Understanding - Dangerous Play in Squash
Vikas Sharma
Director Marketing Upholstery-Drapery For Hospitality, Retail, Residential & Contract
The Great Indian Squash League - is going to run a series for all its fans and followers to understand fair play and show you how the game can get extremely dangerous in situations. In our effort we will use video's and graphics and will like all our fans and followers participate with their view on what is being said.
Yes Squash Is Dangerous - Lets see what happens in most amateur cases..first and then watch how sometimes the professionals react........
The Great Indian Squash League is thankful to "WestPringle"s to post the first video on YouTube and Go Squash for the second and it is courtesy to them that we are bringing these visuals. Would like everyone to thank Mr. Pringle & Go Squash for their initiative .... Thanks You Guys !!
The First video shows largely two amateur players playing with each other and situations that a lot of our fans will relate themselves with. Because these are things that happen on the court everyday and day after day.
There are various factors that can make them dangerous. But most importantly these could be the following :
(1) Lack or NO Proper Training to Players.
(2) Poor or NO Understanding of the Games of Play
(3) Absolutely Casual attitude on the court.
(4) The intensity of the game....
We shall try and explain what you are entitled to and therefore what you should never do inside a court for it can lead to very grievous accidents and can cause serious injuries.
We shall try provide fair access to front wall for both players from their present position, This is usually a right angled "V" from the place where the shot has to be executed with in reference to the front wall - the Striking Zone in Squash.
The first photo with two players inside the court explains this by drawing the maroon shaded triangle in front of the striker. which is a no man's land. Usually if the opponent gets caught in this area then you are given a STROKE for obstructing his direct access to stride the wall.
But complications begin right here. Squash is a Dynamic 360 Degree sport The only thing that does not move is the game are the four walls....
- What happens if the striker is close the half court line standing right behind where his opponent is right now....?
- What happens if he is standing more to the left of his present position from the centre of the back court....?
- What happens if he is standing more to the right of his present position from the centre of the back court......?
- Likewise what happens if the opponent moves from his present position to his left, right or forward and back......?
- It is these very dynamics that make it impossible for the person sitting in the hot seat as a referee to decided correctly.
Explaining how accidents occur here is one in which our very own Saurav Ghosal is seen in action against the Frenchmen ... Gregory Gaultier. We were mentioning the dynamics of the game and how the game due to its 360 degree nature becomes very complex to refer. On the YouTube there is a divided opinion on the outcome of this incident.
However, we would like to all our fans & members to take a call and mention their own decision.... Before we reach there here are some video's to warm you up to some interesting decision that get made and some that get over ruled after the video review....
Bread & Butter issues for Squash Players. Even the elite players who study the rules and know them by heart sometimes fail to draw a reasonable line of acceptance.
The challenge in squash comes from the fact that it is a 360 Degree sport played within the confines of four walls. The pace at which the sport is played adds to the challenge but what really contributes to most problems are the passion with which both players engage in the game.
The intensity of the sport looms large on players head and I have yet to find a player who after creating a scene does not come out of the court to regret the incident.
The rules are very simple and it is their simplicity which a player might often find confusing. The interpretation of the rules is a huge challenge and every person who sits in the Hot Seat of the The Referee ....knows that they are largely dependant on what their understanding and past experience from the sport have been.
Many a clinics are held before championships and but personal interpretation and past experience are something that no amount of education can help. The Thumb Rule to apply here is the "V" that has been shaded and outlined with red in the picture below. See how different this is from the earlier picture above. Even as we try and cover doubts arising out of re-positioning of players on the court.
The player with strike must be allowed absolutely clear access to the front wall is what the Old Book said. Meaning that you could either hit the ball down straight into the corner or hit it across to play a cross court in the other corner, of course how you played it was left to you you could either drop, drive or lob the ball as a striker...
A lot of debates have take place since then as the front wall is not the only option for first strike by the striker. He may choose depending upon his own position and the position of the opponent and instead of going for the front wall may actually choose to go for the side wall.
From the picture above it is absolutely clear that Stage 1 is a LET even though players these days are encouraged to play without causing injury to the opponent....
Stage 2 is definitely not a LET for only an amateur beginner can play a shot that will hurt the opponent. Stage 3 is out of range but usually not an option for both players are constantly fighting for the " T ".
Squash is a dynamic 360 Degree Sport and to keep its excitement alive administrators have redrafted the rules without changing the very essence of the game. But what has evolved is the players ability to go beyond what would otherwise seem clear obstruction to the naked human eye and keep the ball in play....this was promoted for people had started stopping play far too often to ask for LET / STROKES .....
The recent video we watched Saurav Ghosal in action against Gregory Gaultier where the author also tried to created a slow motion and still options for everyone to relate would come into play here......
The official verdict to this incident was LET however others also argue that Ghosal's body language as the players slowly got beyond the decision reflected he knew what he was doing and lucky to get away with a LET. Also the situation should be analysed by what led to it. The earlier shot from Saurav was a loose back hand shot that was played right into the middle of the court - leading to Gregory to turn from a back hand rally position to a fore hand side. Leaving the debate open here .... I have posted three still frames in the above slow motion video that I did for the benefit of everyone. Please share your opinion....
Before I leave you here is another video resulting into an almost similar situation watch and enjoy the decision and argument that follows after that..........
We shall discuss Swing Control / Interference in our next post. Until that time please go through LET - NO LET & STROKE in greater detail for better understanding. Questions are always welcome and must be asked whenever in doubt....