Understanding the Importance of an IT Asset Inventory.

Understanding the Importance of an IT Asset Inventory.

IT asset inventory is the process of identifying, tracking, and managing all hardware and software assets an organization owns or uses. This includes servers, laptops, mobile devices, printers, network devices, software licenses, and other technology-related items contributing to the organization's IT infrastructure. An IT asset is a physical device used during business activities that falls under the responsibility of IT staff. Examples of IT assets include computers, servers, routers, scanners, fax machines, printers, modems, hubs, and various Internet of Things (IoT) devices. An IT asset inventory is a complete list of all IT assets within an organization's IT environment. A well-managed inventory provides a central location to track items and ensure that they're being used effectively to support business processes. Having an accurate, up-to-date asset inventory also ensures your company can keep track of the type and age of hardware in use. By keeping track of this information, you are more easily able to identify technology gaps and refresh cycles. IT asset managers need to be able to track vendor information and warranties to understand how each asset contributes to the overall environment of an organization. An effective way to manage these upgrades and replacements is to issue change control procedures. This includes hardware, software, devices, data, cloud environments, IoT devices and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). An up-to-date inventory of IT assets can provide numerous benefits, including Cost optimization - Organizations can optimize their spending on IT equipment, software, and maintenance by gaining visibility into all IT assets. When we talk about asset inventory in the context of cybersecurity, we are talking about everything that is connected to the network and everything connected to the internet. This can include hardware, software, devices, data, cloud environments, IoT devices and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). An IT asset manager, on the other hand, would keep track of their company's software license compliance to avoid penalties and breaches. Understanding the different forms of asset management is crucial in selecting a solution that will work for you. If IT organizations are not aware of all the assets that need to be handed over and disposed of properly, security, intellectual property, license compliance, regulatory issues and environmental risks can occur. Critical elements of an IT asset inventory include hardware, software, devices, data, cloud environments, IoT devices and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Asset management keeps information updated, so teams eliminate waste and improve utilization. It saves money by helping avoid unnecessary purchases and cutting licensing and support costs. Increased control also enforces compliance with security and legal policies and reduces risks. A digital inventory system can help to streamline the order fulfillment process by providing real-time information about inventory levels. This information can be used to optimize order processing, reduce lead times, and improve customer satisfaction.


Information security is the study and practice of protecting information. Its main goal is to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. People, process, Facility and Technology are the four broad categories of vulnerabilities. Acceptable use of information and other associated assets means using information assets in ways that do not put at risk the availability, reliability, or integrity of data, services, or resources. It also means using them in ways that do not violate laws or the organization’s policies. One of the basic responsibilities of an IT asset manager is to build, maintain, and regularly update the company's hardware and software inventory. They should also evaluate the organization's asset requirements and coordinate their acquisition. Having an accurate, up-to-date asset inventory also ensures your company can keep track of the type and age of hardware in use. By keeping track of this information, you are more easily able to identify technology gaps and refresh cycles. Data is one of the most important assets for the organization. That is why data security is crucial. Protecting data is important because it has extremely critical information stored that can be dangerous for organizations if data is stolen. Keeping things fresh: By having a clear, up-to-date picture of your hardware and software assets, your company can be much nimbler in allocating resources for IT infrastructure. Hardware and software upgrades, software license purchases and asset obsolescence can be forecast more accurately for future requirements. IT Asset Management is also known as “IT asset lifecycle management,” or just “asset lifecycle management,” ITAM is a framework for proactively and strategically managing the acquisition, usage, maintenance, and retirement of IT assets. ITSM is focused on service delivery and, therefore, only the operational phase of an asset's lifecycle. Its configuration is to support the service, whereas ITAM spans the entire lifecycle of the asset. ITAM focuses on managing an asset's financial, contractual, and operational risks and implications. Information assets in IT security management relies on five major elements: confidentiality, integrity, availability, authenticity, and non-repudiation. For IT specialist be aware of IT asset management, he must have accurate real-time reporting on more than just what apps are part of the estate. He must know who owns them, who is utilizing them, how frequently they are being utilized, which features are being used most, when they renew, etc. It is common for reporting software to only count logins.


An IT asset management checklist is a set of items you must keep track of to manage your IT assets effectively. These items can include hardware, software, and other IT-related assets. The list should also document the life cycle of each asset, including purchase date, maintenance requirements, and disposal method. ITIL Asset Management is a process that helps a company maximize value, limit costs, and manage risks by planning and driving the entire lifecycle of all IT assets. Managing a well-organized IT asset management practice would empower organizations to maximize the value of their IT assets, control their costs, manage risks more effectively, while also assisting in informed decision-making about the procurement, re-use, as well as retirement of the IT assets. To maximize the value of the asset and extend its life -- as well as mitigate risks and reduce support costs -- maintenance, repair and extensive overhauls may be necessary. Once the asset has reached the end of its useful life, the last phase is asset retirement and disposal. The IT Asset Manager manages, controls, and protects the organization's IT assets (i.e., hardware) throughout their life cycle, from acquisition through final disposition. In addition, the IT Asset Manager designs, develops, and implements the organization's asset management strategy. IT assets can include everything from servers and desktop computers to routers and switches, as well as applications, databases, and website content.


Acceptable use of information and other associated assets means using information assets in ways that do not put at risk the availability, reliability, or integrity of data, services, or resources. It also means using them in ways that do not violate laws or the organization’s policies. An Information Technology audit is the examination and evaluation of an organization's information technology infrastructure, applications, data use and management, policies, procedures and operational processes against recognized standards or established policies. The asset lifecycle has four stages, they are: Planning, Procurement/Acquisition, Operation/Maintenance and Disposal/Archive. Determining how to classify your data will depend on your industry and the type of data your organization collects, uses, stores, processes, and transmits. Public data, internal-only, confidential, and restricted. Public data is freely accessible to the public. Names are good examples of public data. Internal-only data are accessible by internal employees only and who have access. Confidential data requires clearance and examples are the data that contains the SSN. These data are being protected by HIPAA and PCI DSS. Restricted data accessible via authorization and if not following due process may attract criminal charges, they might include proprietary information. The classification of Data is done based on the governing rules, laws and bodies supporting the data. Examples of the governing bodies are SOC 2, HIPAA, PCI DSS, GDPR. Data’s level of sensitivity (or sensitivity level) is often classified based on varying levels of importance or confidentiality, which then correlates to the security control and protection strategy measures put in place to protect each classification level. Most information security policies focus on protecting three key aspects of their data and information: confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Integrity is the protection of system data from intentional or accidental unauthorized changes. Integrity involves maintaining the consistency, accuracy, and trustworthiness of data over its entire lifecycle. common practice is to separate data and systems into three levels of risk, which are Low, Moderate and High. These measures include file permissions and user access controls. Version control may be used to prevent erroneous changes or accidental deletion by authorized users from becoming a problem. Integrity involves maintaining the consistency and trustworthiness of data over its entire life cycle. Integrity means data are trustworthy, complete, and have not been accidentally altered or modified by an unauthorized user. A helpful step to achieve this objective is categorizing and assigning levels of classification to the data and information that an organization collects, processes, stores or transmits. Some security controls designed to maintain the integrity of information include Encryption, User access controls, Version control, Backup and recovery procedures and Error detection software. Integrity means that the results of that system are precise and factual. A critical requirement of both commercial and government data processing is to ensure the integrity of data to prevent fraud and errors. three goals of integrity, which the models address in various ways: Preventing unauthorized users from making modifications to data or programs, preventing authorized users from making improper or unauthorized modifications and maintaining internal and external consistency of data and programs.

Information can be corrupted or manipulated if it’s available on an insecure network and is referred to as “loss of integrity.” Three basic security concepts important to information on the internet are confidentiality, integrity, and availability. multiple layers of protection, includes the use of Database firewall that blocks SQL injection and other threats, Data masking and encryption to obfuscate sensitive data, Data Loss prevention(DLP) inspects data in motion? at rest on servers and on endpoint devices, user behavior analytics to detect and alert? on abnormal and potential risky activities, database active monitoring? to generate real time analytics, Data discovery and classification reveals location, volume, and context of data on premises, Database active monitoring monitors relational databases, big data and mainframes to generate real-time alerts on policy violations and Alert prioritization uses AI and ML technology to look across the stream of security events. To be useful, a security policy must not only state the security need (e.g., for confidentiality—that data shall be disclosed only to authorized individuals), but also address the range of circumstances under which that need must be met and the associated operating standards. Administrative, procedural, and technical—that are instituted to implement a security policy. Some management controls are explicitly concerned with protecting information and information systems, but the concept of management controls includes much more than a computer's specific role in enforcing security. Note that management controls not only are used by managers, but also may be exercised by users. The adverse effects of a system not being available must be related in part to requirements for recovery time. A system that must be restored within an hour after disruption represents, and requires, a more demanding set of policies and controls than does a similar system that need not be restored for two to three days. Likewise, the risk of loss of confidentiality with respect to a major product announcement will change with time. A threat has the potential of causing small to even severe damage to the IT infrastructure of organizations. A threat has the potential of causing small to even severe damage to the IT infrastructure of organizations. IT risk assessment process in an organization comprises the following Evaluation, Vulnerability identification, Exposure Determination, Threat Determination, Risk Assessment and Risk Mitigation. Few of the common security mechanisms are physical security which secure by maintaining the resources behind a locked door and secured from natural and human-made disasters. Also, authenticating users and authenticating devices or software processes. Using login ID and password that are authoritative by a security server. Varying the degree of authorization. Authorization changes from user to user and should be based on a user's department or job function. Using an encryption device. An encryption device encrypts information before locating it on a network. A decryption device decrypts the information before passing it to an application. Using an approach to certify that a user has access right to the information or resources owned by a system. Risk Assessment and Risk Mitigation is a process in which identifying, assessing, and mitigating risk takes place to scope, schedule, cost, and quality of the project. Some of the ways to manage risk in infrastructure are Right Sizing the Infrastructure, considering hardware compatibility, Workload Migration, managing Unplanned and Planned Downtime, proper handling of Unplanned Downtime, adequate proper and Planned Downtime, implementing disaster recovery and having a reliable vendor.


An IT asset owner is called the Information Asset Owner (IAO) and he is responsible for ensuring that specific information assets are handled and managed appropriately. This means making sure that information assets are properly protected and that their value to the organization is fully exploited. Performing the role well brings significant benefits. Availability means information should be consistently and readily accessible for authorized parties. This involves properly maintaining hardware and technical infrastructure and systems that hold and display the information.? Data that is not accessible quickly can prevent the delivery of services, costing an organization time and revenue. Different approaches can be used to achieve data availability, including storage area network and network-attached storage. It is desirable to have your data available 24x7x365, which will permit your business to run uninterrupted. Availability guarantees that systems, applications, and data are available to users when they need them. The most common attack that impacts availability is denial-of-service in which the attacker interrupts access to information, system, devices, or other network resources. Data confidentiality refers to protection of data from unauthorized access and disclosure, including means for protecting personal privacy and proprietary information. It means preserving authorized restrictions on access and disclosure, including means for protecting personal privacy and proprietary information. Confidentiality is the protection of information in the system so that an unauthorized person cannot access it. As a tool used to protect people, ensure a high standard of business security and to keep private data secure, the way confidentiality is handled is an increasingly valuable soft skill across various industries and fields. It allows organizations to understand the types of information they are processing and storing. The knowledge gained through data classification allows a company to take the necessary measures to protect the data based on its importance or sensitivity. Data confidentiality refers to protection of data from unauthorized access and disclosure, including means for protecting personal privacy and proprietary information. Data classification is the process of separating and organizing data into relevant groups (“classes”) based on their shared characteristics, such as their level of sensitivity, the risks they present, and the compliance regulations that protect them. By classifying its data, a company can concentrate its resources on protecting its valuable information with encryption and heightened security. Data classification is the process of organizing data into categories that make it easy to retrieve, sort and store for future use. An exploit is a piece of software, a chunk of data, or a sequence of commands that takes advantage of a bug or vulnerability to cause an attack. Exploits are the means through which a vulnerability can be leveraged for malicious activity by hackers. Exploits usually take the form of software or code that aims to take control of computers or steal network data.


The protection of information systems against unauthorized access to or modification of information, whether in storage, processing or transit, and against the denial of service to authorized users, including those measures necessary to detect, document, and counter such threats is called Information Security. There are several different security measures that organizations can implement to protect their information systems, such as: Firewalls: Firewalls are used to restrict access to an organization's network and to protect against unauthorized access. Information Security refers to the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection. Physical security, endpoint security, data encryption and network security are all examples of information security. It is also closely related to information assurance, which safeguards data against threats, such as natural disasters and server outages. The goal is to ensure the safety and privacy of critical data such as customer account details, financial data, or intellectual property. Information technology infrastructure is defined broadly as a set of information technology components that are the foundation of an IT service, typically physical components, but also various software and network components. It is composed of physical and virtual resources that support the flow, storage, processing, and analysis of data. This is done with the goal of minimizing downtime of products and systems, as well as providing security and scalability. Technology infrastructure is what enables a company to build and run the applications that underpin its business. It includes computer, network, workplace, data platform and edge capabilities. Associated people, processes, and documentation are not part of IT Infrastructure. Data Management Technology, Networking and Technology Services are major components of today's IT infrastructure.



No one on the internet is immune. It was clear that basic information security features should be required components that vendors build into information systems. Some control of the implementation of features should be available to organizations so that flexibility to accommodate special circumstances is available. The steps in an IT risk assessment include the following: Identify IT assets and their value; uncover potential threats to each asset; discover vulnerabilities that can be exploited by those threats; and estimate the likelihood of the potential threat events. Effective assessment of risk associated with the deployment of the IT infrastructure in industries has become an integral part of the management to ensure the security of the assets. For an IT system under development, it is necessary to define key security rules and attributes planned IT system. The risks of moving from one infrastructure to another are largely based on outdated practices of building infrastructure with disparate components from different vendors. To implement the strategy, it is necessary either to attract professional organizations on outsourcing terms, or to create our own capable IT department that can quickly and efficiently respond to information security incidents. As an organization grows and changes, it is important to periodically review data classification measures taken to ensure that the data identified is still appropriately classified and protected.













