Understanding Authentication and Authorization: Session, Cookie, JWT, Token, SSO, and OAuth 2.0

Understanding Authentication and Authorization: Session, Cookie, JWT, Token, SSO, and OAuth 2.0

In the dynamic landscape of cybersecurity and user authentication, certain terms have become ubiquitous, yet their meanings and functionalities might not always be clear. From traditional sessions and cookies to modern JWTs, Tokens, Single Sign-On (SSO), and OAuth 2.0, understanding these concepts is crucial for anyone involved in web development, cybersecurity, or digital product management.

Authentication and authorization are essential components of any secure web application. They allow users to access their personal information and perform actions within the application, while also ensuring that sensitive data is protected. In this document, we will explore the different methods of authentication and authorization, including session-based authentication, cookie-based authentication, JWT, tokens, SSO, and OAuth 2.0.

Let’s delve into each of these components to demystify their roles and significance in modern authentication mechanisms:

Figure 1 - Authorizations

Session-Based Authentication

A session is a period of interaction between a user and a web application. When a user logs in, a session is initiated, allowing the server to recognize subsequent requests from the same user. Sessions are typically managed using a unique session identifier stored either in memory on the server or as a cookie in the user's browser.

Session-based authentication is a common method of user authentication in web applications. It involves the use of a session ID, which is generated when a user logs in and is stored on the server. This session ID is then used to identify the user and their session throughout their interaction with the application. The session ID is usually stored in a cookie on the user's browser, and is sent with each request to the server to verify the user's identity.

Figure 2 - Session-based authentication

Cookie-Based Authentication

Cookies are small pieces of data stored in the user's browser. They are often used to store session identifiers or user preferences. Cookies play a vital role in maintaining stateful interactions between the client and server. However, they have limitations such as vulnerability to CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attacks and being susceptible to theft.

Cookie-based authentication is similar to session-based authentication, but instead of storing the session ID on the server, it is stored in a cookie on the user's browser. This cookie is then sent with each request to the server, allowing the server to identify the user and their session. This method is commonly used for single-page applications, as it allows for a smoother user experience.

Figure 3 - Cookie-based Authentication

JWT (JSON Web Token)

JWT is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. JWTs are commonly used for authentication and authorization in web applications. They are digitally signed, making them tamper-proof and suitable for transmitting user claims between the client and server.

JWT is a popular method of authentication that uses digitally signed tokens to verify the identity of a user. These tokens contain information about the user, such as their name and role, and are sent with each request to the server. The server can then verify the authenticity of the token and allow or deny access to the requested resource.

Figure 4 - JSON Web Token


In the context of authentication, a token is a piece of data that represents the identity and permissions of a user. Tokens can be of various types, including JWTs, OAuth tokens, or proprietary formats. They are issued by an authentication server upon successful authentication and are included in subsequent requests to access protected resources.

Tokens can also be used for authorization purposes. They are generated by the server and contain information about the user's permissions and access rights. These tokens are usually short-lived and are used to grant access to specific resources within the application.

Figure 5 - Tokens

SSO (Single Sign-On)

SSO is an authentication process that allows users to access multiple applications with a single set of login credentials. Instead of maintaining separate accounts for each application, users authenticate once and gain access to all authorized services seamlessly. SSO improves user experience, reduces password fatigue, and enhances security by centralizing authentication and access control.

SSO is achieved through the use of a central authentication server, which handles the authentication process and provides the user with a token or session ID that can be used to access different applications.

Figure 6 - SSO (Single Sign-On)

OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0 is an authorization framework that enables third-party applications to obtain limited access to a user's resources without exposing their credentials. It is widely used for delegated authorization scenarios, such as allowing a social media app to post on behalf of a user. OAuth 2.0 introduces concepts like access tokens, refresh tokens, and authorization codes to facilitate secure and controlled access to protected resources.

OAuth 2.0 is an open standard for authorization that allows users to grant third-party applications access to their resources without sharing their login credentials. This is commonly used for social media logins, where the user can grant access to their profile information without sharing their username and password.

Figure 7 - OAuth 2.0

Understanding these fundamental concepts is essential for building secure and user-friendly authentication systems. When designing authentication mechanisms, it's crucial to consider factors such as security, usability, scalability, and regulatory compliance. By leveraging the right combination of session management, cookies, JWTs, tokens, SSO, and OAuth 2.0, organizations can ensure robust authentication and authorization workflows that meet the evolving needs of modern applications and users

In conclusion, understanding the different methods of authentication and authorization is crucial for building secure web applications. Each method has its own advantages and use cases, and it is important to choose the appropriate method based on the requirements of the application.

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