Understanding Cluster Replication Scalability

Understanding Cluster Replication Scalability


If you have been using cluster replication with some open source operational database, you might have noticed that they do not scale out well. If you are interested in knowing why, this is the post to read. Cluster replication was introduced in the mid-1990s as a way to scale out databases. The basic idea, which is called full replication (most commonly known as cluster replication), is to have a cluster of server nodes, each of them running a database engine with a full copy of the database. But how do we keep all replicas consistent and up to date? The strategy typically used to update the replicas is ROWAA (Read One Write All Available), where each read operation is executed on any one replica while a write operation is executed on all replicas. So, what is the scalability of cluster replication? On one extreme of the scalability spectrum, if we only have writes in the workload, we have null scalability, since all replicas do the same and the cluster throughput is the same as that of a single node, i.e., it does not scale. On the other extreme, if we only have reads, assuming a uniform load across replicas, we have linear scalability, i.e., a cluster with n replicas has a global throughput equal to n times the one of a single node. In between, we have logarithmic scalability, that is, the cluster throughput only grows logarithmically when increasing the number of nodes. The reason is because the bigger the cluster size, the higher the wasted capacity per node. Figure 1 depicts graphically what happens. On the lower part, we see how many servers we have for a particular cluster size. The orange line indicates how much capacity of the servers is wasted, i.e., the space between the x axis to the orange line is the wasted capacity.

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Figure 1: Logarithmic Scalability


But how can we actually quantify scalability? We devote the rest of the post to it. Let’s develop our analytical model. Firstly we do it intuitively, and then we formalize it mathematically. A database with cluster replication is able to process a number of read and write operations, that is, it is able to deliver a certain maximum throughput. We can make the throughput relative to that of a single node, this is what is actually called the scale out factor [Jiménez-Peris et al. 2003]. To get the scale out factor, f, we simply divide the useful work, which is the actual throughput, by the total amount of work (see Figure 2). The optimal scale out factor is the size of the cluster. That is, for a cluster of n nodes, the optimal scale out is n.

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Figure 2: Scale Out Factor


Let’s consider a workload with 50% reads and 50% writes. For simplicity, assume the cost of reads and writes are the same. The single node will devote half of the capacity to execute writes and the other half to execute reads. If we execute a read and a write, the throughput will be 2 operations (the read and the write) and the work done 2 operations (the read and the write) as well, so f=2/2=1. This is easy (see Figure 1).

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Figure 3: Single Node Cluster. Split of capacity between reads and writes for a workload of 50% writes.


Let’s now look at a cluster of two nodes. Each node wants to execute one read and one write. However, each write executed at the other node also must be executed locally. We call it remote write. Thus, each node will do its local read, its local write, plus a remote write, meaning that 2/3 of the capacity of the nodes is employed for useful work. Note that this means we are wasting 1/3 of the capacity of each node doing remote writes. This is the price of full replication, executing writes everywhere. So each node of the two nodes does three operations: one read and one write plus the remote write, thus: f=2?(2/(1+1+1)=4/3=1.33In other words, the two nodes deliver the same throughput as one node and one third of a node.

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Figure 4: Two Node Cluster. Split of capacity between reads and writes for a workload of 50% writes.


Let’s take a look at a three-node cluster and from there we can easily generalize the formula for an arbitrary cluster size. If we have 3 replicas, each replica processes 1 read and 1 write, but will also have to execute two remote writes corresponding to the writes from the other two replicas. Therefore, they execute four operations (the read, the write and two remote writes), but only two are useful work: f=3?(2/(2+1+1))=6/4=1.5. Having 3 replicas we attain throughput 1.5 times that of a single node, that is, half of the 3 node cluster capacity is wasted.

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Figure 5: Three Node Cluster. Split of capacity between reads and writes for a workload of 50% writes.


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