Understanding the Goods In Transit GIT SAP EWM
Understanding the Goods In Transit (GIT) Process in SAP EWM for Payment and Inventory Management

Understanding the Goods In Transit GIT SAP EWM

In SAP, managing the movement of goods between the supplier and the destination warehouse is a critical process, especially when it comes to payment terms, inventory accuracy, and financial reconciliation. The Goods In Transit (GIT) process provides visibility and control over goods that are in transit but have not yet been physically received at the destination warehouse.

Creating Goods In Transit (GIT) Goods Receipt (GR) in SAP EWM

Objective: This Article provides step-by-step instructions for creating the Goods In Transit Goods Receipt using Movement Type 107 in SAP. This process involves multiple steps to ensure that goods in transit are properly recorded in SAP, tracked, and distributed to the warehouse management system (EWM). for payment Process.


  • The Purchase Order (PO) should be created with Incoterms EXW (Ex-Works) and Acceptance at Origin enabled. This ensures the inbound delivery is not automatically distributed to EWM.

Step-by-Step Process:

1. Create Inbound Delivery (Initial Step)

1.1 Open SAP GUI and Log into your SAP system.

  • Open transaction VL31N (Create Inbound Delivery).

1.2 Enter the Purchase Order (PO) number.

  • The PO should be created with EXW Incoterms and Acceptance at Origin.

1.3 Save the Inbound Delivery.

  • The system will generate an inbound delivery document. Note: The inbound delivery will not be automatically distributed to EWM.

2. Post Goods Receipt (Goods In Transit GR)

2.1 Open Transaction MIGO (Goods Movement).

  • Transaction Type: Choose Goods Receipt (GR).
  • Document Type: Choose Inbound Delivery (instead of Purchase Order).
  • Enter the Inbound Delivery Document number from the previous step.

2.2 Change Movement Type to 107 (Goods In Transit).

  • In the "Movement Type" field, enter 107. This indicates a Goods In Transit Goods Receipt.

2.3 Review the material details.

  • The system will automatically show material details. If serial profile are maintained for the material, the system will request to upload serial details.

2.4 Serial Number Entry (if applicable).

  • If the supplier has provided serial numbers: These can be uploaded manually or via Serial Numbers Tab in MIGO transaction.
  • If no serial number is provided: The system will ask upload the serial number we will automatically generate serial numbers during the GR process. Serial Numbers Tab in MIGO transaction.

2.5 Packing Information (Optional at this stage).

  • Packing and Handling Units (HU) are not mandatory at this stage.

2.6 Save the Goods Receipt.

  • Click Save. This will create the GR with Movement Type 107 and the stock will be moved to the Stock In Transit Location.

3. Physical Goods Receipt (Upon Arrival)

3.1 Open Transaction VL32N (Change Inbound Delivery).

  • This step is done when the goods physically arrive at the warehouse.

3.2 Enter the Inbound Delivery number.

  • Search for and enter the inbound delivery number from the initial step.

3.3 Perform Goods Receipt in Warehouse.

  • Packing: Ensure that goods are packed based on required storage conditions.
  • Handling Units (HU): Create HUs as per pack size.

3.4 Serial Number Entry (If not entered previously).

  • If serial numbers were not entered during the initial Goods Receipt (107), enter the original serial numbers here.

3.5 Save the Goods Receipt.

  • Click Save to confirm the Goods Receipt into the warehouse.

4. Distribute Inbound Delivery to EWM

4.1 Manual Distribution of Inbound Delivery to EWM.

  • At this stage, the inbound delivery has not been automatically distributed to EWM.
  • To distribute the inbound delivery manually: Navigate to EWM (SAP Extended Warehouse Management).Manually trigger the inbound delivery distribution to the EWM system.

4.2 Check Stock Status in EWM.

  • Once the inbound delivery is distributed, check the stock status in the Regular Warehouse Storage Location.
  • The goods are now available in the regular storage location and are no longer in transit.

5. Handling Discrepancies (If Any)

5.1 Use Movement Type 108 (Goods Movement) for Discrepancies.

  • If there is any discrepancy between the Goods In Transit GR (107) and the actual quantity received (109), you can adjust the stock using Movement Type 108.
  • Steps to Correct Discrepancy: Open Transaction MIGO. Change the Movement Type to 108 (Correction).Adjust the quantity to match the actual quantity received. Save the document to correct the stock levels.

6. Final Check and Confirmation

6.1 Confirm Stock in SAP.

  • Verify that the stock is now in the Regular Warehouse Storage Location and available for further processing.

6.2 Report or Notify Team (if necessary).

  • If any issues or discrepancies occurred during the process, inform the relevant stakeholders (e.g., logistics or buyer team) and report the adjustments made using Movement Type 108.


By following these steps, you can successfully create a Goods In Transit (GIT) Goods Receipt (GR) in SAP, manage the goods through the warehouse process, and handle any discrepancies effectively. This ensures that the goods are properly tracked, and inventory is updated correctly in SAP and EWM.

Tips for Beginners:

  • Always double-check the movement types (107, 109, 108) to ensure they align with the correct process.
  • If you are unsure about entering serial numbers, refer to the supplier’s documentation or consult with your supervisor.


