Understanding the Liskov Substitution Principle in C#

Understanding the Liskov Substitution Principle in C#

In the world of software design, the Liskov Substitution Principle is one of the five SOLID principles of object-oriented programming. It ensures your code is easy to extend and maintain while reducing the risk of introducing bugs. Let’s break it down and explore how to implement it in C#.

What is the Liskov Substitution Principle?

Barbara Liskov, who introduced this principle, states:

Objects of a superclass should be replaceable with objects of a subclass without affecting the functionality of the program

Or with another word “If S is a subtype of T, then objects of type T in a program can be replaced with objects of type S without altering the desirable properties of the program."

In simpler words, if you have a base class and its derived classes, you should be able to use the derived classes without unexpected behavior or errors.

Why is LSP Important?

1. Ensures Substitutability

  • LSP states that subtypes must be substitutable for their base types without altering the correctness of the program. This ensures that derived classes can replace their base classes seamlessly in any part of the program.
  • Why it’s important: Without LSP, code could break when using a subclass, leading to runtime errors and violating the expectations of polymorphism.

2. Improves Code Reusability

  • By adhering to LSP, you can design base classes with clear, generic functionality that derived classes extend or modify without breaking existing code.
  • Why it’s important: This promotes reuse of both base and derived classes in a broader range of contexts.

3. Encourages Correct Design

  • Following LSP often reveals flaws in your inheritance hierarchy or design logic. It forces you to ensure that a subclass does not violate the expected behavior of its parent class.
  • Why it’s important: It guides you toward designing classes with clear, specific responsibilities, minimizing potential side effects of modifications.

4. Enhances Maintainability

  • When LSP is upheld, future changes or extensions to a class hierarchy are less likely to introduce bugs.
  • Why it’s important: Teams can confidently extend functionality without fear of breaking existing implementations.

5. Supports Open/Closed Principle

  • LSP directly supports the Open/Closed Principle by ensuring that new subclasses can be added without modifying existing code.
  • Why it’s important: This helps in creating systems that are both extensible and stable.

6. Minimizes Unexpected Behavior

  • Violating LSP often leads to unexpected behavior because subclasses behave differently than what the base class promises.
  • Why it’s important: This can confuse developers and cause unexpected issues in applications, especially in large-scale systems.

An Example That Violates LSP

Suppose we have a base class Bird with a Fly method, and a subclass Penguin that overrides the Fly method but penguins can't fly. This violates LSP because a Penguin cannot be substituted for a Bird without causing unexpected behavior.

public abstract class Bird
    public abstract void Fly();
    public abstract void DisplayInfo();
public class Sparrow : Bird
    public override void Fly()
        Console.WriteLine("I am flying!");

    public override void DisplayInfo()
        Console.WriteLine("I am a Sparrow.");
public class Penguin : Bird
    public override void Fly()
        throw new NotSupportedException("Penguins cannot fly!");

    public override void DisplayInfo()
        Console.WriteLine("I am a Penguin.");
public class BirdManager
    public void MakeBirdFly(Bird bird)
        bird.Fly(); // This will throw an exception if the bird is a Penguin

If we pass a Penguin to the MakeBirdFly method, the program breaks because Penguin does not adhere to the behavior expected of Bird. This design violates LSP because the Penguin class does not behave as a true substitute for the Bird base class. A Bird is expected to fly, but a Penguin cannot fulfill that expectation.

Solution (Adhering to LSP)

We can refactor the design by introducing an interface that separates the behavior of flying birds from non-flying birds:

public interface IFlyable
    void Fly();
public abstract class Bird
    public abstract void DisplayInfo();
public class Sparrow : Bird, IFlyable
    public override void DisplayInfo()
        Console.WriteLine("I am a Sparrow.");

    public void Fly()
        Console.WriteLine("I am flying!");
public class Penguin : Bird
    public override void DisplayInfo()
        Console.WriteLine("I am a Penguin, and I cannot fly.");
public class BirdManager
    public void MakeBirdFly(IFlyable flyingBird)
        flyingBird.Fly(); // Only flyable birds are passed here
BirdManager birdManager = new BirdManager();

Sparrow sparrow = new Sparrow();
birdManager.MakeBirdFly(sparrow); // Works fine

Penguin penguin = new Penguin();
// birdManager.MakeBirdFly(penguin); // This won't compile, adhering to LSP        

Key Points:

  • The DisplayInfo method is implemented in all bird types, ensuring consistent behavior when displaying information about a bird.
  • The Fly behavior is isolated to a separate IFlyable interface, ensuring that only birds capable of flying are passed to MakeBirdFly.
  • This refactor adheres to LSP by ensuring Penguin and Sparrow behave as intended without violating substitution rules.


The Liskov Substitution Principle is crucial for creating reliable and maintainable code. By ensuring that subclasses can replace their superclasses without unexpected behavior, we maintain the integrity of our class hierarchies. Adhering to LSP leads to more robust and predictable software, which is easier to understand and extend.

Remember, LSP isn’t just a guideline — it’s a mindset that helps in building better software systems.


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