Understanding Lower Back Pain
It is estimated that 8 out of 10 people across the world suffer from lower back pain at some stage of their lives. There are various reasons for the pain to develop and, depending on the cause, the pain can fade away with rest, physical therapy and medication. However, this is not always the case. In the worst case, surgical repair may be required.
What Is Lower Back Pain?
Irrespective of the cause, lower back pain can range from mild to severe and it may be occasional or continuous. The pain can be a distraction or a minor impediment, or it could make movement and activity impossible. Several risk factors could contribute to the onset of the pain. These include:
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The causes of lower back pain are many but the most common are:
There are several actions a person may take to reduce the possibility of developing lower back pain. These include:
Symptoms of Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain may come on suddenly without warning or it may develop gradually. A specific action such as bending down may cause the pain or there may be no discernible reason for it to start. The pain can often become worse when the body is placed in certain positions and may improve in others such as when lying down. The pain may be dull and localized or it may radiate from the point of origin to other parts of the body.
Among the other common symptoms are:
The cause of the pain must be established so that appropriate treatment may be given. The doctor will begin with a physical examination and questions about the patient's medical history. This will be followed by tests to further narrow down the causes. These include, but are not limited to:
Once the diagnosis is complete, the doctor will decide on the best course of treatment. This could include the following:
The fact that lower back pain is such a common medical issue does not mean that it can be ignored. An occasional spell of pain after unusual physical activity is normal, but if the pain does not fade away in a few days with rest and physical therapy or if the pain recurs frequently or is chronic (constant but it may be of varying intensity), the cause must be diagnosed and appropriate treatment given. The best place to have a diagnosis done to receive the required treatment is a multispecialty hospital where there will be a dedicated orthopedics and spine department with specialists and the best treatment, equipment and services available. There will also be other departments such as physiotherapy that will be able to contribute, if required, to the treatment and recovery.
Do not fear lower back pain but do not ignore it. The sooner a problem is diagnosed and treated, the faster the recovery and the return to normal mobility.