Understand Your Career Persona
Mindy Kantor, PCC, PMP, CSA
Professional Certified Coach | Career | Communication & Change Consultant | Facilitator | Writer | Therapeutic & Transformative Modalities | IFS Coach | iEQ9 Enneagram, MBTI?, FIRO?, EQ-i?, Sparketype?, 360 Assessments
Most?successful collaborations are founded on mutual respect, understanding, and acceptance, where both parties are comfortable and confident in being open and authentic. Likewise, many?will take on specific?personas in their partnerships, such as “doer” or “savior,” to fit in, contribute, or compromise.?
According to Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation?(FIRO?) theory, everyone plays different roles in relationships depending on their requirements in comparison to the group’s desires. The FIRO? assessment can help you recognize your expressed and wanted needs regarding inclusion and involvement, control and influence, and affection and connection.
How wants and needs influence your performance.
FIRO? Experts Eugene Schnell & Allen Hammer identified fifteen team archetypes, such as the “Tension-Reducer,” who helps the team along by joking around; the “Cautioner,” who expresses concern; and the “Task Master,” who tries to keep the team focused and ignores social chitchat. You can imagine multiple scenarios where these functions may complement or clash, depending on the openness and trust between team members.
Furthermore, your assessment scores highlight which positions you’re more likely to perform, and which can “lift you up” or “bring you down,” depending on how aligned they are with work that inspires you. When you're upset, frustrated, or exhausted, it’s a sign to stop, reflect, self-regulate, and prioritize.
Your “Centers of Expression” reinforce your persona.
The Enneagram system states that everyone has nine archetypes within them, each to a greater or lesser degree. Yet your core type’s motivation—why you do what you do—is most dominant, even if it is hidden, and serves as the main driver for how you engage and communicate with yourself and others. Coupled with your “Centers of Expression”—how you act, feel, and think—and the order in which you do these things—impacts how others perceive you.
As you become mindful of your innate tendencies, preferences, and people's perceptions, you can recover more quickly when you find yourself out of alignment with your career goals. Additionally, observing how your colleagues and stakeholders tend to operate can help you adapt your go-to strategies when working with them.
Harnessing your YOU-ness is an inside job.
Your career persona, aka your personal brand, will evolve as you do, so invest in regular check-ins and tune-ups. As you become more aware of your current image, you can evaluate how to proceed. ?
Here are some exercises and tips to guide you:
Focus on what you have agency over—YOU.
It’s easy to get caught up in what you want from others and what others may expect from you. However, you can only control you. So take ONE step now—no matter how small—while thinking about it. This may include practicing a new skill, modifying how you present yourself, or embarking on a career transition. ?
Deepen your perspective to activate your best.
As a lifelong student, certified professional coach, and consultant, activating the best in others through self-leadership, interpersonal relations, and team dynamics are passions of mine. My approach is personalized and customized, tapping into?various assessments, disciplines, modalities, and techniques. To learn more, schedule a free consultation. I’d be delighted to partner with you.
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