Understand STRESS
Amrit Bajaj
Senior Program Manager at KPMG, Expert in Digital Transformation and Stakeholder Engagement
So What is Stress. Does it Exist. If Exist then what are the Types and why it is important to recognize it and deal with it.
It is a reaction of body, which triggers due to changes, and it can respond in following ways
1. Physical
2. Emotional
Stress is necessary for body and growth. In a controlled manner, it is good and in uncontrolled manner, it is harmful however, in today’s world, it takes effort to keep it in control stress.
Stress is trigger from following
1. Thoughts
2. Body Disease
3. Environmental Changes
4. Shock
5. Expectations
Reason for stress to be good
1. Its inner response against dangers
2. It prepares you to face situation
3. It improves you against challenges
4. It can help you to stay focused
Reason for Stress to be bad
1. Extra or long term stress affects the health
2. It put pressures on internal organs
3. It puts pressure on Brain
4. It impacts working
Few are some of the diseases arises from Sudden or Prolonged Stress
1. Damaged blood vessels
2. High blood pressure, or hypertension
3. Higher risk of heart attack and stroke
4. Type 2 Diabetes
5. Headaches
6. Anxiety
7. Insomnia
8. Weight gain
9. Osteoporosis
10. Auto Immune Diseases
11. Chronic illness
12. Depression
13. Any Accident or incident
14. Unhappy relationship
Types of Stress
1. Acute – This is for all. This is first or immediate reaction of the body. For Ex. You just saved yourself from slipping on the stairs or you feel thrilled on a joy ride. This are normally good. This also helps you for preparing future stressful situations.
2. Chronic – This is all about harmful stress for a longer period. It can affect the health as well. Normally we understand the stress due to related illness only.
3. Emotional – This is the most common stress arises due to relationship issues or work frustration.
4. Burnout – This happens when you feel lack of control on life for a longer duration. At this time, the most difficult task is to maintain motivation for get going even for normal tasks.
5. Traumatic – This happens when something happens to body like Organ failure recovery or big accident etc…