Understanding the Event Loop in JavaScript

Understanding the Event Loop in JavaScript

JavaScript is a single-threaded language, which means it executes one task at a time. However, JavaScript efficiently handles asynchronous operations like API calls, timers, and event handling without blocking execution. This is possible due to the Event Loop, a crucial mechanism that manages task execution.

What is the Event Loop?

The event loop is responsible for handling JavaScript's asynchronous behavior. It ensures non-blocking execution by continuously checking the Call Stack, Microtask Queue, and Callback Queue to determine which task should run next.



setTimeout(() => {
    console.log("setTimeout Callback");
}, 0);

Promise.resolve().then(() => {
    console.log("Promise Resolved");



Promise Resolved
setTimeout Callback        

  1. console.log("Start") executes first.
  2. setTimeout schedules its callback but does not execute it immediately.
  3. Promise.resolve().then() is added to the microtask queue and executes before the callback queue.
  4. Promise Resolved appears before setTimeout Callback due to microtask priority.

How the Event Loop Works

  1. Executes synchronous tasks in the Call Stack.
  2. Processes the Microtask Queue (Promises, MutationObservers, etc.).
  3. Moves to the Callback Queue (setTimeout, setInterval, I/O events, etc.).
  4. Repeats this cycle continuously.

Key Components:

  • Call Stack: Manages function execution in a Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) manner.
  • Web APIs: Handles background tasks like timers, fetch, and event listeners.
  • Callback Queue (Task Queue): Stores callbacks from asynchronous operations.
  • Microtask Queue: Stores microtasks like Promises, which execute before callbacks.
  • Event Loop: Checks if the call stack is empty and moves pending tasks from the queue.

Phases of the Event Loop

  1. Timers Phase: Executes setTimeout and setInterval callbacks.
  2. I/O Callbacks Phase: Handles I/O operations like reading files or network requests.
  3. Prepare Phase: Internal phase used by Node.js.
  4. Poll Phase: Retrieves new I/O events and executes relevant callbacks.
  5. Check Phase: Executes setImmediate callbacks.
  6. Close Callbacks Phase: Executes close event callbacks (e.g., socket.on('close')).
  7. Microtasks Execution: After every phase, microtasks run before moving to the next phase.

Why is the Event Loop Important?

  • Non-blocking Execution: Prevents UI freezing in web applications.
  • Efficient Performance: Optimizes handling of async operations.
  • Better Responsiveness: Prioritizes microtasks for smooth execution.

Common Issues Related to the Event Loop

1. Blocking the Main Thread

A heavy computation can block the event loop, making the app unresponsive:

while(true) {

2. Delayed Execution of setTimeout

setTimeout may not execute exactly on time if the call stack is busy:

setTimeout(() => console.log("Inside setTimeout"), 1000);
for (let i = 0; i < 1e9; i++) {} // Long loop

Even though setTimeout is set for 1 second, it runs after the long loop finishes.

3. Microtasks Run Before Callbacks

Microtasks (e.g., Promises) run before setTimeout, even if set to 0ms delay:

setTimeout(() => console.log("setTimeout"), 0);
Promise.resolve().then(() => console.log("Promise"));

Why? The event loop always executes microtasks before callback queue tasks.

4. Callback Hell

Too many nested callbacks make code unreadable:

setTimeout(() => {
    console.log("Step 1");
    setTimeout(() => {
        console.log("Step 2");
        setTimeout(() => {
            console.log("Step 3");
        }, 1000);
    }, 1000);
}, 1000);        

Solution: Use Promises or async/await to avoid Callback Hell.

const delay = (ms) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

async function executeSteps() {
    await delay(1000);
    console.log("Step 1");
    await delay(1000);
    console.log("Step 2");
    await delay(1000);
    console.log("Step 3");



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