Understand Azure Cloud Infrastructure
What is datacenter - Main physical building blocks that enable the Microsoft cloud , its services and partner offerings.
In my earlier article, I`ve explained about the cloud service types.
Components of Datacenter:
Azure geographies and region:
Microsoft cloud consists of the following hierarchy
Availability Zones:
As explained above, regions reside inside geographies. Availability zones reside within regions.
Availability zones are physically seperated DCs locations within the azure region that can tolerate to local failure(software or hardware ). Not all the regions contain AZs.
For resiliance and failure tolerance, MS offers minimum 3 AZs in all the zone-enabled regions. Each zone comprises of one or more DCs equipped with power, cooling and networking infra . So even if one zone is affected, other 2 zones can ensure non distrupt service.
Azure networking
MS supports one of the largest network in the world - 175 thousand miles of fiber optic and subsea cables and more than 190 network access points.
Thus , the partners and customers can connect via GLOBAL NETWORK , instead of public internet to access MS services like VMs, Microsoft 365, on-premises machines with low latency and better application response time.
What are the networking services and product offerings?
Security & Data Privacy
All data are encrypted at rest and in transit. Also triple replicated in a DCs .For higher availabilty, this encrypted data can be replicated across AZs and even same geographies .
Immutable data concept - in blob and SQL ensure data is not changed.
With these concepts, users can make smart decisions when planning for cloud infrastructure and workloads. In addition, with the available guidance, support, products, technologies, and policies that help users architect and implement solutions with high levels of privacy and security.