To understand Israel and Gaza

To understand Israel and Gaza

To truly understand the current situation in Israel and Gaza, one must first study the jews and their role in the world, and that involves theology, so bear with me as it will all make sense at the end

4000 years ago, the world was totally deranged: human sacrifice was common and done for a multitude of Gods and for any reason: aztecs for example thought that if they did not do it the sun wouldn't show up the next day.

Then an unknown God showed up saying that he was actually the only God and all those were just demons. He did not want sacrifices and, instead, wanted everyone to love each other as much as he did. A radical change, which was too much to bear at the time by a world too deep into hate.

So, to implement his strategy in the world that God chose a person who showed real trust in his narrative and told him his descendancy would be millions: Abraham. The descendants of that person were eventually called jews, and the idea was they would be a "nation of priests": a beacon of truth for the world, an example to be followed.

Legend (as for this there are no archeological records:) says that God then led that group from Egypt were they were slaves into a land of prosperity: "Canaan", where they would thus start that righteous movement.

Quickly however that group divided into 2: one that humbly saw the enormous opportunity and honour given and tried to fulfill that mission to their best, and another which, arrogantly saw that as proof that they were holy from the beginning and that God had only proven that.

As such, they started to fight against each other, divided the nation they had created in that new land into 2 countries, and even started to do the same human sacrifice and horrors of the other nations that inhabited the land they ended up at. During that time, that God repeatedly reminded them of their mission by sending prophets, who the arrogant group, which always managed to be in charge, all killed.

Finally that God thought that maybe by sending his own Son, they would finally listen. That Son was actually expected for a long time and called "Messiah". However, as before, the righteous group correctly saw him as a spiritual redeemer, and the arrogant group saw him as a warrior that would implement their country as the rightful center of the world and them as the world rulers.

For at that time things were so bad in those 2 countries they had to ask the roman empire to come put some order, which it did, but of course at the expense of enslaving it. However, that messiah warned them that, unless they fulfilled their mission, they would be severely punished. Worse, he said that God was expanding his original plans to include everyone in the globe: that there will be only one nation and everyone who lived there will be jewish regardless of if descendant of Abraham or not. The first part was hard to swallow, but the second was totally off limits to the arrogant group (which of course was in charge at the time), as it meant God was replacing them for failing to do their duties, so they just crucified that messiah and later chose another who filled their narrative of conquering Rome and thus proving their supposed righteousness.

Unsurprisingly, Rome killed that pseudomessiah, erased those 2 countries off the map, created from them one called "Syria Palestina", renamed its capital from "Jerusalem" to "Aelia Capitolina", and evicted everyone from the newly created country under penalty of death, so they went to live in many countries.

Two thousand years passed and, during that time, despite warnings from that God that they should mingle with the people they went to live with, the arrogant grop (which as usual was in charge) kept them isolated, so they ended up being evicted from just about every country they went, and ended up living in arabic countries, which welcomed them due to their own similar religion: Islam.

At the end of 1800 however a movement arose calling itself "Zionism". It was led (as usual...) by the arrogant group, but this time they were even worse, as they were atheists who even hated the righteous group. The movement advocated the idea that they would only be safe if they had a land of their own. For that, they thought about many places but, of course, they finally settled for their original land.

Problem was that land had been inhabited by other people for the past 2 thousand years. The arrogant group did not care: it just evicted them from their homes and land, creating what was to be known as "Nakba" (arabic for "catastrophe"). That Nakba continued unimpeded until today, leaving a trail of 1 million dead and making that new nation (called "Israel") be compared with South Africa during apartheid: a pariah of the world. Worse is that the leaders of that country came from abroad, are atheists, changed their names to sound jewish, and thus are not jewish at all.

But anyone who dares challenge all that is quickly called "antisemite": a term which ultimately means getting fired, losing social status, being considered a racist, etc. No wonder no one dares challenge any of that. However, and interestingly, that term is also used against the righteous group even though they are jewish, as it believes Israel has no spiritual meaning and, thus, should not exist.

Now, what do you do when you have a worker which refuses to do its job and even thinks you should be grateful to have hired him? You just fire him. Thus, he is no longer a worker and, thus, any claim he makes on being part of that company is just moot. That is why the "antisemitism" claim is just laughable, as that is used by "workers" who were fired from their jobs long time ago for refusing to perform their righteous mission: people who only believe in that God in as much as it helps in their narrative, just like a bad worker just uses his company for his own personal gains. In fact, in the scriptures many times we see God saying that, because of that bad group, people in the world were thinking he was a bad God and all jews too.

For it is crucial to understand the majority of the jewish population is good. They live spread out in many countries and live about their business. In comparison, the vast majority of the israeli population is not: statistically speaking, 98% support what the atrocities performed by its government.

In fact, remember that Messiah? He had 12 disciples: 11 followed his teachings and went to the world to spread his message of love and compassion: only ONE did not and ended up killing himself. That's the "jewish" population: 11 good, only 1 bad. And the bad one is simply a fired worker (thus, not a jew), shouting "antisemitism!!" loud in order to try to prove his supposed righteousness. By now you must be asking yourself how come these bad workers seem to always end up leading the entire jewish population. It is because only they seek positions of power: the good workers are taught to be humble.

And the solution for all this? It is not in the two nations idea, or just one. For this goes much deeper. It is in the final acceptance of that Messiah's words of love and compassion. For when those exist it does not matter if it is one, two, three, one thousand nations.

That will happen at the end, but unfortunately before that, a fake messiah needs to show up first. This fake messiah (called "antichrist") will solve all the problems in that area: problems he himself had created in order to appear as saviour. He will thus appear as righteous and powerful that many will follow him and some will even drop the real messiah for this one.

At the end however, he will reveal his real intentions, which are far from righteous: which is to create a world government where he is adored. This world government will be secular in as much as that leader of course does not want anyone to follow that true God. Things will get so bad that everyone will be finally convinced that 2000 years ago Messiah was true, and all will end up well.

Now, of course this seems totally unhinged. But how does the death of 120 million people brought by communism sound then? Or the death of 75 million by WW2? And the horrors we see today happening in Israel, with headless babies shown on TV and on a daily basis?

We need to be able to see this as what truly is: a spiritual battle, and stop with the long (and honestly boring...) letany of "You did this! Yeah, but you did that!", "antisemitism", lies (some even laughable), and shallow solutions that lead nowhere.

Especially because the current israeli government has strong ties to so called orthodox jews: people who use a religion they claim to follow to justify anything. In fact, Israel has had a history of frequent elections and coalition governments that often collapse before the end of their terms. The current government was able to be re-elected six times, and it was because it depended heavily on those supposedly orthodox parties.

As such, if we are to try to reason with them, it needs to be done at their level, and for that all that (understandably boring) knowledge is needed. Either way, as a prophecy says, we will all eventually and inevitably bow down to that Messiah and his words of love and compassion, so why not start now?


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