven, that we cannot see things with enough clarity. However; if we stand back we have more chance of achieving an understanding.
Here is what I think that the Universal Confluence is influenced by. There is no order of importance to these things, as these also form a Confluence.
The explanation for many events from Science is that the events are random and things, possibilities, happen because of those random events.
With this approach, anything becomes possible; but not probable.
Nature works with Probable Confluences, within which there are many possible outcomes. This allows for Order and for Chaos to exist within the same processes.
We can look to ecosystems on our own planet to see this in action. For example; Cross species competition, predation and inter species competition; all living within shared ecosystems.
As I said before, Nature had a Philosophy and a Psychology. Wasting vast amounts of energy on unnecessary task is not a part of that process.
It is my view that Nature uses a simple process within the formation and management of the Universal Confluence.
It will apply Layers, Spectrums, Blends and Confluences as a Fractal across its works at all scales.
It will also apply the simple philosophy: The Whole is greater than the Sum of its parts; the Nature of the Whole can be changed as the Nature of the Parts of the Sum are changed.
These then becomes a part of the Psychology of Nature which produces its behaviours, actions, processes, systems and structures. Human's are also responding to this in their behaviour patterns but they are often too close to these activities to see them clearly.
It is my belief, that we can see only a part of what Nature has created. Not only because of vast distances but also because of Perception Capabilities.
If our Perception Capabilities were placed on the spectrum of light, our perception capabilities would be the visible light spectrum; a small part of the actual spectrum. As with light radiation; there is much that we simply cannot see.
To look further than that which we can see; we can use some of the acts of Nature that we can see to understand to a greater extent.
For example; the Earth exist but the Earth is undergoing constant change to its environment and within its environment.
The Earth rotates, the Earth also moves through Space in an Orbit around our sun. Our planet engages in influences with other planets in our solar system as it does this. The other planets are doing the same thing.
Our sun is influenced through the movements of the planets that are in its immediate orbit.
Our Solar System is part of what we call the Milky Way, the galaxy that we consider ourselves to be a part off.
Our Solar System is caught within the rotation of the Milky Way galaxy and the estimated time for a single rotation of the Milky Way galaxy is 250,000,000 million years.
Human's have only existed for a small portion of one rotation and we have only had observations of Nature for an even smaller portion of that time.
We have no idea of the affects of changing confluences within the Milky Way galaxy and how they will affect our planet and other phenomena within the Milky Way galaxy.
As our planet rotates within the Milky Way galaxy, other galaxies also rotate and will include the Milky Way galaxy within their own Confluences.
The energy required to move a galaxy is huge. Each galaxy is not only rotating but also following an orbital path. Just like our Solar System; the galaxies are also likely to be following an additional orbital path; The same as our Solar System (orbits within the Milky Way galaxy and orbits within the group of galaxies in which the Milky Way galaxy is included). This forms a Confluence of Galaxies.
It is my view that Nature does not waste the vast resources of Motion that occurs with everything from a moon to a super galaxy. That motion will be creating and producing something, something so vast that we cannot comprehend it.
It is possible, in my view, that we can comprehend Natures possible purposes through comparison with reference to Electricity and Magnetism. These are two phenomena that are linked on our world.
It is my view that Nature is using Motion by bodies to create new energy and new fields of energy influence and that Gravity is part of that process.
My view is that Nature is doing this at different scales and using many different Confluences; still using its Philosophy and Psychology which produces Natures Fractals.
On Earth we use Magnets in this process to produce what we call Electricity from a Confluence of materials and processes.
As an example of Fields of Energy Influence; we have a view and a model of what we call Gravity. It is quite possible that we are correct in some of our observations about the affects of Gravity but we are wrong about the processes and purposes of what we can observe.
If Matter leads to life forms and it is required for life, then Matter becomes a part of the Evolution of that which created it.
In Nature there are many reasons why materials group together and this includes the bio-masses of Life Forms.
It is my view, that at some point in the Life of Matter, that that Matter will need to be topped up with energy to continue to exist within its same form or structure that creates the form. It is quite possible that all the motion within the Universe provides the yet unknown types of energy and fields of energy influence that would contribute to this process; at a massive scale.
A process like this would also provide new material for further development of this universe. I expand upon this in the section; Genesis Energy.
Within Life Forms this process of continuity is created by the production of new Life Forms. The old ones die and the new ones are charged with new energy and they then continue the process.
Chapter 5
How did it start? Something from Nothing
Imagine a void where nothing has any connection to anything else. All things in there are Neutral; including the void itself.
There is no reference to any thing or to any point; as there is nothing to have reference or relevance too. There are no points of attraction and no forces applied to anything. It is a true void.
Let's imagine that this void is full of Pre-Energy which is in its smallest of forms. Pre-Energy is what exist before Energy itself is made and it is completely neutral in every respect.
The energy is filling the Space but is not interacting with anything; including itself. It has no reason to do so.
This is the Pre-Stage of a Universe. No forces are being applied and nothing has any need to move.
Eventually, the first Energy DNA comes into the void. The process of creation begins.
For Nothing to exist, there has to be a context for Nothing to exist within.
Nothing exist within a context to something that does exist and which is recognisable. For example; light exist because of darkness and darkness exist because of light; the type and quality of the light or the dark does not matter as they are providing a contrast.
Something can exist regardless of whether we can see it or experience it. Very small things exist and we know that they make up larger things. At this moment in time we really do not know how small, small really is or how large something really has the capabilities to be.
We as Humans, simply do not know off or about those things that we cannot see. Black Holes and their operations are one such thing.
Black Holes are thought by many to be the most destructive force in the Universe. I have a different view.
Nature takes the Philosophy and Psychology of creation into its different aspects and we can use our knowledge of things like the Sun and other larger bodies to see how this would be applied.
A fundamental plank of Natures actions is the use of Layers, Spectrums, Blends and Confluences.
Applying this to Black Holes would then take us to reasoning that there are many different types and purposes for Black Holes.
I have the view that our Universe is part of an Ecosystem and that other Universes are also Ecosystems that connect together and interact with each other. The interaction may be as simple material exchange.
If that were correct, then Nature would require one or more methods of moving things around, of recycling them and repurposing them within and around the different realities and Universes.
Exploding stars would simply be one method but it is a rather inefficient process. Active stars have the ability to spread different types of radiation around but this also is inefficient.
It is my view that Stars form part of a Confluence process that will be a part of Natures Philosophy and Psychology. Our understanding of stars and their full purposes is very limited at the moment.
As Humans we can have a limited view of things and to better understand the workings of Nature we need to broaden that view.
I have mentioned my view that any sufficiently large object would be able to exhibit weather like dynamics. Space is a sufficiently large object and so are galaxies.
Within the space of Space there are many forces at work and Space is subject to many stresses and dynamic tensions.
We assume that for pressure to exist, that matter has to be the thing that creates that pressure. The reality is that an absence of things can also create pressures.
Personally, I think that we need to think of areas of space and space itself, more in terms of fluid dynamics. It is dynamics that we are not used to thinking off but I think it would be more useful to do so.
Pressure variations in Space would potentially be huge, but simple items, such as a vacuum cleaner, hydraulics and pneumatics, shows us the utility that a vacuum and pressure differences can be put too.
We use vacuum pressure to move items that are small but which can be moved in large quantities with persistent use of the vacuum process. For example; moving bulk lose cargo from ships and moving flour and other small items around in factories.
If we take the Big Bang view of creation it excludes our taking a much broader view of the Universe. It limits our perceptions to a point of origin and the consequences of the Big Bang.
My view is that space is populated with material in different ways and that material will be moved through Space in different ways. I personally do not believe in the Big Bang Theory.
My view is that it does not take collapsing stars for Black Holes to be created; although that may be a process that can lead to one.
I think that imbalances in Space can produce sufficient Pull and Push, to create a link to other areas of Space from which to draw materials or in which to put materials. It is this what can create and make an active Black Hole. On Earth, as examples, we have weather systems and tidal patterns.
One end of the Black Hole is where we can see it and the other end or ends are where we cannot see. Not being visible does not mean that it does not exist.
Nature would not waste the resources of matter or energy with Black Holes if it did not have a place within the lexicon of Nature.
So what might that place be?
It is my view that we need to think of Space differently, instead of a large volume with discrete places that we call Nebula and Galaxies, we should think of Space like we would think of the surface of the Earth. Everything on the surface of the Earth is connected, one way or another, to the Earth itself and that which surrounds it.
Space is just like this. One part of Space is connected too and with other parts of Space and just like we have here on Earth; the nature of the connecting environments can change.
The Earth has weather systems, Space is also likely to have some form of weather systems that respond to certain forces. Those systems are likely to be galaxy dependent, solar system dependent and planet dependent. So; just like we would have here on Earth, out in Space we would have Confluences of weather patterns.
As we move on to larger formations of bodies, the size of the Confluences will change and the behaviours of the Confluence can also change. As examples, we can consider the behaviours of water in a bucket, in a lake, in a river and in an ocean. It is all water, but it comes in different Confluences and it behaves in ways influenced by its Confluences.
Because of the Fractal process and the Philosophy and Psychology of Nature, we can use the Earth and the Life Forms on the Earth to see and understand some parts of these.
If we consider the surface of the Earth over a period of time, let's say ten thousand years, then the changes that occur over that time are vast. New material can come to the Earth from Space and the surface of the Earth will change. Materials will change their form and their utility but they will always still be connected to and be a part of the Earth.
The Earth will recycle and repurpose materials. The Environment of the planet or of parts of the planet will also change. The degree of changes to volumes of water may be different to the changes in volumes of land and in volumes of air. The ratios of things will change. Often this will occur many times.
Water will be used to move materials around, fluctuations in weather patterns will move materials around, volcanic activities will move materials around, tectonic movements will move materials around. So activities on the planet, within the planet and around the planet will always be changing; we have a process of stability at the large scale and one of constant change at smaller scales.
If Nature shows us that this is possible on our little planet, what surprises will be waiting in the vastness of Space.
My thinking is that Black Holes are processing and distribution methods in the same way that Sun's are. My thinking is that it is likely that suns and black holes are related but perhaps not in the ways that we initially expect.
Some Black Holes would work exclusively within their own Universes and others would have the capacity to work across Universes.
Imagine the pressure differences that could occur across multiple universes?
It is unlikely that the Philosophy and Psychology of Nature would allow only one significant distribution system across galaxies, for example Sun's.
If we think of volumes; a Black Hole may consume an entire galaxy and yet continue to exist.
This would mean that the Black Hole is not galaxy dependent but are a feature of Space. How would we spot Black Holes where they sit without being surrounded by other bodies?
There are likely to be times when a Black Hole would cease to be active or even to exist. How would we know the reality of this, when our lives are so short and our records of our universe cover such a small span of time?
We are beginning to see evidence of one side of Black Holes but not the reality of function or purpose.
If Black Holes were some form of conduit, how would we see the infusion of the smallest of particles into a region of Space or into an active region of Space that was not in balance?
How would we see particles or the affects of particles of which we have no knowledge?
Nebula are vast and their shape is something that we can only see from afar. If we were looking at the Earth from afar, we could see that we had weather (If we were close enough) but it is unlikely that we would see rain or snow.
It is my view that Nature will discharge volumes of materials into sectors of Space within the different Universes and it is those that then go on to create the different nebula and galaxies. I do not believe that it is all down to the actions of what we call Gravity and the affects of random processes.
I do not believe that Random Events or Gravitational Attraction over the course of billions of years leads to the creation of these bodies. Such large scale random events do not fit with Natures Philosophy or Psychology.
Apply this to Life Forms, does Nature only allow one Life Form at a time? No, it creates a multitude and continues with Evolution through physical development, mental development and environmental factors.
If we think of the forces of a galaxy as it moves through Space and interacts with other Confluence Forces. At what point do sufficient tensions occur that would cause the other end of a Black Hole to connect with an area of space and begin filling it with materials or of removing materials from it? (think of the operation of Whirlwinds)
In affect, the operation of a Black Hole becomes a process of Demand and Supply. A method of resource distribution, just like that of a river or an ocean.
Not all Black Holes are going to be active all of the time. From a Human perspective, the time spans on activities are far too large for us to observe the processes of a Black Hole. The best that we can do is to see if we can observe Black Holes in different stages and perhaps, we may also have the opportunity to observe the discharging of material from a Black Hole.
Remember; we call Black Holes, the most destructive force in the universe. So let's explore the reality of that.
As material is taken into the Black Hole, it will be reduced to a format and a stage of composition according to the reformatting parameters of that Black Hole; or the level within the Black Hole that processes the material that it encounters.
A Black Hole that is acting in the capacity of reformatting matter would also be a good place for a Matter DNA template or Energy DNA template to exist.
Black Holes can function in the same way that a Life Form will when it process the things that it consumes. A Life Form structure will distribute materials when they are broken down in a digestive process, to the different parts of the Life Form. These will then be used for the purposes of maintaining the Life Form. (Also think of distillation towers for a comparator of non living processing).
This allows us to think in terms of space phenomena in the same way that we would think of Life Forms on the Earth.
All Life Forms will have a DNA template that they will follow, although they may look different from the outside with regards to their forms and capabilities.
Why would Nature not do the same thing with Matter and with Energy?
After all; it is easy to forget that for the Life Forms to exist, first the materials and environments for them to exist within, had to be created.
Why would Nature stop using a process that is so efficient and which is combining the use of Matter and Energy?
This also raises another question; were Matter and Energy DNA templates created before those for Life Forms were created?
We are only now beginning to understand that more types of radiation are coming from our own Sun that was thought possible.
In the same way that a Sun will produce Radiation of the different types and strengths according to its operational parameters, other things within our Universe and outside of our Universe will also do the same.
A similar process on Earth, for relation to Black Holes, would be the refining of fuels through distillation with the different temperature levels condensing different materials from the original product.
At the different levels of distillation we can draw off the different by-products of the process. Why would a Black Hole not have this type of capability?
It is often said that a Black Hole is a one way process of destruction. My view is that this is incorrect.
Because of the nature of the Universe we will not always be able to see or measure things that are going in or coming out of a Black Hole.
We assume that nothing can come out, once it has passed the Event Horizon because we estimate that the gravitational forces are too great. But the reality is that our perceptions are just on one Layer of reality.
If we again consider the nature of Nature; it is quite possible that many Black Holes could be multi- functional and multi-dimensional; even simultaneously operating with more than one function in their own areas of Space.
It becomes possible for Black Holes to function like cement mixers. Material of one type goes into the mixer and material of another type comes out; from the same hole. Our assumption is that nothing comes out but the reality is that this is only a guess.
You see; for visible Gravity to affect materials through the process that we call Gravity; it has to have something that it can recognise and connect with, in order for it to have an affect upon it that we can observe.
In other words; our Matter DNA template needs to be part of the reality of the material for it to be affected in our reality.
If more what I would call “Genesis Material” came out, then it would have the potential ability to form many new types of materials, some new to existence within that Space and some already in existence.
If the new/recycled/reformatted material did not fit our Matter DNA template; then how would we see or understand it?
We also have to consider that Black Holes will be part of other Confluences. Imagine if Black Holes connected and their Confluence Forces were connected. Suddenly we may find that we have forces from other Universes, other galaxies and other areas of space connecting and influencing the areas of Space/Universe in which they sit.
In all systems, things fail to function properly all the time. In Natures systems this is also true.
True Random events occur, mistakes happen and there can be unintended consequences.
Within the grand scope of Nature, it can cope with all of these events and some will go on to produce positive results and some will go on to produce negative results.
Regardless of the outcome, the Philosophy and Psychology of Nature will encompass the events and over time, the events will become absorbed into the processes of Nature.
It is my view that Nature has tricks that we have not seen and of which we are unaware.
Let me continue by telling you of one little trick that I think that Nature has.
Chapter 6
Genesis Energy
The Universe is a dynamic environment that exist on more than the level that we can experience.
Development within our Universe is going on all of the time, most of it is outside of our awareness.
It is my view and opinion, that we will discover that the Universe has many other unknown tricks to reveal.
It is my view that we need to consider the Universe through the prism; that the Whole is greater than the Sum of its parts and that the Nature of the Parts of the Sum can be influenced and changed; they in turn will change the Nature of the Whole.
This is another way to describe the process of Evolution; an Evolution process that is not limited to Life Forms but includes all things within all Universes.
Evolution does not only exist within the realm of Life Forms.
It is my view that everything which is created from Nature, has the capacity and capability for the process of Evolution; it will simply be dependent upon the nature of the Confluence that it is a part off at the time of change.
The Philosophy and Psychology of Nature will exist across the Whole and across the Parts of the Sum. We are within one of the Parts of the Sum of the Confluence for our Universe.
Much is made of the role of Suns in the Universe. They produce great pressures and great heats and can as a result; they can make new materials. Materials that can have substance and those materials without substance. Suns also contribute to the creation of Space weather and we see one aspect of that through Solar Winds.
Let's refocus our intellects.
It is my view and opinion that Nature uses the process of Fractals. It is part of the Philosophy and Psychology of Nature to do so.
One Fractal that Nature uses and that we can see in different scales is the use of Layers, Spectrums, Blends and Confluences.
This even is applied down to Life Forms and helps us to understand the behaviours of humans and other Life Forms. For example; the development and use of Human Psychology and the Psychology of other Life Forms. All Life Forms will use their own versions of the Environment Confluence?.
Within the landscapes of Nature, we need to be looking for its use of Fractals. Sun's would be one of those Fractals. It is my view that Black Holes would be another example of Nature's Fractal behaviours.
In the same way that we do not only have one type of Sun, with only one type of Behaviour; so we will not only have one type of Black Hole or of energy produced from Sun's or Black Holes; there will be more.
When we look within Life Forms we see the ability, capacity and capabilities of what we call Stem Cells. This is the ability of cells to take on the characteristics and nature of other cells and to replace them and become them, when and where necessary.
This ability, capacity and capability is part of the Life Form DNA platform.
It is my view that our universe and other universes will produce something that I call Genesis Energy. This is energy that is similar to stem cells and it also has the capability to change its form, purpose and function.
In my view, it is possible that this process is providing the top up energy to matter in its many different forms. I also think that the requirement of matter to be topped up to maintain its energy levels to maintain its form, may be an influencing factor in the creation of what we call Gravity.
As an example; we can look at bio-masses on this planet. I know that what I am suggesting is radical, but the reality is that we need to think outside of the box that we are used too.
We know that Energy has many forms and that energy can be created from many materials. Our solid world is made from different types of energy that are locked together and compressed; like a laminate of materials.
If we look at the Periodic Table we can see the different types of Elements that are possible.
Each Element has a format and structure that creates its place in the Periodic Table. With certain elements it is possible to change the format and the structure; and as a result we can change the identify of the Element.
Personally, I look at the Periodic Table in the same way that we can look at the Life Form DNA template.
All that we call “Living” will have a Life Form DNA template.
It is my view that Matter will also have a form of DNA template that relates to its structures and formats; which includes its Quantum and Charge type.
This DNA structure for Matter is what the process that creates Matter will follow.
For Nature to change the Nature of the Matter that it produces; it simply needs to change simple things, like the Quantum value, Polarity and the Layers, Spectrums, Blends and Confluences it uses.
Given how affective the DNA model is in Life Forms, it seems unlikely that Nature would not use it within other areas of the creation process. It becomes a Universal Fractal.
If we think of the Life Form diversity; then the Matter and Energy diversity will be as equally flexible.
It is my view that Nature will use Fractals from Fractals. In the same way that the shape of a square can be made in many different sizes and from many different materials; so Nature will use Fractals at different scales and within different environments to produce different outcomes from the same process.
For example; within the Life Form DNA template we will use Natures Fractal of Layers, Spectrums, Blends and Confluences. This produces Life Forms that swim in the water, those that fly in the air and those that walk on the land. This also then begs that question; is the diversity driven by the DNA template or is it driven by the potential of the environment. Or, is it driven by the Confluence of the two?
It is my view that Matter and Energy will also have a DNA Template within which it will also use Natures Fractal of Layers, Spectrums, Blends and Confluences. So; how would this work?
For Matter to exist, it has to exist within a Reality Matrix. A Reality Matrix needs to be built upon something. At some point we have to accept that something exist, we can always debate how it came to exist once we agree that it exist.
Charter 7
Imagine the Beginnings
We have to begin somewhere, so let's begin with the smallest possible thing.
Let's imagine that we have the smallest pieces of energy to begin. They are devoid of all features.
The pieces of energy have no mass and it has no charge bias, it has no template to follow at this point and it has no utility.
The environment within which it exist is that of pure energy or it could be a void which has no utility.
Because it is a void, it does not mean that it is empty. It simply does not have any definition.
It is my view that if we take any sufficiently large object; that we can experience weather like dynamics across its mass. Space, even empty space, whether it has mass or not, is a sufficiently large object to experience stresses and tensions across its mass or its non mass.
Motion of any type creates the possibilities for primitive assembly.
Either way, it produces an item which forms the first layer of the layering process. The item could spark a wave of assembly through the energy that is seeking a purpose. The first purpose is created.
Now; the Universe as it would now be called does not have to be large, it can be very small and smaller than our planet. We can think of it like a seed.
We are at the beginning of the creation process and we start with a Layer. Once the first Layer is created we then have the possibility for Utility.
Over time; Nature will use the tools and materials that it has available to it. So what might they be at this point in the early stages of the assembly or creation process?
If we begin with Energy; soon, Heat become a possibility. The interactions of hot and cold becomes a possibility. The distribution of energy differences becomes a possibility, magnetism becomes a possibility, radiation becomes a possibility. Vibrations becomes a possibility, harmonics becomes a possibility, differences in charge packages becomes a possibility and this creates polarity and this creates the possibilities for magnetics and this then creates the possibilities for electrical charges.
All of this can occur through the simple process of placing one simple construction upon another or connected to another, to create something which can become complex.
Once we have more that one Layer, each of these Layers has the potential to create Spectrums of possibilities. Once we have choice, we can then introduce the selection of Blends of those choices. When we have Blends of choices, we can then introduce Confluences.
As the number of possibilities increases, the number of possibilities for Blends and Confluences also increases.
Remember; this is all happening at the very smallest of scales and it can build the first Ecosystem; an Energy based Ecosystem.
As the first layers becomes stable, the possibilities for new layers to be created comes into existence. The spread of the Utility can increase the tensions and stresses within the now active Space, increasing the energy available and increasing the tensions and stresses within the growing objects.
We can't rely upon Random Events to be the causality for all unknown events and they are not.
As something with Utility is formed out of that which had no Utility; it becomes possible for what we might call a rudimentary brain or mind to be formed. Remember that we are working with pure energy that is developing form and function.
At some point, my view is that we need to acknowledge Intelligent Design and the possibilities that a Guiding Mind of some sort is at work. Whether it is a rudimentary Intelligence created from the growing networks of Layers and connections or from an outside source; something smart is at work here.
Let's call our guiding force or mind; the force of Nature.
At some point, the first Layers of construction are completed, they don't need to be complex they can be as simple as two becoming one. Then the next thing to do is to repeat the process with the available resources.
Eventually, one simple Layer is placed upon the previous one and Complexity begins, as Layer is placed upon Layer.
Think of how a Life Form is built up, from a seed or from the beginnings of an egg; the growth spreads and new growth connects with existing growth.
Eventually, within the first universe, we will have Layers and Spectrums, it is made up from energy seeking something, a purpose; that purpose is found in the construction of more Layers and Spectrums; which can have different compositions and utility.
Eventually the first item of utility is created. Let's say that this first item is the first smallest part of what would later be used to construct Matter.
This is happening in an ecosystem in which many varieties and versions of items of utility are being created. Layers, Spectrums, Blends and Confluences are being created and destroyed, a form of Evolution is in progress; an Evolution of an Energy Ecosystem.
Eventually we have sufficient items of utility for Nature to begin to put them together, enough of the right building materials exist for the next Layers to be created. Reality can expand in scale.
Through this process the Layers of a reality begin to build through creating Blends and Confluences of the items that exist. Eventually Confluences begin to become established and the Solidity of that reality can become established. Evolution grows in scale.
Soon, in my view, other Layers begin to form and follow the same process of creating utility. At some point the layers begin the process of forming their own structures. This is an early stage in the creation of variety through opportunity.
Soon, the processes of Nature are at a stage where it can begin to build layers of what we call Neutrons, Positrons and other items that go into creating the early stages of our reality.
As this continues we begin to create Elements.
Throughout this process, the Guiding Mind is learning and learning to create rules to create Order to allow efficient development of what has now become a reality.
It is my view that this would be a good stage for Nature to develop its Philosophy and its Psychology, creating these into an item of utility would lead to the creation of the first DNA template; a Energy DNA template.
Later, Nature would go on to create other DNA templates, for example; Matter DNA templates, Life Form DNA templates.
If we think of the complexity, capabilities, potentials, systems, structures, processes, abilities and behaviours of Life Form DNA templates; it also fits with the Layers, Spectrums, Blends and Confluences Fractal of Nature.
If Nature can create a Life Form with the capabilities of hosting a mind and with the capabilities to manage a central nervous system and Environment Confluence?. Then Nature can go on to package this whole capability into a incredibly small template that we call DNA; then Nature can create Intelligence or Intelligences of other types with different types of structures and with different purposes.
Natures Mind or Minds do not have to follow our own understanding and view of a Mind, of a Brain or of Intelligence.
Thinking like Quantum Entanglement, pushes our horizon of what is possible and we have to understand that Nature has had this capability for all of which we would call time.
So; imagine different types of Intelligence, existing and not existing in form. Intelligence that can be anywhere, at different scales and with different capabilities; Natures Mind!
We have to remember that when we see things like Quantum Entanglement, that things exist and then cease to exist within our reality.
What we are seeing is that something exist and then ceases to exist; what we may forget it that something ceases to exist Relative to our reality.
The item ceases to exist, Relative to our reality, and it is our reality that also makes the absence of the item a reality; making the item both real and not real is Relative.
Chapter 8
The Truth of Scale
Each Scale is a construction. For a construction to exist, the ability to create that construction also needs to exist.
The ability to construct and the materials to enable the construction may not have been brought together with the construction project; in that case, we have the possibility of construction and not the reality.
At some point in Nature's evolution, the move to Scale occurs. It did so in humans with the building of structures in ancient Egypt. They reduced the sizes of the stone blocks that they were building with and this enabled them to move them easier and build things quicker. A small change in building practices and materials lead to increased progress.
Examples that we can see on Earth can show us the Pace at which things can move from the stage of being a few to the stage of being many.
Things like growth spurts in Life Form populations. For example; Algae, Fish, Vegetation, People and Bacteria.
Scale is supported through the processes of size and of numbers. Generally to build to a larger scale we need the right materials and the right methods to connect or join those materials together to build something with utility.
As examples, we have glue, joinery, welding, concrete and mortar.
Within Life Forms we have constructions that are held together through layers of different materials. The materials all bond and once again we have the situation where the Whole is greater that the Sum of its Parts.
Through the use of the DNA template, Life Forms are designed, built, repaired, regenerated, maintained and developed through a life cycle.
Scale within Life Forms has occurred (think of the Dinosaurs) and changes to those Life Form DNA templates have occurred. To me, this demonstrates the adaptability of the DNA process and I would call the DNA process a Smart Algorithm which had the ability to learn and adapt.
What we have to understand is that there is more than one type of scale. There is the scale of the individual and there is the scale of the collective.
As an example; we now know about Stem Cells and the ability of plants and other Life Forms to regenerate themselves from trauma and from Longevity. Nature has provided a means and method for doing this.
We have to ask the question about how materials continue to exist for billions of years, without obviously being regenerated; as happens with all the planets and galaxies that have existed for many billions of years?
For example; if we consider the half-life of materials that are considered Nuclear. Then given the longevity of the Earth, it should not have viable Nuclear materials.
Chapter 9
Human Chaos Versus Natures Chaos.
With humans we engage in lies, deceptions and our position on the Congruency Index? changes position, which in turn leads to changes in our behaviours, which in turn affects the systems, structures, processes, philosophies and psychologies that we use. Whereas Nature does not engage in these things.
Humans Entangle the truth and the reality with the virtual world realities that we can create. Then we try to convince others that they are one and the same; which they are not.
This produces different types of chaos in the Human influenced Universe; we can understand them by looking at them as two distinct things: Nature created Chaos and Human created Chaos.
When Nature creates Chaos it comes about because of the many different processes that are in operation and the many different stages that those processes are in. For example; when a tree falls in a forest and there is no-one there, it does not cause any chaos that we can see. When a tree falls in a suburban garden and falls into a house or on a person; we think this is a problem.
The real dynamic is that the tree falls down; it is the context that is applied to it that makes the difference.
When a river floods and people, homes, livestock and pets are killed, we consider this to be a crisis and it is chaotic. In reality; the real dynamic is that it is simply a part of a greater process that involves the process of flooding.
Due to the number and many different types of process that Nature creates, they involve many different timescales and cause different types of impacts. This process creates Confluences that will happen and that will seem to be in conflict.
What we have to remember is that creation and destruction are ongoing processes that always have to be viewed in the ongoing or perpetual context; rather than the immediate context that Humans often use.
It is my view that Nature does not have any malicious intent and simply does not have the human responses of hate, distrust, vengeance, spite, malice or jealousy. With Nature, it is a lottery of complex processes and often these will be in competition with each other and at other times they will not.
We are moving within Layers of Confluences which are at one time in competition with each other and at another time are in cooperation with each other. For example; the creation of an Ecosystem at one time and the destruction of an Ecosystem in another time. Sometimes these will happen at one and the same time, on the same scale and in the same location. A major Ecosystem can survive, while a minor Ecosystem is destroyed.
Nature is working with Creation and Destruction at the same time. Nature will also work with different Scales, from the very small to the very large and everything in between; the processes will not occur all at the same time and soon there is a Confluence of Time Scales, Processes, Structures and Systems all in train.
Some of Natures processes take many billions of years. It is within these periods of beginning and endings where stability of a type exist and which allows for the development of Environments, Ecosystems, Ecologies, Philosophies and Psychologies.
Humans and other Life Forms have evolved during one of these stability periods. However; on our own planet we have created our own versions of chaos with things like Wars and Market Economies.
At the end of the day, Humans cannot become divorced from their environment and they will always be dependent upon their environment. What Humans often forget is that they need Nature; Nature does not need Humans.
Humans are existing in one of those periods of stability but it is stability within a greater process that involves many other Confluences.
We are within a Confluence that has time scales and forces that we simply cannot alter. We see the Universe with our limited viewpoint and limited understanding and we think that we can make it bend to our Will.
We cannot!
Written by David J. Sheridan aka Guru David. Finished on 10th January 2024.
Please note that the article is copyright.
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