To understand 'nothing' it takes time
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
The Dao, the Chinese philosophy of nothingness, suggests that you can never know nothing. The concept of this is to be open to all matter of things without prejudice or preconception. Life is an unfathomable mystery of the unknown and unforeseen. It's one of those existential questions, and therefore basically meaningless. There will always be things that are a difference of opinion because of the way that statistics will eventually just be completely opposite to one another, and then just go around in circles.
Another meaning of the quote seems relevant in the way that research into a question that is complex in nature is often biased by the fact that the person researching a subject can become a part of the equation as a result of the human factor in ways that reflects on their education,age, races, and gender of those who are doing the research and development of the answer to the question.
Actually to me it sounds like Pyrrhonist to me, the Greek philosophy of ultimate skepticism. For me, I favor Solipsism, whatever exists, something exists and I'm comfortable labeling part of it “me". It does take a lot to systematically go through all of your beliefs and assumptions and preconceptions and question everything. We are creatures of habit and we have a deep complex machine supporting and controlling our worldview under the surface of our conscious minds and a lot of people are truly and utterly convinced of certain “truths" and “realities" not even realizing that they're just constructs in their mind, models that probably resemble “what is" not at all, or at least, only vaguely and abstractly, like me saying, “I exist” I don't mean “how I see myself is real beyond my concepts” only that whatever “it is" that “I am", exists in some form.
Nothing is not an easy concept to understand. First consider: What do we mean by the words, "to exist?" We generally are referring to something that has a physical form at a specific moment in time. However, we also refer to non-physical things (concepts) that exist, such as love, wealth, beauty, etc. without physical form, yet having a temporal span of being. Nothing is but a concept of the empty or null mathematical set. So, the idea of nothing exists. The idea of nothing can be applied, for example, "There is nothing in my pocket." In doing so, I am not indicating the existence of any thing. I am indicating the absence of any thing. In which case, nothing does not exist.
"Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere and sometimes in the middle of nowhere you find yourself." What a wonderfully confusing, and yet meaningful statement. At first you might feel like it’s self contradictory, but let me tell you that its not! Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, even when you have your life all “sorted out”, so very intricately planned, feeding all of your paranoia, while avoiding every scenario of doubt and probability, you can still land in a pitfall of the unknown. Even with all of your master-plans, you can very well get into situations where you end up asking yourself -“Where actually am I? what did I want to go after, to being with?”
This can happen to anyone and everyone, and there can be a variety of reasons why. It could be because, you were busy chasing someone else’s dream/vision, or because you convinced yourself into believing that you were meant to do certain things, in a certain way, or because you started off loving whatever it was, your job/career/relationships, made heavy plans for it, but somewhere along the way, things fell apart due to internal or external circumstances, and you begin to question everything. Suddenly your tall castell beings to tremble to the ground. Moments like these tend to impose immensely self-destructive behavior.
But wait! Moments like these can also tend to show you, your true self. Who you really are.Times like these have their own beautiful way of showing you, the truth, your real intentions, your value, your worth. Simply because you have nothing more to lose, nowhere to go, no big plans or long schedules. This is the time for you to ask yourself - You slowly begin to realize, who you are, what is it that you are looking for. You have nothing else but the truth left with you. It’s rightly said, that the true measure of your character is not from when you have comfort and convenience, but it is from when you face challenge and controversy. And so, sometimes in the middle of nowhere you find yourself. Cheers!