Understand the comfort zone. DO YOU SUFFER FROM THIS?
Maurício Landwoigt
Project Manager with PMP Certification (PMI-USA), Business Partner Franklin Covey, Processes, ESG and Speaker
Mauricio Landwoigt de Oliveira, ADM, MSc, PMP
Understand the comfort zone. DO YOU SUFFER FROM THIS?
The human brain feels threatened by the unknown and is therefore always looking for security and control. This search automatically leads us to remain in the comfort zone, even if it means facing some discomfort or obtaining unsatisfactory results.
I'll give you an example: If we're used to living within a certain budget, it can be difficult to broaden our vision and explore new financial opportunities. We are afraid to take risks or try new things, and this prevents us from achieving significant financial growth.
We may still have good financial stability, but we have accommodated ourselves so much to the point of not seeing opportunities to win salary increases and even explore new areas of activity that could bring an even more prosperous financial perspective.
Although these situations may not seem problematic at first glance, they have the power to stop us from pursuing a more prosperous financial life.
The truth is that we all, at some point, settle into our comfort zone. This is natural. However, the problem arises when this becomes a way of life, avoiding anything that feels difficult or labor intensive.
Do you know why this happens?
We often avoid change because we know there is a price to be paid for any action we set out to take, and every change involves some kind of pain.
If we want to get rid of a mediocre job, we will have to look for another opportunity that may not initially offer the same security. To change professional activity, we need to dedicate ourselves, study a new subject and start from scratch.
When leaving bad but financially advantageous relationships, we need to seek an income of our own and gain independence.
Opening a new business means facing the possibility of failure and working harder.
When leaving the parental home, we assume responsibilities, bills to pay and the need to remain employed.
You see, in all the examples I cited above, fear of the unknown makes a part of us prefer to cling to what we already know. After all, even if our current suffering is painful, we learn to deal with it, it is known to us, you see?
Although we know rationally that life can – and should – be better, emotionally fear often prevails.
In addition to fear, low self-esteem also paralyzes us, feeding feelings of incapacity, incompetence and lack of worthiness.
Sometimes we notice self-sabotage happening, but in most cases, it acts silently in our unconscious.
It is very important to be attentive to recognize the influence of the comfort zone in our financial life and, thus, to be willing to break with this pattern.
By embracing the unknown, taking risks and constantly looking for opportunities for growth, we can expand our financial potential and achieve a much more prosperous and fulfilling life.
The ego and the comfort zone
It's very likely that you've heard someone say that they can't change because "that's how it is", am I right?
This happens because both fear and our ego's identification with the situations we experience paralyze us.
We get so used to our way of life and our sufferings that they become a part of us. We come to believe that this is our true nature.
It seems that these circumstances fill us in such a way that, unconsciously, we believe that if we solve these problems, we will lose our “essence”.
Do you realize how the comfort zone is silent, but very dangerous?
The price we pay for the comfort zone
If you follow our blog, you've probably already read our article on paradigms. In that article, in summary, I explained that according to the systemic paradigm, everything is consciousness, and the observer, that is, the consciousness of each one of us, has the power to create its own reality.
But think with me: if we have this power to create our reality, why aren't we creating a better reality for ourselves?
The answer lies in the beliefs that govern our lives, especially those that are unconsciously hidden and kept in our shadow.
That's where the importance of discovering and working on limiting beliefs comes in, we've already talked about this in another article.
Simply put, if consciousness is responsible for creating the reality around us, it will shape it according to the limitations of our belief system.
If we believe that we are incapable, that we don't deserve something or that life is unfair, these beliefs repeat themselves in our mind day after day, blocking any possibility of growth.
The truth is that the limitations themselves do not exist, but, due to the beliefs and paradigms we have, our unconscious ends up creating and maintaining these limitations.
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