Understanding and Balancing Sexual Desires in the Light of the Quran
Dr.Abdul Basit
**Philosophical Author of Research Articles in Global Journals** ??????? **Expert in Mind-Body Relationship**
Research & written by: Abdul Basit
?Two faces of evil
There are two faces of evil in our physical world. I wrote a short article on this topic "Iblees and Satan: Two Faces of Evil as Mentioned in Divine Scripture. Evil has two faces that overwhelm the consciousness of man, one evil (Iblees) exists in the internality of man, and the other evil (Satan) exists in the externality (outside the mind).
?????Three states of the Soul in the human body
According to the Holy Qur'an, man is created from dust and then the soul is breathed into him.? Man has a material existence (matter) and a spiritual (soul) existence.
When the soul is breathed into the body, then after it the soul is in the state of? Nafs(Soul). The Holy Qur'an has described three states of the soul
Dr. Allama Iqbal (a famous Eastern philosopher and classical poet) has given the concept of the (Khudi) self in the light of the Quran.? It is the concept of the soul that exists as the state of Nafs (self) in the human body.
Ordinary human beings are ignorant of the reality of their material existence and spiritual existence and consider their material existence as the real existence of man and worship the desires of their material existence. There are many desires for material existence. Today I will discuss the topic of sexual desire. If we study the human body biologically, we will know that there are sex hormones in the human body that are the stimulus for sexual desire. Wikipedia has quoted it as follows?
Sexual provocation and hormones??
Sexual provocation is caused by hormones similar to testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, oxytocin, and vasopressin. In the utmost mammalian species,? coitus hormones control the capability to engage in the provocation to engage in sexual actions.?
Physically, these hormones stimulate sexual desire in humans.? The negative concepts that are running in the internal state of a person's mind also play an important role in creating sexual impulses in a person. These negative sexual concepts are created in a person when a person perceives negative sexual information from his external environment.? When such numerous negative sexual concepts accumulate in the memory of a person, they stimulate the sex hormones in the form of sexual feelings, and in the meantime, the human ego (Nafs Ammara or first state of soul in the human body). Mind practically finds various ways to satisfy it.? These evils are created in society and distortion is created in human society.
If we try to solve this problem through the Qur'an and reason, then the human intellect will solve it in its way and the Qur'an will solve it in its wisdom.
??The Divine Book
The Holy Quran is a non-rational knowledge and it is the only absolute knowledge in the world that is free from the adulteration of human intellect. Intellect offers its own opinion about each human being which never coincides with each other.
If we submit our intellect to the Holy Qur'an and follow the words of the Qur'an, order will be created in society, but if we continue to worship our intellect and understand that our intellect always makes the right decision. So we will be in a big misunderstanding. Most of us so-called people weigh the Holy Qur'an in the scales of our intellect and try to ignore the real wisdom and spirit of the Holy Qur'an and then the result comes before us which leads man to loss.
Allama Iqbal has also given the same lesson about intellect and extreme love that what we believe in the Qur'an is extreme love and if we become slaves of intellect, we will go into deep error.
Dr. Allama Iqbal describes this in one of his poems.
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?Gabriel on Creation's Early Morn, a piece of useful counsel gave:
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?He bade me not accept a heart enchained by the mind of man like a slave.
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?Untruth conceals in various masks but Truth and God are both unique:
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?There can't be pool 'twixt good and bad—This fact is known from times antique
Man has been created by Allah and only Allah can explain the psychology of man.
In the verses of Surah Al-Noor of the Holy Quran
There is a separate divine order between men and women. If the Muslims and non-Muslims of today read it and deeply understand its meaning, every kind of sexual immorality can end in our society.
Divine Order for men
Now we turn to the Qur'an to see what the Qur'an commands men and women and how sexual feelings can be controlled by obeying this command of the Holy Qur'an.
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Explanation in Mafhoom Ul? Quran, Chapter No.24? Verse 30?
(30) (O Messenger! Now let them hear the next order and) tell the believing ???? men not to let their eyes wander and be foolish, and (take care that) their chastity is not stained.? Eyes are the windows through which thieves (evils) enter the human heart and open the ways of immorality in society).? The development of human nature takes place through the purity of the heart and mind.? Also, explain to them that they should not observe these manners merely mechanically.?
Adopt them in such a way that they become the manifestations of their behavior. Because) God's Law of Punishment is well aware of what actions are adopted merely mechanically (and which action emerges from the depths of the heart).
?Divine Order for women
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Explanation in Mafhoom Ul Quran
(31) In the same way, tell the believing women ???? ?????? not to let their eyes stray and be reckless and to protect their chastity fully.? It is also important for them not to highlight their jewelry.? Allow them to appear as much as they appear by themselves.? Don't highlight them by herself.? (To highlight them deliberately will mean that the spirit of beauty is taking root in their hearts.) Besides, they should put their cloaks on their necks (breasts)? Let not the wicked say that we did not know that these were noble women, otherwise, we would not have harassed them (33:59).? What are they wearing? It has been said above that women should not highlight their adornments, so this precaution is necessary in the case of non-mahram ??? ????.? It does not include Mahram? ????
... that is, apart from their husbands.? Father-in-law (husband's father) his son or husband's son (i.e. his real son or stepson).? brother.? Nephew ? Or (familiar) women.? Or the slaves ???? and concubines ??????? (who used to work for the Arabs at that time. The Qur'an gradually made them a part of the free society and closed the door of slavery for the future) or among other servants, the elderly who went beyond sexual desires.? Or such children who are still unfamiliar with women's veils (sexuality).
?These are the general commands in this regard regarding society, to which all you believers ?????? (men and women) should return, so that you may be blessed with the blessings of life.
Word Muharram ???? Explanation.
A close relative with whom marriage is not permissible, an acquaintance, a man with whom marriage is not permissible such as father, brother, uncle, aunt, aunt, grandfather, grandfather, etc., a person with whom veil is not permissible e.g.? husband?
Chapter No.24? Verse 31
From the above-mentioned verses, it becomes clear that the Holy Qur'an has commanded those men and women who enter the circle of Islam, but you are well aware of the state of our society. The Holy Qur'an has ordered men and women not to do evil deeds, these are the motivations that make human sexual feelings bold.? In practice, Muslims are openly violating these verses.
?Western civilization is mostly purely rationalistic and they do what their intellect tells them to do.
Professor Jude admitted and said that
?"The function of the intellect is to provide material and resources for the gratification of the emotions, i.e. the intellect is the handmaiden of the emotions.
The sad thing is that we have abandoned the real and true teachings of the Holy Quran and are following the dirty rational thinking of the wicked, due to which we cannot find a place in the eyes of the successful moral people of the world. And they cannot even show their faces in the presence of Allah.
Today, it is often seen that our Muslim women wear vulgar clothes and cry about the rape of Zainab (an oppressed girl in Pakistan) and they do not know how they are contradicting the verses of the Holy Quran mentioned, as you read. These obscene clothes which are the product of the dirty minds of the depraved people of the world play an important role in inflaming human sexual feelings. We also have a class of so-called enlightened people who justify with their poor intellect that these clothes do nothing.
The veil should be of the human eye, but they forget that every human intellect has its quality and all intellects are different from each other. So I think some people may be confused but not all people. There is wisdom in every command of the Qur'an and it is also called the Wise Qur'an (wisdom) and the Wise Qur'an is full of wisdom.
Now I am giving you the information which is available on Wikipedia according to which the incidence of sexual violence is increasing day by day in Pakistan and India which is detailed as per Wikipedia's information.
Sexual Violence in India
A 2017 report by the Delhi- grounded National Crime Statistics Agency said that 1,996 cases of sexual assault were registered in 2016. This number is more advanced than the former time in 1893 cases. This number is for the capital megacity alone, while thousands of incidents have taken place across the country.?
Sexual violence in Pakistan
According to" Sahal", a Pakistani non-governmental association working to? help sexual violence against children, from January 1 to December 31, 2015, a aggregate of 3768 cases of sexual violence against children were recorded across the country. Ages ranged from 11 to 15 times. According to him, about 10 children are? subordinated to sexual abuse every day and this rate is advanced than in 2014.
General measures to prevent sexual violence against minors?
You can find this information on Wikipedia.? From this, you can imagine that all this destruction is the worship of intellect and as we have read above intellect is the handmaiden of emotions, it provides various concepts for the gratification of emotions.
One thing is clear from today's discussion: our salvation does not lie in the thoughts of immoral people but our salvation lies in returning to the light of the Holy Quran. If we continue to run after the so-called thoughts of the sinners of this world in the same way, we will neither live in this world nor get salvation in the hereafter.
In the end, we pray that Allah grants us all the ability to understand the Holy Quran. And grant us the ability to return to the principles of the Holy Quran. May Allah be with us. Amen!