Understanding the Difference Between Low-Code, No-Code, and Pro-Code Platforms for SAP
Last week, I ran a poll asking for your thoughts on low-code/no-code (LC/NC) platforms for SAP custom application development
The results are more or less evenly distributed between the first three options, with 15% stating they lack enough knowledge on this topic. I believe this even distribution stems from a basic misunderstanding that low-code and no-code are the same. Moreover, the decent number of respondents lacking knowledge makes it essential to take a step back and explain the concepts to the uninitiated.
Before delving into the specifics, it’s crucial to clarify a significant misconception: low-code and no-code are not the same. In fact, there is another category called pro-code, and all of them serve different purposes, cater to different users, and solve different problems.
What is a No-Code Platform?
A no-code platform is designed to enable non-technical users, often referred to as citizen developers, to build applications without writing any code. These platforms offer intuitive visual development tools that allow users to configure and deploy applications quickly.
Think of it as being given a set of Lego blocks: you can build anything you want with these blocks, but you are confined to the blocks provided by the vendor. If you need something beyond the provided set, you’re out of luck.
What is a Low-Code Platform?
A low-code platform is designed for professional developers
Think of it as receiving a set of Lego blocks, plus an additional set of complex Lego blocks and a software development kit (SDK) to create your own Lego blocks. This means developers can write custom code and integrate it into applications.
What is a Pro-Code Platform?
A pro-code platform is similar to a traditional development environment but with visual accelerators, where developers write custom code to build applications from scratch. These platforms offer the highest level of flexibility and control but require significant coding expertise.
Think of it as having the raw materials (plastic, molds, and colors) to build your own Lego blocks of any shape and size. You have the freedom to create any block you need from scratch.
The Origin of the Low-Code/No-Code Confusion
The confusion likely arises from two main factors: marketing strategies and technological evolution. Marketing teams often lump low-code and no-code together, and as technology has evolved, low-code vendors have incorporated more no-code features. As a result, the market now refers to these tools collectively as LC/NC platforms.
Choosing the Right Platform
Understanding the distinction between no-code, low-code, and pro-code platforms is essential when selecting a solution. Giving a no-code platform to IT will not work, just as giving a low-code platform to citizen developers will not be effective. Each platform must be chosen and configured appropriately for the specific needs of its users:
Addressing the Skepticism
The skepticism that LC/NC platforms cannot build SAP applications often stems from experiences with pure no-code platforms, which are not designed for such tasks. However, a state-of-the-art low-code platform can indeed build real, complex SAP applications, such as Fiori apps, warehouse apps on rugged devices like Honeywell/Zebra, workflow applications, mobile apps and much more.
Technology has advanced to the point where low-code platforms can handle SAP's complexities and address a majority of application needs. While there will always be complex use cases where professional code is necessary, a lot of day-to-day business needs can be easily addressed by low-code and no-code. Using a traditional development approach
An organization might want to keep all three tools at its disposal: a no-code tool for simple use cases, a low-code tool for medium-to-complex applications, and a pro-code tool for highly complex applications. Using these resources effectively based on business needs is critical. It is crucial to understand these differences to ensure the right tool is applied for the right task, achieving the desired outcomes. To clarify, three tools do not necessarily translate to three separate and distinct tools. It could very well be one tool from one vendor that provides two or three of these distinct capabilities, or it could be more than three tools provided by the same vendor, addressing each and every moving part in application development.
Pro-code solutions have always been available to us in the SAP world, from ABAP in the good old days to Fiori and various technologies in SAP NetWeaver to SAP BTP. I highly recommend exploring the potential of no-code and low-code platforms for your SAP development needs while recognizing the specific use cases for each of these tools. This challenge arises when you start throwing all use cases into one tool at your disposal. Instead, I suggest you first look at the use case, determine which category it falls into, and then explore which tool exists to solve the problem most effectively, recognizing that you may or may not have the specific tool in your belt to solve the problem.
I hope this has been useful to understand the basic concepts of no-code, low-code, and pro-code in SAP. Stay tuned for more posts where I will delve deeper into the learnings and insights of these wonderful technologies. In the meantime, please feel free to add comments and feedback so that I can make the next news letter more relevant and meaningful to you.
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