Understanding Ear Infections

Understanding Ear Infections

While ear infections are increasingly more common among today's children, they should not be mistaken for "normal".

An ear infection is often a symptom of the body not being able to naturally adapt.

Most likely caused by one or a combination of: lack of movement in the upper cervical (neck) spine, imbalanced immune system, and challenges by various stimulants in a child's diet and environment.

Together, these factors result in a "static" environment for bacteria and viruses to multiply, increase mucus production and increase inflammation.

Subluxation (misalignment and fixated spine causing neurological stress) causes imbalance in the musculature of the upper cervical spine and surrounding tissues, greatly affecting the function and movement of the eustachian tubes, sinuses, adenoids, etc. Subluxation not only alters neurological function, it also alters the flow of lymph, mucus, and other fluids in and "out of" the head and ENT system/structures.

This fluid is then allowed to "sit" for too long in these areas, thus harboring opportunistic pathogens that can take hold and replicate... then in turn causing infection, inflammation, and irritation.

It is not that the eustachian tubes are "too horizontal" at that age... that does not "help" the situation, but it is not the primary cause of ear infections.


Virtually 90% or more of the kids we see in practice are here because of injury to the skull or spinal column from in-utero constraint or traumatic birth injury (c-section, forceps, vacuum, etc) that was never addressed and corrected.

This is typically where the first physical subluxation shows up in a child's life. From this initial subluxation, we can see the downward spiral that many children face...

1. Subluxation / loss of cervical (neck) motion due to unaddressed and uncorrected trauma at birth

2. Ears cannot drain properly

3. Static environment for bacteria/viruses/pathogens to multiply

4. [intervention] antibiotic use

5. Destruction of healthy bacteria (microbiome) leading to...

6. Weakened and compromised immune system/function

7. Increased risk of infection/recurring ear infections

8. [intervention] antibiotic use

9. Destruction of healthy bacteria (microbiome) leading to...

10. Weakened and compromised immune system/function

11. And the DOWNWARD Spiral continues until the Subluxation is addressed and corrected

Here's a few things you can do to BOOST your child's IMMUNE SYSTEM:

  1. Long term breast feeding
  2. Weekly chiropractic check ups/adjustments
  3. Year around Vitamin D
  4. Avoid foods with: GMOs, Artificial colors, dyes, sweeteners, HFCS, processed
  5. Allow fevers to run their course w/o pharmaceutical intervention
  6. Eliminate dairy and grains


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