?? Understanding DPMSR in the UAE: A Quick Overview
Fotis International Law Firm
Synchronizing Global Presence and Domestic Expertise.
Today, let's delve into an important update from the UAE's Ministry of Economy – the Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones Report (DPMSR).
?? Effective Since June 12, 2021
Starting June 12, 2021, the Ministry of Economy, via Circular Number 08/AML/2021, rolled out the DPMSR. This circular mandates all UAE-based dealers in precious metals and stones to report specific transactions exceeding a set amount in the DPMSR.
?? Who's in the Reporting Loop?
All licensed dealers in precious metals and stones (DPMS) in the UAE, regardless of whether they're registered as mainland or freezone companies, must file DPMSR for transactions equal to or exceeding AED 55,000 in cash or wire transfers.
?? What Goes on the Reporting List?
Transactions that need to be reported on the goAML portal include:
?? Transactions That Get a Pass
Exempt transactions from DPMSR reporting include:
?? DNFBP's To-Do List
Dealers in precious metals and stones (DPMS) are tasked with obtaining and recording identification documents of individuals involved in transactions, trade licenses of entities, and identification documents of local representatives. All these details must be submitted on the goAML platform.
??? Timeline for Filing on goAML Portal
DPMSR should be filed within two weeks of the occurrence of the receipt or payment of funds equal to or exceeding AED 55,000 through cash or wire transfer.
?? An Additional Reporting Reminder
Remember, filing DPMSR is an additional requirement. DPMS must still comply with reporting Suspicious Transaction Report/Suspicious Activity Report/Fund Freeze Report/Partial Name Match Report as applicable.