Understand Your Environment: A Critical Step
The Cyber Twins
Cybersecurity is understanding your threat landscape and building a robust strategy??| Cybersecurity Engineers
In the first article, we talked about the first step you must take as a business leader to start your journey to become cyber-resilient. Also, we mentioned the second step which is Know Your Enemy.
Yes, it is highly recommended that you work hands in hands with a cybersecurity partner to make sure you do it the right way. But we would like to give you an appetizer of what this amazing journey consist of.
Once you have a clear understanding of your strengths and weaknesses it's crucial to know your environment. You must analyze what is going on inside to build up your strategy.
This strategy will be perfectly crafted upon your enemy's profile.
So... What do you mean?
Basically, it's your threats.
The Exercise
Now that you know what are your most important assets, you must determine what threats are they facing to properly put in place measures to defend yourself.
How can you do it?
Let us tell you how...
The best way to define your threats is by conducting a Threat Hunting exercise.
What is a Threat Hunting exercise?
It is the process of searching through your network, datasets, and responding to advanced cyberthreats that evade your security controls.
You will be able to build up a list of all your current threats. With appropriate expertise, you'll collect valuable information and conduct a deep investigation to determine where the malicious activities are taking place.
Also, this kind of method is efficient because it will help you reduce your attack surface and increase your speed and timing to respond to security breaches.
What is the next step?
You no longer must worry about hidden threats that you missed by conducting regular assessment.
However, most businesses lack the ability to conduct this kind of exercise because it requires a lot of time and resources.
We understand that running a business can be time consuming. And there is a good news for you.
You are lucky to have The Cyber Twins as your allies, and you don't have to worry anymore.
We have crafted a unique approach to pinpoint your areas of improvement and build your roadmap. And we are here to take care of this demanding job and develop the right vision while you focus on your business.
With a great vision, you will see 10 moves ahead and checkmate your opponent. Like chess.
Start today.
You can learn more about us over here ->https://cybertwins.net/
The Cyber Twins
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