Understanding the art of infiltration
Carlos Dyer
volunteer security-minded writer & strategical think tank listener problem solver
The art of infiltration is ancient conduct thought through a tactical stealth mindset that flows forth in many verse ways used only by certain people to extract information from an objective without them knowing yet these people can adapt to any characteristic play down any attitude or emotional state of being in order to seal their main objective most people outside their current circle don't even see them coming only because they have no clear idea of what to look for at all so when things like this are brought their way they easily brush it off as foolishness & nonsense but to the trained observer that understands signatures patterns and motives given of the times of a degree of unfolding events they can easily piece scenes together stage by stage creating a bigger picture and firmly understanding why such a cunning intruder with sly and deceptive functions would want to trespass into things that really have nothing at all to do with them. These are the times that you guard well those things that you treasure most like your business companies infrastructures private items as well as within the manner entertaining various sorts of conversations have ever been in a conversation and before u can even return an answer several questions suddenly appear about things that are private and dear to your heart but its like a knock on the door of your heart and because you don't understand who is knocking u open up and this opens up some much other stuff once the can of beans has been opened cunningly by this sort of intruder be very mindful of these things people experience these things all over the world in different ways but this again may be called something entirely different to them anytime u sense foul play don't go beyond that mark if something does not add up question it & leave no stone unturned Ladies & Gentlemen remain on point in your current affairs