Understanding Fear + Two Ways To Overcome Fear

Understanding Fear + Two Ways To Overcome Fear

Do you really have to overcome fear in order to be successful? That's what I want to talk about in today's video blog.

I think fear is one of the most misunderstood emotions. Especially for business people. There's so many comments out there that you have to power through and drive through and conquer fear. I don't think that's the case.

My name's Ryan Perry. I help business owners thrive. And in today's video blog, let's talk about fear. And, before we talk about fear. Let's make sure we understand what fear is. The definition is "an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat". Now, there's two key words in that definition that really tell us everything that we know about fear. The first keyword is that it's an 'emotion'. Fear is an emotion, therefore it doesn't... it is not logical. So, if we try to apply logic to fear it doesn't make sense. Let me give you a real-life example that actually happened today. I decided to go to the gym before work. Not a big deal, but for the last six or seven years I've been going to the gym after work. This is a change in what I normally do. And there was a little bit of self-doubt, some fear about 'well who's going to be there', 'maybe people recognize me and I'm wondering who this guy is showing up to the gym'. Just silly stuff that goes through the mind. That's the illogical part and the emotional part of fear.

The big question that we have to ask ourselves is, where does the emotion come from? What triggers that? Well that's in the description here also. And that is that fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous. So, it's the belief that drives the emotion. And this is the part that I really want to drive home in this video is that it's really about the belief. Fear is an emotion, but what is driving that? What triggers it, what causes it? It is the belief.

Let me give you another quick example. There are people out there that ride bicycles and they do backflips over big jumps. In fact, here's a video. Now you've seen it's possible to do a backflip on a bicycle. The question is, if I give you a bike and take you to this exact location where you just saw this happen. Would you do it? More than likely not because you would be fearful, you would be afraid that something dangerous, likely to cause pain would happened. That is the belief that's associated with doing a backflip on a bicycle with most people. However, people that have trained, who have experience, who have been able to land a backflip safely don't have the same belief regarding the pain associated with landing. They feel that they can land it safely - fear level very, very low. They go off and do it. On the other hand, you and I. Fear level is going to be very high because we know the belief structure is, we're going to crash, we're going to die, and it is not going to feel good. How do we move forward overcoming fear?

It's been my experience over the years that there are two different solutions. The first solution is for low level fear. My example of going to the gym is an example (of) low level fear. And, I can easily go, 'thank you brain, I appreciate what you have to say. You've been acknowledged, but I'm going to go do what I want to do instead'. As fear escalates - maybe you need to call on a past due invoices and you really feel uncomfortable and it's something you know you need to do but you just can't do it. That's a higher level of fear, a higher level of anxiety. This is where we need to identify the belief structure behind the fear. If you know you're providing good value you deserve to be paid, then there should be no issue asking for money. In fact, there's a lot of people that have no issues at all asking for money because their belief structure is very different.

One of the interesting things about being human is that belief structure is actually cemented into place by the age five or six some people say seven-eight depending on who you talk to. I feel it's more five-six from the studying that I've done. And what that means is that in your childhood experience - your reality growing up. At some point something happened and now that you need to as an example, call somebody on a past do invoice. If it's hitting that childhood experience that triggered a belief that is what's causing that uncomfortable emotion of fear from cropping up.

The only way that I know in order to remove that is to be able to identify what that belief structure is and remove it. Go back to the example of the bicyclist doing the backflip. We have to find out where that fear is and modify it so that the person knows they can land it. Once they know they can land it, the fear is removed, you can go ahead and move forward.

This requires somebody to help you out. Unfortunately, there is no PDF or worksheet that I'm aware of. Self-help guided video that you can watch in order to find it. This is where finding a specialist such as a conscious coach who's been trained to understand and identify this type of behavior can help you out.

That is my thoughts on fear. There's really only two solutions since we know that it is a belief-based emotion. Number one you can power through, but gosh if it gets really difficult don't power through. Identify where that belief structure is so it can be removed. So, it's no longer in triggered... no longer being trigger.

If you have any questions or thoughts about this video I'd love to hear it below. Also, I have a link for more information about conscious coaching that you can check out. Also, for more information. All right everybody, that is it for today's video. Take care.


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