Understanding Decision Making
"What if I was to tell you that every decision, by every human in existence, ever made followed a systematic process?"
I challenge you not to be skeptical of this statement.
If it is true, what would the implications be for those who know this system?
How much easier could your job become if you knew how someone arrived at their decision-making process?
Today I am going to share with you Part one of a five-step process that I have found to hold to the statement above, and it has completely changed how I interact with everyone.
Before I get into the process, referred to as the "CDC" Client Decision cycle, we need to cover some ground rules.
Identify what your intentions are. The first word in this process is Client. Therefore this is a "Client" Centric approach, not some new aged sales manipulation process. For the process to be beneficial, one must first commit to the idea that the usage is to help people make the best decision for them. Not necessarily the best decision for you.
This might not excite the sales professional or Non-Sales Professionals alike looking for that secret tactic to get ahead at first glance; however,? take it from me, a top-performing sales professional of 23 years in various industries, it is exactly the relief you are looking for. This process delivers the silver lining that all other "Sales systems" don't in overcoming indecision. Nothing is more painful than going through the motions of calls, meetings, and being dragged along for 6 months to get a no finally.
Once understood and applied, this process delivers an exceptional speed to decision, and I hate to use the term closing ratio that is exceptional.
So to begin, the first stage of every decision is called a "Discovery. This is when an individual learns that they have a problem.? A problem is simply a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome. I like to think of it as a state of self-realization that is not in line with their ideal self. Since this article is written for business people, we are going to continue in this tone. However, everything I share can be converted to understand personal decisions made as well.
In the discovery phase, you have to get into the mind of your prospective client and ask the questions they ask of themselves and then provide the answers. Easy, right? not quite, as the Discovery phase consists of two parts.
First, understanding the problem.
- What is my problem?
- Why do I have this problem?
- How does this impact me personally and professionally?
-How can I move my business forward?
-How can I secure what I have accomplished so far?
These are the general questions that often come to mind when someone realizes they need to take action. The answers will depend on the problems you're trying to solve for them, but these are good places to start.
The second part, known as the transition, links an ROI (Return on investment) to the results to get them to solve the problem.
You must understand that there is an infinite number of potential options for any prospect to choose from, evaluate and implement. This multitude of available choices combined with the fact that we live in a finite linear world causes the struggle. As soon as one person makes a decision, it is final, and this is scary.
Let us imagine we all could only live for 80 years for a moment. In these 80 years, we are all giving the gift of only making 1000 decisions in this lifetime.? The value of each decision would be immense.
Side note: Researchers at Cornell University estimate we make 226.7 decisions each day on food alone. And as your level of responsibility increases, so does the multitude of choices you have to make. It’s estimated that the average adult makes about 35,000 remotely conscious decisions each day. Each decision, of course, carries certain consequences with it that are both good and bad.
A side read for a later time: https://science.unctv.org/content/reportersblog/choices
Back on track, each person would be very picky on how they would spend those decisions, agree?
To overcome this pickiness, one would need to know exactly the Return they could expect from executing this decision, the timeline in which they acquired the return, the effort involved, and the financial impact. The ideal state is to achieve the highest return compared to cost on every decision. the individual who spends their thousand decisions this way will have maximized and lived their ideal life.
These, my friends, are the secrets to hacking any decision.
If you can understand the problem and facilitate a quantifiable ROI to a prospective client, they will have exactly what they need to decide.
If you liked this article and would like to see more, feel free to comment. I will share Part #2 shortly called; Now that they have decided on what to do, why should they choose you to do it with?
If you are a Financial professional interested in getting your advisory services program off the ground, the CDC is a process that the Dryrun team uses and reached our partners to get the best results possible. We don't just build the best Cash Management and Financial modelling tools; we teach our partners how to get clients that want you to use them and pay you for your services.