Understanding the Different Types of Shari'ah-Compliant Investment
Greens Fintech Innovation Ltd DIFC UAE
Shariah Compliant Fintech / Digital Banking Products Solutions
Islamic finance is based on ethical principles that differ from traditional finance. It follows Shari'ah law, which prohibits interest-based transactions and promotes shared risk and reward. As a result, Islamic finance offers unique investment opportunities that align with personal values and beliefs.
Murabaha is a cost-plus financing model in which the lender purchases the item for the customer and sells it to the customer at a markup. The customer pays the lender in installments over a specified period, with the markup representing the profit for the lender.
Ijara is a lease-based financing model in which the lender leases an item to the customer, who then pays rent over a specified period. At the end of the lease period, the customer may purchase the item or return it to the lender.
Musharaka is a partnership-based financing model in which the lender and customer share profits and losses. The customer makes regular payments to the lender, with the payments being divided into profit and capital portions.
Sukuk is a type of Islamic bond that is structured in a way that complies with Shari'ah law. Sukuk represents ownership in a specific asset or group of assets, and the returns on the investment are based on the performance of the underlying assets.
Islamic finance offers a wide range of investment options that are aligned with personal values and beliefs. Whether you prefer cost-plus financing, lease-based financing, partnership-based financing, or bonds, there is a Shari'ah-compliant option for you. Stay informed and make informed investment decisions with the help of our comprehensive guide to Islamic financing.