Understanding JavaScript Execution: A Deep Dive into Execution Context, Call Stack, Event Loop, and More

Understanding JavaScript Execution: A Deep Dive into Execution Context, Call Stack, Event Loop, and More

JavaScript is one of the most widely used programming languages for building interactive web applications. To write optimized and efficient JavaScript code, it's crucial to understand how JavaScript executes, manages memory, handles asynchronous operations, and deals with concurrency. This article provides an in-depth exploration of JavaScript execution, covering topics like execution context, the global execution context, the call stack, event loop, task queues, Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, garbage collection, and more.

1. How JavaScript Executes

JavaScript is a single-threaded, non-blocking, asynchronous, event-driven language that executes code in an environment provided by the JavaScript engine (e.g., V8 in Chrome, SpiderMonkey in Firefox). The execution of JavaScript code follows these key stages:

  1. Parsing: The JavaScript engine reads and parses the code into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).
  2. Compilation (JIT): The AST is converted into optimized machine code using Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation.
  3. Execution: The JavaScript engine executes the machine code using the event loop and manages function calls using the call stack.

2. JavaScript Interpreter, Compiler, and JIT Compilation

JavaScript uses a combination of interpretation and compilation for execution:

  • Interpreter (Ignition in V8): Reads and executes code line-by-line.
  • Compiler (TurboFan in V8): Converts frequently executed code into optimized machine code.
  • JIT (Just-In-Time Compilation): Converts code to machine code dynamically, improving performance.

Javascript skips the usual compile-then-run process. With Node.js, you simply run "node server.js". There is no separate compilation step. JIT compilation first uses an interpreter to compile code and make machine code. The code then runs. The interpreter sends data to an optimizing compiler. This compiler creates better machine code if conditions allow. Otherwise, the interpreter takes over. It creates new machine code for variables with new data types and runs it.

3. Execution Context in JavaScript

An execution context is an environment where JavaScript code is executed. There are three types of execution contexts:

  1. Global Execution Context (GEC): Created when a JavaScript file is loaded.
  2. Function Execution Context (FEC): Created whenever a function is invoked.
  3. Eval Execution Context: Created when the eval() function is executed (rarely used).

Each execution context consists of:

  • Variable Environment (VE): Stores function declarations and variables.
  • Lexical Environment (LE): Maintains the scope chain.
  • This Binding: Determines the this keyword's value.

3.1 Global Execution Context (GEC)

  • Created when the JavaScript file runs.
  • Stores global variables and functions.
  • Assigned to the window object (in browsers) or global (in Node.js).
  • Destroyed when the program finishes execution.

3.2 How Global Execution Context is Re-created

  • When an asynchronous operation (like setTimeout or a Promise) resolves, the callback is added to the callback queue (microtask or macrotask).
  • The event loop moves the callback to the call stack when it's empty.
  • A new execution context is created for that callback function, allowing JavaScript execution to resume.

4. Call Stack and Function Execution Management

The call stack is a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) data structure used to manage function execution.

4.1 How Call Stack Works

  1. When a function is invoked, an execution context is created and pushed onto the call stack.
  2. When a function completes execution, it is popped from the call stack.
  3. The process continues until the stack is empty or an error occurs (e.g., stack overflow due to excessive recursion).

4.2 Example of Call Stack in Action

function first() {
  console.log("First function");
function second() {
  console.log("Second function");
function third() {
  console.log("Third function");

Execution Order:

  1. first() is pushed onto the call stack.
  2. first() calls second(), so second() is pushed onto the stack.
  3. second() calls third(), so third() is pushed onto the stack.
  4. third() executes and is popped from the stack.
  5. second() completes and is popped from the stack.
  6. first() completes and is popped from the stack.

5. Asynchronous JavaScript and the Event Loop

JavaScript is single-threaded, meaning it executes one task at a time. However, it handles asynchronous tasks using the event loop, which allows JavaScript to remain non-blocking.

5.1 Microtask Queue, and Macrotask Queue

  • Microtask Queue: Stores callbacks from Promises and MutationObserver, processed before macrotasks.
  • Macrotask Queue: Stores callbacks from setTimeout, setInterval, and I/O operations.

5.2 Event Loop Execution

The event loop ensures that JavaScript handles asynchronous operations efficiently:

  1. Check if call stack is empty.
  2. Processes microtasks (Promises, process.nextTick in Node.js).
  3. Executes macrotasks (setTimeout, I/O operations).
  4. Repeats the cycle continuously.


setTimeout(() => console.log("Timeout Callback"), 0);
Promise.resolve().then(() => console.log("Promise Callback"));

Output Order:

  1. Start (Synchronous)
  2. End (Synchronous)
  3. Promise Callback (Microtask)
  4. Timeout Callback (Macrotask)

6. Memory Management and Garbage Collection in JavaScript

Memory management in JavaScript is automatic, handled by garbage collection (GC). GC runs when memory usage crosses a threshold.

6.1 How Garbage Collection Works

JavaScript uses mark-and-sweep algorithm, which:

  1. Marks objects that are still reachable from the root.
  2. Sweeps away unreferenced objects, freeing memory.

6.2 Common Memory Issues

  • Memory Leaks: When objects are referenced but never used.
  • Global Variables: Persist longer than necessary.
  • Circular References: Objects referring to each other prevent garbage collection.

7. Concurrency and JavaScript Execution

Although JavaScript is single-threaded, it achieves concurrency using:

  • Workers: Run scripts in background threads i.e. worker thread. The worker thread communicates with the main thread using MessageChannel
  • Async/Await & Promises: Manage asynchronous operations.
  • Event Loop & Queues: Handle concurrency without blocking execution.


Understanding JavaScript execution helps developers write efficient, optimized, and bug-free code. Key takeaways:

  • JavaScript executes code in execution contexts, with the global execution context at the top.
  • The call stack manages synchronous execution, while the event loop handles asynchronous operations.
  • JavaScript memory is automatically managed by the garbage collector.
  • The Just-In-Time compiler ensures optimized execution.

By mastering these concepts, you can write high-performance JavaScript applications that leverage event-driven programming effectively.


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