Understanding The Human Behavior and Behavioral patterns to better your LinkedIn game
Barbara Imen?ek
Helping Coaches, Consultants & Entrepreneurs Leverage LinkedIn?? & AI | Brutally Honest Business Growth Strategist | Speaker | AI & LinkedIn Masterclass Trainer
Understanding The Human Behavior and Behavioral patterns to better your LinkedIn game
The end goal of our presence on LinkedIn is to sell. Whether we build a
personal brand, we want to grow our network, or use a company page to promote
our business.
When I teach how to use LinkedIn right, I always stress the importance of studying a person and finding commonalities to start a conversation. From connection request on.
I recently had a conversation with Bo?tjan Polanec , a persolog? Personality Trainer. Suppose you are not familiar with the term. In that case, a persolog describes human behavior based on the four behavioral patterns: Dominant (D), Influencing (I), Steady (S), and Cautious (C), and aims at a better understanding of one’s own needs and those of others.
Honestly, I was attracted by the 4 'monsters' he uses in his work, and you can find them in this article.
As we discussed, the idea of co-authoring an article, maybe more, came to mind. Why?
Bo?tjan said that we could understand from a person's profile, posts, and engagement what their dominant behavioral pattern is. And once you know it, you can use some tips on approaching them and building a relationship that may end in a sale.
So we wrote this article together to help you get better results on LinkedIn.
If you are in business, you are in the business of behavior. Unless a business influences behavior, it will not succeed. A business needs people to buy and use its products and services to generate revenue. It needs people to make and deliver those products and services.
If there is one thing to learn from behavioral science, it is this: what people do is often not the same as what they say they do or intend to. If a business does not employ this understanding of how people make decisions that are frequently driven by subconscious or external factors they are not aware of, they are wasting the business's money (and the death of any shareholders).
Selling means far more than a perfectly concluded contract between a skilled salesperson and a customer. Selling is a unique interpersonal process that each of us is confronted with every day.
If your selling style or behavior style does not meet your customer’s approval, that customer will pay little or no attention to the advantages of what you want to sell.?Why? Usually, because different personalities have collided.?
My explanations and tables will show you four customer behavior styles and a quick checklist to help determine your customer’s behavioral D, I, S, and C tendencies.
How to identify other people’s behavior styles by observation.?
Pay attention to :
By analyzing the style of communication, the words used, and the visual appearance, we can determine a person's behavioral profile with up to 90% accuracy.
Four customer behavior styles include tips and information on how to approach them.
I want to stress that your behavioral style determines the way you communicate, not your overall personality. It is our psychological skin. The layer that we first encounter.
All four basic behavioral styles,s D-Dominant, I-Initiative, S-Stable, and ?K-Correct, are present in every human being but at different intensities. Generally, every person expresses behavioral traits belonging to all four dimensions. Depending on the environment and the situation, we use one of the behavioral tendencies more often than the other three. If you can identify the dominant behavioral style, you will be better able to assess yourself or your interlocutor and deal effectively with yourself and others.
The platinum communication rule is: ?Treat others how they want to be treated."
The D-style
??Dear INFLUENCE “I” friends, ??
?I always want popular decisions.
I don't need lots of product information, but give me colors, stories, and pictures so I can have a lot of fun going through the selling process.??????
For me, it's also essential WHO else is using your service or products and who Is Bo?tjan Polanec?
???I adore optimistic words
???wonderful feeling based stories attract me
?? my response will be impulsive and quick
And after reading this article, I will send a copy of it to all my colleagues, friends and customers and show them this new approach to behavior science trought funny, cute monsters.
?see you soon, ??
???p.s. I will send you a true story about what happened after reading and successfully implementing the new knowledge about my behavioral style ??
Hello, dear “S” readers,
First, flick through this article’s pages to get a general idea. I don’t want to disappoint anybody with my writing. Before I comment and respond to your post or direct message, I will double-check. I will take the time to discuss the content with a good friend and exchange your experience with others.
My primary need is COLLABORATION. Please don’t put me under pressure but encourage and support me.
My questions and Infos are always based on HOW we will do this and how this impacts us? The solutions with positive security and safety impact on my family will motivate me to buy your product or service. But again, don’t forget, I need time and generous support to make decisions.
With warmest wishes, your?S-monster.
??after a few articles in In-store magazine about behavioral styles, I will accept you as an author and trustworthy person to help me in my business.?But first, we must build strong relationships.
Ladies and Gentleman of the “C” Style!
In my post, I give you clear instructions and enough logical expert supporting info to make the best and correct decision that avoids risk and follows the rules.
WHY does this article work for you? Because information was distilled from more than 15.000 pages??Based on the theory of William Marston, upgraded by American psychologist John G. Geier and psychometric?tool persolog? Model of personality
Professor John G.Geier and Prof. Dorothy E. Downey, and Head Coach Friedbert Gay.
Colors, symbols, and emotions are based on Hipocrat and Edepodklo behavioral science theory, more than 2000 years old but always actual.
My decision-making style is slow.
?Slovenia and LinkedIn, September 9, 2022, 4:50 p.m.
?With kind regards, The C Style
By analyzing the style of communication, the words used, and the visual appearance, we can determine a person's behavioral profile with up to 90% accuracy.
You can assess the behavior of someone you know and select how they are most likely to react in a given situation from the response below:
?When you define prevailing behavioral patterns, you can tailor your business communication to your target business partner to help you establish a business relationship that will result in a more excellent performance by stimulating your potential client to purchase your service or product.
?Each of us is unique and has an individual preferred behavior style when doing business.
The knowledge about behavior science in business can help you build a more comfortable relationship with potential customers and improve your sales effectiveness. Understanding your DiSC profile gives you a window into who you are in the workplace (and at home) and can shed light on your relationship with your clients, partners, supervisor, direct reports, or colleagues.
persolog??is a personality profile tool used by more than one million people every year to help improve teamwork, communication, and productivity in the workplace.
?Understanding people is science and takes a lot of practice. This article gives you some quick tips to help you. You can have your DISC assessment done and try to read people once familiar with it. If you would like to take this step, contact Bo?tjan Polanec .And for those who don't have time, there's a shortcut. Of course, someone created Crystal, an online tool that analyzes people from their profiles. And let me tell you – it's scary how accurate it is. I still prefer the 4 monsters Bo?tjan uses that our friend Jana Fak created.
Sources and literature:
Persolog manual for trainers, persolog International, material for a certification workshop
Geier, J. G. & Downey, D. E. (1989). Understanding Personality Theory. Energetics of Personality. Minneapolis: Aristos Publishing House, 185–204.
Gay, F. & Wittmann, R. (2017). persolog? Pers?nlichkeits-Profil–Schlüssel-Potenziale für Kompetenzen. Handbuch Kompetenzmessung: Erkennen, verstehen und bewerten von Kompetenzen in der betrieblichen, p?dagogischen und psychologischen Praxis, 174
?Lothart Seiwrt/Friedbert Gay?ABC osebnosti osebnosti-?tirje tipi ljudi, ki jih morate poznati (2021)?9-22