Understand life with your mind and brain
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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Just Think a thought. Now think about yourself thinking that thought. Now think about yourself thinking about yourself thinking that thought. Now... I think you may see the problem. Not even a little bit. We as humans all have similar brain mass in our cranium but as far as how it works it's definitely on an individual basis. No two people think exactly the same. We learn in unique ways and show emotion differently. If our brains were coming off an assembly line all built the same chances are these questions wouldn't be asked as below.
We understand how some parts work, enough to fix or work around some neurological problems and understand others. Here’s some of what we don’t know very well: How short term memory works. How long term memory works. How episodic memory works. How vision is encoded while being processed in visual cortex. How vision is encoded in memory. How sound is encoded in memory. What a thought is. Where a thought comes from. How a thought is encoded. Whether thoughts are reconstructed each time we have them.
What thinking is. How a memory is recalled. How the hemispheres interact. How the speech brain regions (both hemispheres) interact. How understanding language works in the left hemisphere. How understanding language work in the right hemisphere. How the hemispheres work together to give us a unified understanding. How the brain predicts sensory information (Predictive Processing). How cognitive predictions turn into sensory predictions. How a cognitive prediction is timed to external events. How sensory predictions are synchronized across senses. Where our internal narration comes from.
What the relation is between the narration and consciousness. How we manage 2D and 3D maps of the world. How gifted people are different. How neurons extend axons and dendrites when we learn. How neurons know where to extend axons. How neurons know where to extend axons long distances. How the signals of 100,000 synapses are combined in an arbor. All the places negative feedback contributes to neural circuits. All the ways brain functions inhibit other brain functions.How we thrive when so many neural connections are inhibitory. How the need for myelination is determined. Where exquisite timing of physical actions takes place.
Where our sense of the passage of time is managed. Where our sense of self is maintained.Whether our sense of self is maintained anywhere. What goes on in the default mode network. What goes on in attention networks. What goes on in deep sleep networks. What goes on in REM sleep networks. All the functions of glial cells. All the things that can go wrong with every item on this list. The effects of things on this list going wrong. How things going wrong can be repaired. You get the idea. We know something about every item on this list, but in each case what we know is overwhelmed by what we don’t know.
Imagine a question is asked : Would you rather have 30 million dollars or 30 million loyal friends? What would be your answer? Normal brain - I would have 30 million dollars because that's enough for a happy life. 100% of brain : I would choose 30 million loyal friends. Reason: First of all ask everyone 5 dollar which a loyal friend wouldn't deny. So, I am already having 150 million dollars. Next step would be standing in elections with 30 million votes which we would be easily won. Then start a business like garments or chocolates because I already have 30 million loyal customers. So ask all friends to buy a chocolate per day which is going to be minimum sale of day. So earning profits millions per day. Cheers!
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