Understand debt elimination
Brett Kelly
Husband and Father. Chairman and CEO, Kelly+Partners Group Holdings Ltd (ASX:KPG)
Do you have a summary of everything you owe to anyone: the applicable total cost of each loan or form of finance, whether it is tax deductible, which to pay off first, how and when these steps might occur and the value of these steps?
Most people don’t. Debt is a killer: either it gets you or you eliminate it from your life! Hence the saying, “Kill or be killed”.
The best way to manage something is to write it down, measure it, set goals and monitor progress against these goals.
Ask yourself:
- Can you make a plan with me about how to eliminate my debt?
- Can you assist me in this task once I have all the paperwork together?
- Can you assist me to better structure my current debts for lower cost and swifter repayment?
This article was taken from the book 'Your Money, Your Choice', written by Brett Kelly. For more information on Brett, please visit his website: www.brettkelly.com.au