Understanding the Context for Academic Cultural Differences
Some instructors may mistake unfamiliarity of US academic culture with a lack of language proficiency among international students. Learning more about your students’ previous academic experiences can help you understand the academic cultural differences that may be impeding their academic achievement. Below are a few examples of common adjustment challenges.
- When you see students not contributing to class discussions, it may be because they have experienced teacher-centered learning environments where students are expected to maintain a respectful silence.
- When you see students asking questions to a friend and not you, it may be because asking a professor for help is considered shameful in their home culture.
- When you see students struggling with plagiarism, it may be because they come from academic cultures where textual borrowing is acceptable.
Before you assume your student is struggling with language, consider the academic cultural differences that might be hindering their progress in your class. Understanding these differences may be the key to supporting their success.
Have you noticed other cultural differences among your international students? I’d love to hear about them and how you have responded!