As a Cinematographer I'm often privileged to work on projects that through the skills and knowledge that I've acquired over the years, I get to create images that will in some way, stir emotion in those who choose to see it. Images that will make and audience laugh or cry , feel happy , sad , thoughtful and so on. It takes a collaborative effort to realise the vision of a screenwriter , the people who produce the project and the collective talent employed to bring the story to life. At the beginning of the day what starts as words on paper is by days end, emotions captured on film for eternity. The way the scene is lit , the movement of the camera , the talented performance of the Actors , the skill of the direction, the make up, art direction, it's a Team of People coming together, working together to create a mood , a feeling that may directly influence a mood or feeling for those who see it.
A good mate of mine posted an article today and it made me think about all that we do in life whether it be our work life , in my case as a filmmaker, or family life. Why we chose to do What we do and the impact it will have on others. It all comes back and is linked directly to what is known as "The Butterfly Effect"
When I chose to become involved in another Venture of which I've become extremely passionate about, and in particular the charity work we do , Brad reflected on the impact that our "Caring Hands" Mission Trips are having in Mexico right now. We have opened 3 official fully accredited online universities & are bringing health and nutrition to a community and children less fortunate than us that is making a huge positive impact on this isolated community. He also spoke about his good friend Phillip Hofer, who helped a 3-yr old girl having massive seizures to get on our products and subsequently she stopped having seizures.
Like Brad as I thought about these stories I really began to consider the magnitude of what we have in front of us! , the work we are doing, the achievements that continue to grow and a product that is truly unique and making a difference.
Do yourself a favour and take a look at the attached video Mr. Andy Andrews was one of the top network marketers of all-time and a New York Times Best Selling Author! Listen to what he has to say and consider what you want your impact to be on this planet...It may not be the legacy you leave that changes the world directly, but indirectly the choices you make - absolutely the odds begin to improve!
Watch this in depth and really think...how many lives can "I" change?