Understand how & why we see light, clouds, perspective Understand Light-Transmission-Dynamics and understand why Light is NOT wave, nor particle
Chris Addington
Professional Engineer -> VISIT: cdadd.com; e≠mc2 because Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton) are wrong. Understand How & Why we see Light, Clouds, Perspective. What then Blackholes, etc.,? -> NEW THINKING REQUIRED!!!
Understand how & why we see light, clouds, perspective
Understand Light-Transmission-Dynamics
understand why Light is NOT wave, nor particle
the late Richard Feynman (Nobel Physics Prize 1965) acknowledged (to effect) that nobody understood Quantum Physics but that, through experimentation, theories were shown to work ….. until someone comes up with new FACTS about Light, Energy & Matter –>
herein are these new FACTS ….............