Understanding Different Personality Styles
Adam Stott
Founder - Big Business Events | Business Growth Programs | Coach | Speaker | Best-Selling Author I Business Columnist
I was recently at a high level mastermind event with two of my coaches, Damien Elston and Jim Francis. Jim did a piece on using people profiling when creating a marketing message.
In this article I have decided to put a spin on Jim's content and talk about how important it is to understand different personality styles and how you can use this knowledge not only in magnetising your message, but even in your business recruitment, one-on-one meetings and dealing with your staff.
The Club Profile
- Left-brained
- Slow to action, methodical, detail-orientated
- Major values: Love being right and hate being proven wrong
In order to influence this type of profile we need to understand what is internally going on in their mind. The club profile is very much an internal person living in their mind most of the time. They are mainly concerned with their own opinions and what matters to them.
Therefore it is very difficult to influence this type of personality style without giving them enough information and proof to make the decision on their own.
Characteristics and what this person wants:
- Multiple proof/stats
- Always going to be asking for information
- Controlled in the way they go about things (give them the illusion that they are in control and then using the correct influence traits to get them out of their way of thinking)
- Respect
- Needs accuracy
- Takes their time to be correct
- Values the information and process
Preferred words
- Stats say
- Guaranteed
- Highly probable
- Evidence
- Proven
- System
- Steps Absolutely
- Perfect
- Correct
- Scientific
- Demonstrate
- Data
- Safe
- Secure
The Spade Profile
- Very right-brained
- Fast-paced, bottom-line-driven
- Major values: win/lose
The spade profile is very internally influenced. Their opinion is the only one that matters. When dealing with a spade profile, they are only interested in the bottom line, e.g tell me what I get, tell me how it works, then if it's good and I am going to win - I'll do it.
Characteristics and what this person wants:
- Doesn't want their time wasted, values their time greatly
- Enjoys options - they make the decisions - they want somebody to take them by the hand and walk them through
- Enjoys success
- To win and not lose
Preferred Words
- Result
- Success
- Win
- Achievement
- Don't lose
- Driven
- Easy
- Done for you
- Above everyone
- Bottom line
- Pounds and pence
- Budget
- Power
- Save time/money
The Heart Profile
- Left and right brained
- Slow paced - values the relationship first
- Major values: Love/hate
The heart profile is externally influenced. They are motivated by other people, by family and fields and influenced by seeing other people get great results, having fun or enjoying themselves. The heart values relationships (derives happiness and results from). Relationships are very important to them and if they are threatened in any way then this person will wonder if this is right for them. They are very slow in making decisions and want to make sure that the relationship is there first.
Love: Being appreciated, being part of something, want to make sure they have relationships around them.
Hate: Don't want to be disliked or hated, always want to be sure that they fit in.
Characteristics and what this person wants:
- To make more friends and build relationships
- Typically more of an emotional person
- Driven by emotions
- More feeling-orientated
- To be accepted
- Social proof - success stories, results, guarantees, need to see all these things in order for them to determine if something is right for them
- Other people's opinion matters
- Often need to be told what to do
- Support
Preferred Words
- Team
- Support
- Your family
- Loved one
- Relationship
- Protect
- Like
- Help
- Work with you
- You are covered
- Others have
- Group
- Not alone
- Work together
The Diamond Profile
- Right-brained
- Fast paced - wants results quick
- Major values: Fun/boredom
The diamond profile is externally influenced - they want to see others having fun. The diamond often suffers from FOMO - fear of missing out. By gamifying your message and appealing to their sense of fun and adventure your messaging will resonate. Show them the fun side of your offering and incentivising them to take action.
Characteristics and what this person wants:
- Wants to be the star - wants the accolades
- Recognition-driven
- Enjoys incentives
- Buys the vision
- Shows a lot of emotion
- Fun and adventure-driven
Preferred Words
- Unique
- Different
- Treasure
- Brand new
- Adventure
- Challenge
- Fun
- Cool
- New
- A real find
- Discover
- Blast
- Experience
- Great deal
I hope this article has been useful for you in understanding different personality styles and hopefully you can use this knowledge moving forward. I would be interested to know which personality profile is most applicable to yourself. Do let me know!