Understanding the "law of resistance to change"?.

Understanding the "law of resistance to change".

100 years ago WW 1 and the Spanish Flu pandemic ended. We did not learn anything.

The cause of the dramatic events was linked to a weak to adaption to industrial innovations. We were not able to organize the population moving from agricultural to industrial towns then. Social structures were replaced by imperfect ideologies.

Europe was ruled by a dozen monarchies and young parliamentary democracies that have a strong resistance to the change. Still, old Europe is ruled by the same autocracy that still cannot adapt.

Wars and epidemics are not Black Swan events.

The events were long foreseen and action was agreed upon in a dozen parliaments in the west over periods of several years.

What's next? That's matters.

Bad decision making of leadership in many cases is clearly recognizable.

Good decision making produces shows preparations and many documents Like a plan B or exit strategy. There is no plan B. There is no min or max scenario. There are no provisions like masks & ventilators. The European Green Deal aspirations and its response to the pandemic.

Dutch had a carnival at the moment China gave us 2 month time.

We were all warned after many Pandemics since the terrible Spanish Flue 1918 causing more victims than World War 1. The TED talk of Bill Gates 5 years ago is so clear.

The Dutch authority on pandemics called RIVM tweets fake news and are not stopped. Governments hold on to stunning propaganda-style communication. It was decided to rename it to Corona to reduce fear. the virus was initially called sars-cov-2. Please, read more in-depth here What politicians keep busy. The lack of a unified coronavirus strategy will cost lives and wealth and trust. Look ahead. COVID-19 pandemic raises questions on preparedness for biological threats. The events of the Spanish Flue were at the same moment as the Word War I gas attacks. Nothing has been learned.

Another example. The EU statutes do have enough statuary paragraphs for adaption, dialog, change or exit. Brexit shows there is no real working exit mechanism present.

Another example 2. Central banks. The World Economic Forum predicts that over the next ten years, 10% of the world’s GDP will be stored in crypto assets. Since good money drives out the bad. This technology will destabilize old systems. Nobel prize-winner Milton Friedman was predicting the revolution with Cryptocurrency in 1999. Central banks are still (re)searching and refusing change. Now initiatives like Facebook Libra arrived.

The EU does not offer a regulated private blockchain, where government own nodes.

Here I write more on banks and the tax system that cannot survive. Every year we loose a small % on VAT income. VAT is the major income for the EU. If only EU VAT 5 % is not paid, the EU is bankrupt. We can also stumble over a pandemic Bill gates predicts. The old doesn't see the sense of urgency or gets their priorities wrong.

Our politcal sytem is to blame. It's Self-absorbing and cannot let loose old thinking.

I quote EU commissioner Von Leyen April 2020:

"The EU budget, the Single Market and unparalleled levels of investment, especially green and digital, are all part of the answer. On the "day after", the economic recovery in all Member States has to be as quick and strong as possible. The EU's response will help to lay the ground in that regard. We call on all members of the Eurogroup to look at all possible instruments in a resourceful and constructive way."

"especially green and digital"

You cannot have it all and this initiative shows that our politicians cannot focus when it's needed. It's the Corona crisis that matters now. On top of Europe is not ready for the ANY crisis.

The Euro is structurally in bad shape. Its design was massively flawed and nothing has been done to make it any better. Europe is like a group of non-friends insisting on sharing a party bill in a restaurant. We will see the end of April/May if the EU can absorb the Corona shock. The systemic issues were there well before the virus. EU waster her time.

COVID-19 is confronting humanity with its most severe test since 1918 when an influenza pandemic killed more people than in World War I.

That we are unready for a crisis is bad. We have unethical leadership too

Dutch courts are closed. That's unethical. Police and even Even supermarket employees continue do work bravely!

Justice arises form ethics. Ethics means: "the teaching correct behavior" Where do police criminals take now? Judges behave just as unethical as a captain that leaves a sinking ship first. We already knew that many public servants drop their pen at 1700 hours sharp. Whatever the verdict in any case. I worked for the court, hence I know. The stunning behavior needs a new word that frames our in-moral justice: "Fake law".

It's would be too easy to choose "the other political party" afterward. Next year The Netherlands holds elections again. Elections get dangerous too because people reject the voting system itself by voting on populistic single-issue parties that never can give us the complex coherent leadership we need.

Choosing the opposition doesn't take away the root cause of our problems. Innovative new political parties are blocked. Ask me! Still, we need a way to prevent repeating the same threats and unsolved issues like discrimination. This post shows why the system that fails to protect minorities and what we can do to repair it. Kafka Solved!

Once the danger posed by COVID-19 fades, the aftermath of the virus is likely to have an effect on politics.

Darwin's words came too late to implement his thinking in our parliamentary democracies. Now we just repeat describing the wrong problem or priorities and try to repair them for political reasons. It means just talk and accumulation of power in a dangerous unsustainable way.

If the good does not use innovation, the bad event certainly will. The inability to lead and to adapt caused those bloody wars. Adaption is crucial to life & survival. I question how to adapt best to catch the waves of innovation.

Organizations (organic is in the name) and need mechanisms to adapt to their external environment & change.

Life has DNA to adapt.
Without DNA there is no life.
Organizations need change mechanisms too.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent. It’s the one that is the best able to change and adapt that wins”. Charles Darwin

We have to remind that any solution cannot come topdown. Governments are simply not able to cut deep in their own meat. That's why nature came up with death as part of a change mechanism. For corporations, the equivalent is bankruptcy or a takeover. Institutes are fade away by social revolt. I believe there is a more gentle less costly way to change.

Technology or people are the key drivers to bring change. Best hand in hand. Corona gave people a personal problem. Initiated by the government responsible for the largest dip in confidence ever. Restoring Consumer Confidence Will Be Key to Global Economic Recovery. Most of GDP spending depends on people's confidence. Future Uncertainty hinders a quick social-economic or political recovery. Corona can always flare-up. Even a vaccine does not bring political trust. It's a medical solution. The created debt mess remains too. Asking for more tough complex political decisions. How to get trust again?

High tech vision can bring a coherent vision needed to get out of the cirsis.

Technology that can help to bring button-up change.

Language is powerful all humans know!

A solution can be found in talking and & a dialog. We need language to talk to systems and machines without error and misunderstanding.

By systems, I mean talking to governmental and organizational systems like the EU, Google, & FB. They get out of control. They are young and one big evolutionary experiment. We should review them. I like to discuss a few shortages. Here I discuss in detail the shortage to fail to adapt and how to repair.

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NBL a Natural Blockchain Language compiling to Java or like language Solidity/SQL) NBL high-level Business Modelling Language for Smart Contracts, data, and business processes. Complete business validation. NBL has a full formal foundation, is completely conceptual and ontological universal. 

NBL makes that machines, systems or organizations can be programmed 10 times faster. All without error and misunderstanding. Blockchain adds full traceability, safety, security & transparency to those systems. NBL solves privacy issues and enabled to build evolutionary. All happens within the NBL language layer on top of the blockchains.

The blockchain is a once in generation technology. It can rebuild society bottom-up, the only way that relies on works. People who work within organizations are stuck in their legacy problems. Consider looking in-depth to our free solution: 10 reasons why organizations need its own blockchain language.

Or get fascinated by the root-cause of the misery of the last century and the urgency tech needs to get now: The impact analyses of the blockchain on our legal systems. There you read how the blockchain full traceable data capabilities solve the traceability problem described in the book “Der Proce?” by Franz Kafka written 100 years ago, around 11 November 1918, the day WW1 ended.

Kafka solved!

The deep shameful “Wir haben es nicht gewusst” is still alive. The blockchain is a jewel for fact-finding and legal institutes. We owe to our world to put the blockchain technology to the test.

Erwan Jonchères

Avocat tech (Vie privée - IA - Blockchain) - Satoshi Legal

6 年

Intersting. WW1 ended in 1918 tho ;)?



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