Understanding Markov Chains: A Practical Approach to Word and Character Predictions
Designed by Ddhruv Arora

Understanding Markov Chains: A Practical Approach to Word and Character Predictions


Markov Chains are a foundational concept in probability theory, playing a critical role in various domains, including finance, genetics, and natural language processing. At their core, Markov Chains offer a way to model systems where the next state depends solely on the current state, making them ideal for predicting sequences of events. In this article, we will explore the theory behind Markov Chains and will dive into a practical application—predicting words and characters in a sequence. By the end of this article, you'll have a solid understanding of how Markov Chains work and how to implement them for basic predictive tasks in natural language processing.

Markov Chains Example
Markov Chains - Example

What is a Markov Chain?

A Markov Chain is a mathematical model that represents a sequence of events, where the probability of each event depends only on the state achieved in the previous event. This is known as the Markov property or memorylessness, which implies that the future state of the system is independent of its past states, given the present state. Markov Chains can be used to model a wide range of processes, from the movement of a particle through different positions to the sequence of words in a sentence. Understanding the basic structure of a Markov Chain, including its states, transitions, and transition matrix, is essential for applying this model to real-world problems.

Markov Weather Model Chain
Weather Model Markov Chain

Key Terminology

  • States: In a Markov Chain, a state represents a possible condition or situation of the system at a given time. For example, In the provided image (above), the states are represented by circles labeled "Rainy," "Cloudy," and "Sunny." Each of these states indicates a specific weather condition that the system (in this case, a weather model) could be in at any given moment.
  • Transitions: A transition is the movement from one state to another. In a Markov Chain, the likelihood of transitioning from one state to another is determined by a set of probabilities known as transition probabilities. In the image, transitions are depicted by the arrows connecting the states. For example, there is a transition from "Rainy" to "Cloudy" with a probability of 0.3, and from "Sunny" to "Rainy" with a probability of 0.1. These arrows and their associated probabilities illustrate how the weather might change from one condition to another over time.
  • Transition Matrix: The transition matrix is a fundamental component of a Markov Chain. It is a square matrix that contains the transition probabilities between all possible states. Each element in the matrix represents the probability of moving from one state to another. The sum of the probabilities in any row of the transition matrix is always 1, as it represents all possible transitions from a given state.

To make the concept more clearer for Transition Matrix, I have added labels the rows and columns that correspond to the states "Rainy," "Cloudy," and "Sunny." Here's the labelled matrix:

Transition Matrix with Labeled States

Explanation with Labels

  • Rows: Represent the current state of the system (i.e., where the system is now).
  • Columns: Represent the next state of the system (i.e., where the system might go next).

So, for example:

  • The probability of transitioning from "Rainy" to "Cloudy" is 0.3, which is found in the first row and second column.
  • The probability of transitioning from "Cloudy" to "Sunny" is 0.4, which is found in the second row and third column.

This labeling helps to clearly understand how the weather transitions from one condition to another based on the probabilities shown in the matrix.

?? You might be wondering where these values came from ?

The answer is simple, they are taken from past observations...... ??????

?????? A genuine question, even though Markov chains focus on the present STATE, why we need past OBSERVATIONS, the answer is as follows:

Markov chains are a type of stochastic model that uses probabilities to predict future states based solely on the current state. The key principle is that the prediction only depends on the present state and not on the sequence of events that led to it. This is known as the Markov property.

??Why Past Observations Matters

Even though Markov chains predict the future based on the present, they still rely on past observations to calculate the transition probabilities. Here's why:

  • Building the Probability Matrix: To predict the next state (e.g., the next word or weather condition), the Markov chain needs to know the likelihood of transitioning from one state to another. These probabilities aren't just assumed; they are learned from historical data. For example, if you're using a Markov chain to predict the weather, you need historical data to determine how often sunny days are followed by rainy days, cloudy days, etc.
  • Learning Patterns: Past observations provide the data necessary to learn the patterns of transitions between states. For instance, in a weather model, historical data might show that after three consecutive rainy days, there's a higher probability of a sunny day. The model uses this learned pattern to make predictions.

Let's Take Another Example: Word Prediction

Given the following random paragraph as an example:

"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The fox is quick and clever, always outsmarting the dog. However, the dog is persistent and determined."

Now, let's see how Markov chains can be used to predict the next word in this paragraph.

Step 1: Define the States - In a Markov chain for word prediction, each word in the paragraph is considered a "state." For instance, words like "The," "quick," "fox," "dog," etc., are all different states.

Step 2: Calculate Transition Probabilities - Markov chains rely on transition probabilities, which indicate the likelihood of moving from one state (word) to another. These probabilities are calculated based on how often one word follows another in the given text.

For example:

  • After "The," the word "quick" appears twice, and "fox" appears once.
  • After "quick," the word "brown" appears once, and "and" appears once.
  • After "fox," the word "jumps" appears once, and "is" appears once.

The transition probabilities are calculated by counting how many times each word follows another and then normalizing these counts by the total occurrences of the preceding word. For instance, from "The":

  • "quick" follows "The" 2 times, and "fox" follows "The" 1 time.
  • So, the probability of "quick" following "The" is 2/3, and the probability of "fox" following "The" is 1/3.

Step 3: Predicting the Next Word - To predict the next word after a given word, the Markov chain selects the word with the highest transition probability from the current state.

Suppose we start with the word "The":

  • Based on our transition probabilities, "quick" has a 2/3 chance of following "The," and "fox" has a 1/3 chance.
  • The model would likely predict "quick" as the next word because it has a higher probability.

If we continue predicting subsequent words, the model uses the most probable transitions to generate a sequence. If we start with "The quick," the next word might be "brown" (as it follows "quick" with a probability of 1/1 in the training data).

So, we saw that we record these observations and build a table (or probability matrix) that tells us the likelihood of each word following another. When predicting the next word after "The," we refer to this probability matrix, which was built using past observations.

??So, Why the Past is Necessary?

?? Without past observations, the model wouldn't know how likely one state is to follow another. In essence, past data helps the model "learn" how the system behaves, so it can make informed predictions in the present. moving on let's understand the properties of Markov Chains for better clarity.

Properties of Markov Chains

Markov Chains possess several key properties that define their behavior and applications. These properties help in understanding the dynamics of the system being modeled and are crucial for interpreting the results of Markov Chain-based predictions.

Memorylessness (Markov Property)

The defining characteristic of a Markov Chain is its memorylessness, also known as the Markov property. This property states that the future state of the system depends only on the current state and not on the sequence of events that preceded it. In other words, the system has no "memory" of past states. This simplification allows for easier modeling of complex systems, as it reduces the number of dependencies to consider when predicting the next state.

Stationary Distribution

A stationary distribution is a probability distribution that remains unchanged as the system evolves over time. For a Markov Chain, if it is allowed to run for a sufficiently long time, it may reach a state where the probabilities of being in each state stabilize. This stable distribution is the stationary distribution. It provides valuable insights into the long-term behavior of the system, indicating which states are more likely to occur over time.

Example: In a weather model with states like "sunny," "rainy," and "cloudy," the stationary distribution might show that over a long period, "sunny" days occur 50% of the time, "rainy" days 30%, and "cloudy" days 20%. This reflects the long-term behavior of the weather in that model.

Types of Markov Chains (& Models)

Markov Chains can be classified into different types based on their characteristics:

  • Discrete-Time
  • Continuous-Time
  • Homogeneous
  • Non-Homogeneous
  • N-gram Markov Model
  • Hidden Markov Models (HMMs)

Discrete-Time Markov Chains: Transitions between states occur at fixed, regular time intervals. Useful in systems where actions or events are synchronized to a clock or fixed schedule. Use Case: Modeling customer interactions in a turn-based service system.

Continuous-Time Markov Chains: Transitions can happen at any time, without fixed intervals. Suitable for processes where events occur continuously and at random times. Use Case: Modeling the arrival of calls in a call center where calls can happen at any time.

Homogeneous Markov Chains: Transition probabilities between states are constant over time, making them ideal for modeling processes that don't change with time. Use Case: Modeling the spread of an infectious disease assuming no seasonal variation in transmission rates.

Non-Homogeneous Markov Chains: Transition probabilities change over time, allowing the modeling of time-varying processes. Use Case: Forecasting demand in retail where the probabilities of customer purchases vary by time of day or season.

N-gram Markov Model: An n-gram Markov model is an extension of the basic Markov model that takes into account the context of the previous n?1 elements when predicting the next element in a sequence. In language modeling, for example, instead of predicting the next word based solely on the immediately preceding word (as in a bigram model, where n=2), an n-gram Markov model predicts the next word based on the last n?1 words. This approach helps capture more context, leading to more accurate predictions. The n-gram model assumes that the probability of a word only depends on the previous n?1 words, making it a Markov model because it follows the Markov property of depending only on a finite history.

Hidden Markov Models (HMMs): A statistical model where the system being modeled is assumed to be a Markov process with hidden (unobservable) states. The observable outputs are probabilistically related to these hidden states. HMMs are powerful for modeling time series data where the underlying states are not directly observable. Use Case: Speech recognition systems, where the spoken words are the observable outputs, and the underlying phonetic states are hidden. Another common use is in biological sequence analysis, such as DNA sequencing.

Limitations and Challenges

While Markov Chains are a powerful tool for modeling sequences, they come with several limitations and challenges that can impact their effectiveness, especially in complex applications like natural language processing.

Data Dependency

Markov Chains rely heavily on the quality and quantity of the data used to create the transition matrix. If the training data is sparse or not representative of the system's true behavior, the predictions made by the Markov Chain will likely be inaccurate. For example, in a text-based Markov model, if certain word sequences or transitions are underrepresented in the training data, the model might struggle to predict those sequences accurately.

Example: In the weather model, if the training data primarily consists of sunny days, the Markov Chain might overestimate the likelihood of sunny weather and underestimate the chances of rain or clouds, leading to biased predictions.

Handling Rare Events

Markov Chains can struggle with rare events—states or transitions that occur infrequently in the training data. These rare events can have a significant impact on the system but may not be adequately captured by the model. When a Markov Chain encounters a state or transition that it hasn't seen frequently (or at all) in the training data, it may assign a probability of zero or a very low probability, leading to unexpected or incorrect predictions.

Example: If in the weather model, snow is a rare event, the Markov Chain might fail to predict it accurately when it does occur, because the transition probabilities associated with snow might be very low or non-existent in the model.

Context Ignorance

One of the major limitations of Markov Chains is their inability to capture long-range dependencies and context. Since a Markov Chain's predictions depend only on the current state, it cannot account for the influence of earlier states beyond the most recent one. This can be a significant drawback in systems where the context or history plays a critical role in determining the future state.

Example: In text prediction, a Markov Chain might predict the next word based only on the immediately preceding word, ignoring the broader context of the sentence or paragraph. This can lead to less coherent or contextually relevant predictions, especially in cases where the meaning of a word depends on words that appeared earlier in the sequence.

Recognizing these limitations can help decide when and how to use Markov Chains and when to consider more sophisticated models that address these challenges.

Practical Application: Markov Chains for Word and Character Predictions

Markov Chains can be effectively used for predicting the next word or character in a sequence, offering a glimpse into how these models can be applied in text generation tasks. We have streamlined this process using a custom implementation that supports both word and character prediction, leveraging the flexibility of Markov Chains to generate coherent text.

Word Prediction

Data Preparation: The first step in word prediction involves collecting and preparing the text data. The data is tokenized into words, with each word treated as a state in the Markov Chain.

State Representation: In our model, a state is represented by a sequence of N words (known as an N-gram). The next word in the sequence is predicted based on the current state, which consists of the previous N-1 words.

Transition Probabilities: Transition probabilities are calculated based on word frequencies. For a given N-gram, the model looks at how often each possible next word follows the N-gram in the training data. The probability distribution is formed, and the next word is selected based on this distribution.

Prediction Example: Suppose the current state is the sequence "Arduino is an." The Markov Chain, trained on relevant data, will consider all possible words that could follow this sequence and assign probabilities to each based on how frequently they appear after the phrase "Arduino is an" in the training data. The model might predict "open-source" as the next word with the highest probability.

Character Prediction

Character States: Just as with words, characters can also be treated as states in a Markov Chain. Here, an N-gram would consist of a sequence of N characters, with the next character being predicted based on the preceding characters.

Character-Level Transition Matrix: For character prediction, the model constructs a transition matrix at the character level. This matrix tracks how frequently one character follows another (or a sequence of characters), allowing the model to predict the next character in a sequence.

Prediction Example: Consider a starting sequence "Ard" (as in Arduino ). The model examines the likelihood of various characters following "Ard" based on its training. If the model predicts that "u" is the most likely next character, it adds "u" to the sequence, forming "Ardu." This process continues iteratively, generating characters one by one to form a word or phrase.

Predicting Text and Word

Markov Chain Implementation

We have a practical Streamlit application for text generation using Markov Chains. The following Python code explains the core of the implementation:

Training the Model

def train(self, text):
    text = text.lower().strip()
    for i in range(len(text) - self.n):
        gram = text[i:i+self.n]
        next_char = text[i+self.n]
        self.model[gram][next_char] += 1        

  • train Function: This function builds the Markov Chain model by iterating through the text and extracting n-grams and the characters or words that follow them.
  • Model Training: For each n-gram (e.g., a sequence of 2 characters if n=2), the function records the frequency of each subsequent character/word in the model. These frequencies are later used to calculate the probability distribution for generating text.

Predicting the Next Character

def predict_next_char(self, current_gram):
    if current_gram in self.model:
        total_occurrences = sum(self.model[current_gram].values())
        probs = {char: count / total_occurrences for char, count in self.model[current_gram].items()}
        next_char = random.choices(list(probs.keys()), list(probs.values()))[0]
        return next_char, probs
        return None, None        

  • predict_next_char Function: This function calculates the probability distribution for the possible next characters based on the current n-gram.
  • Probability Calculation: The function sums up the occurrences of all possible next characters following the current n-gram and then normalizes these counts to create a probability distribution.
  • Next Character Selection: Using random.choices, the next character is chosen based on the computed probabilities, ensuring that more frequent characters are more likely to be selected.

Building the Markov Chain for Words

def build_markov_chain(self, text, n=2):
    model = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
    words = self.clean_text(text) 

    for i in range(len(words) - n):
        gram = tuple(words[i:i + n])
        next_word = words[i + n]
        model[gram][next_word] += 1

    # Convert counts to probabilities
    for gram, transitions in model.items():
        total = float(sum(transitions.values()))
        for next_word in transitions:
            model[gram][next_word] /= total

    return model        

  • build_markov_chain Function: This function is similar to the character-level Markov chain but operates at the word level.
  • Probability Distribution: After counting the occurrences of each next word following an n-gram of words, the function converts these counts into probabilities, normalizing them to form a probability distribution.
  • N-Gram Tuples: This function uses tuples of words as n-grams, which allows the model to capture word-level sequences and transitions.

Generating Text from the Word-Level Model

def generate_text(self, model, start_text, length=100):
    n = len(list(model.keys())[0])
    current_gram = tuple(self.clean_text(start_text)[:n])
    result = list(current_gram)

    for _ in range(length):
        if current_gram not in model:
        next_word = random.choices(list(model[current_gram].keys()),
        current_gram = tuple(result[-n:])

    return ' '.join(result)        

  • generate_text Function: This function generates new text based on the word-level Markov Chain model.
  • Text Generation Process: Starting with an initial n-gram, the function repeatedly predicts the next word and appends it to the result until the desired text length is reached or no further predictions can be made.
  • Randomized Text Generation: Similar to the character-level model, the word selection is based on the probability distribution, ensuring a balance between randomness and learned patterns from the training text.


After implementing the Markov Chain model, we tested it and evaluated its performance. Below, you'll find a series of outputs generated by the model, and a demo video to give you a understanding of how the model functions in practice.

1. Generated Text Samples

Here are some examples of text generated by the model. These examples demonstrate how the model predicts the next character or word based on the training data:

Text Generation on Arduino Dataset:

Text Generation on Arduino Dataset

Text Generation on 8051 Microcontroller Dataset

Text Generation on 8051 Dataset (i)

The same text generation with better results after tweaking the various parameters available in menu bar

Text Generation on 8051 Dataset (ii)

Text Generation on Python 3 Dataset

Text Generation on Python 3 Dataset

2. Demo Video

For a more detailed demonstration, watch the video below, where we walk through the process of generating text using the Markov Chain model:

Click the image above to watch the demo video.

3. Repository and Demo Application

To explore the code and experiment with the model yourself, check out the GitHub repository and try out the live demo application:


In this article, we explored Markov Chains and their n-gram variations for both text and word/character prediction, utilizing Python 3 and NLTK. We demonstrated how to build and train these models using datasets related to Arduino, 8051, and Python 3, and we developed a user-friendly Streamlit UI to make the application more accessible and visually appealing.

Markov Chains offer a foundational approach to text prediction, and by incorporating n-grams, we improved the accuracy of predictions. However, there are still more advanced techniques to explore, such as deep learning models, which can handle the limitations of Markov Chains more effectively.

I encourage you to try implementing your own Markov Chain models for various applications. The simplicity and versatility of this approach make it an excellent starting point for those interested in understanding the basics of text prediction algorithms.

I'm excited to hear your thoughts and see how you might apply these concepts to your projects.

Thank You for Reading!

Thank you for taking the time to read my article on Markov Chains and their applications in text and character prediction. I hope you found it insightful and informative. If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, I would love to hear from you! Your input is invaluable and helps me continue to improve and explore new ideas.

Feel free to reach out through comments or connect with me on LinkedIn. I'm always open to discussions and collaborations on related topics. Together, we can dive deeper into the fascinating world of Markov Chains and other advanced machine learning techniques.

Happy coding!

Nandini Goyal

Evolving Software Developer | Batch 2026 @ Amity University Rajasthan | Former Member of RAIoT Club | Passionate About C, C++, Python, IoT & MERN Stack | Metaverse Creator @ AltWorld | Ex-Intern @ Upflairs Pvt. Ltd.

7 个月

Very informative


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