Understanding about Java script based Frameworks

There are 2 types of Frameworks when it comes to Information Technology. This happens with every language and platform almost as frequent as once every 10 years. JavaScript has been on the rise in the recent past and is steadily replacing all the old test automation and development frameworks. So we can see Node.Js as a common foundation on top of which all other types of Javascript based frameworks are being used to develop and also automate web applications in the present day.

  1. Development FrameworksThese Frameworks include all the development tools necessary for developing the full stack web applications (majority) hence you can commonly find a web development framework, Libraries, Editors, Programming languages and Java Script Editors like Web storm, Atom which are used for high level coding and development. Some examples of Development based frameworks for Java script based web application include Next.js, Angular.js, Vue.js. For all these Node.js acts as the base similar to how Java Jdk or python works for selenium.
  2. Automation FrameworksTest Automation frameworks similarly are a much smaller part of Java script where the focus is on identifying the web elements and perform simple tasks which are otherwise performed manually on the web application identified as Business Scenarios. Some examples of Front End test automation include Karma, Mocha, Cucumber js, Citrus, Guage, Jest, Jasmine, Cypress, TestCafe and for API automation tools like Postman, Newman, Nightwatch, Playwright use Java script as their scripting language.For Mobile Automation Appium tool uses Node.js for writing automation scripts although other languages are supported.BDD in Java script: ChaiIn general Java script based frameworks are increasingly becoming common and hence it would be better to learn Java script based automation frameworks along with any of the following 2 programming languages: Python, Java. Since there is a certain change in the cloud infrastructure it would be good to club this skill along with Cloud certification on top of which Dev ops platform is deployed thereby integrating test automation with CI/CD pipelines to deploy and manage business application in both dev and prod environments hope this gives a good direction to those learning Java Script based automation Frameworks for test automation.Thanks and Regards,Swaroop


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