Understanding the Family in the Biblical Context
God views the family in a very special way. His view of the family incorporates love, joy, peace, happiness, humility, patience, kindness, etc. When these are prevalent in the structure of the family, we find that such a family becomes a closely knit relationship. Nothing can tear them apart because of the character and identity that they embrace and show each other. A deeper look at these characteristics will reveal something special. These are the fruit of the Spirit. This means that the Spirit of God has pre-eminence in such a home. When a family submits to God for His leadership and guidance, God’s Spirit becomes the guiding force and wisdom of that family. God orders their footsteps simply because they honour Him. Like Joshua declares openly to the nation of Israel: “Choose whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!” That stance is largely missing in the context for the modern family. We seem to believe that modernism is the order of the day and we need to allow our children to choose a path in life that best suits them. If that is your approach, then you have subscribed to the philosophy of the devil and you have rejected the Word of God which ought to be the source and guide for every facet of our lives.
Our Scripture Text for this Morning is: Joshua 1:8 “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”
Isn’t it strange that we look for success and prosperity in all the wrong places? Also, we have a very warped sense of both prosperity and success! As human beings we always seem to equate both prosperity and success to material things and possessions. Yet according to God’s Word we are instructed not to store up treasure here on earth where people can steal it, and where we can lose it, but to store up treasure in heaven where it can not be lost or stolen. According to God’s Word, more importance is given to teaching our children all of God’s instructions and commands for our lives. That is the key to success and prosperity in all that we do, in the way we live and in the way that we interact with both God and others. Instead of living a life that reflects the sacrifice that we are supposed to bring to God, we have subscribed to living selfish, self-centered lives, in opposition to what God has instructed for our lives. When we begin to understand the importance and significance of living in the fear of the Lord. We begin to live as those who are full of wisdom, knowledge and understanding and the outlook of our lives changes in so much that God’s will becomes important and our wills become obsolete and insignificant.
Now, let us focus on the family in the home. God wants the father to be one that emulates Him. Who rules his family with love, justice, knowledge and understanding, rightly dividing the word of truth. This kind of father is one that is revered, appreciated, loved and respected, because those are the characteristics that he displays. He works hard and holds his family in high esteem. He cherishes his wife and does everything that brings joy and happiness to her and that love and appreciation for each other filters into the family structure and the children grow in that environment and they reflect the same qualities. The mother and wife is one who loves her husband and submits to him willingly. She is there for her husband and makes sure that he is taken care of – emotionally, physically, materially and spiritually. She is the glue that brings the family together in oneness and unity. She is careful how she speaks in front of her children and she is wise in the advice that she gives to them. She is prayerful and full of encouragement for both her children and her husband. She is the peace-maker!
The children learn to respect their parents and to honor them. Even with the vast influence from outside sources – friends, peers, social media, television, etc., these children learn from an early age to distinguish between reliable sources and those that are not. They are open and transparent with their parents bringing any situations that they see as complicated or confusing to them. They are willing to sit with their parents and discuss matters that seem difficult to them and they listen when their parents give advice. The success and bond of love that prevails in this kind of home is only because God is present in all their lives and they submit themselves to His will for their lives. When we seek God first and His righteousness, our homes will be delightful and joyous, our friendships will be pure and holy, our words will be graceful and our lives will be sanctified by the blood of the Lamb. God wants us to live lives that please Him so that we can benefit the most out of it. Remember that when we trust God and choose to live in a way that pleases Him and delight in Him, He will give us the desires of our hearts!
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