Understand the Assignment: Dissent to Dissidence
Introductory Book. Next Body Book coming soon,Inshallah.

Understand the Assignment: Dissent to Dissidence

My title of the next book I am writing this Ramadan beginning on Monday inshallah. I wrote the first book, introduction titled “AVERAGE MOHAMED: FREEDOM FIGHTER’. I knew then in 2022 this was a marathon not a sprint of affairs based on the level of resistance to our freedoms in America. I knew I will have to write three books, an introduction book, done already, a body book in 2024 and a conclusion book in 2026 of all efforts.

I started this process after all other means have been exhausted. I knew then what it is I was doing, who stands in my way organizationally with all their elite powers and might of National Security Paranoia in the newly minted United Surveillance of America now. Here is a preview of it. I will go into in depth details of how this is done today in America in my second book. How done in the past and what the future holds for Americans under National Security Paranoia means deployed now massively.

This is the American way of Life. The permanent struggle of the common man versus the elite and powerful. When power comes for us when criminality and terrorism is not an issue. We the people dissent move to dissidence of it and process.

Good news which is bad news. I am not alone tens and tens of millions of us are now in this dragnet one way or another in America. Hence my determination to move from dissent to dissidence. We are either free or not now. We either preserve our democracy and republic for posterity or go this way now. Permanent pervasive bureaucracy deciding destiny in America with powers bestowed for our security. Keeping in mind what Benjamin Franklin taught, those who chose security over liberty get none of it. He also said we gave you a republic if you can keep it too.

It is then good you tried to exercise your right and found that the current means of governance over you is inadequate to resolve your issue.

Here are ten rules to understand the outcomes coming your way. From extreme to benign means of it.

1)?? Killed for it. An accident or outrightly now. Preferably called suicide now. Epstein anybody now.

2)?? Jailed under one form of law or another. Justice is arbitrary selective to you now. Framing you is priority for powerful.

3)?? Leashed harder electronically. Hello Phone, Computer, Bugs.

4)?? Leashing by people means to keep tabs.

5)?? Unleashing of auxiliary forces of volunteers, friends, and many others willing to do the dirty work. The work they will deny they are doing it while doing it, discourage you from works, discredit you by many means, discount you and all your efforts, to discard you for end game destroy you.

6)?? Unleashing of paid informants to go to work on you.

7)?? Limitation to everything slowly methodically and systematically.

8)?? Denial of equity, equality, equal opportunity, and access to resources by fiat and slight hands. Cannot be proven either. But consistent in patterns.

9)?? Labels change over time, Potential terrorist, to lunatic schizophrenic, to deplorable and extremist to we just hate you as a bureaucracy of the powerful and elite means. He is just lying now. Eventually one will stick within the system. It is guaranteed by their dogged psyop means of determinedness of efforts.

10)Censorship, embargo and backlisting of means deployed to limit ????????????further.


Best advice to any human being do not dissent, never become a dissident to any powerful and elite organization. The powerful and elite are called that because of they are powerful and elite. Have access to unlimited means of it now in our age. Electronically, people means and even ability to micromanage and control mechanisms that comes very easy to them. This is a one-way mission for them and their kind in alliance which aggressively they will keep on escalating to getting to number one option. If all measures fail.

? ?Do not be fooled by benevolence of means. Rhetoric is not a substitute to astutely understanding you will be finished one way or another.

Once you understand that, here are your decision-making process.

Process of going about dissent to dissidence in a democracy and republic.

1)?? Accept it all but keep on dissenting and gradually move to dissidence. But first ask, respect authority, start with informant and go up the chain to the top of it. Hey, we are still a free country.

2)?? Free speech is the first right given to folks in America in our awesome democracy and republic. Use it or lose it.

Use it for purpose. You will never win all, seek to win enough to get by and survive free.

3)?? Many have been in your position. From Civil rights leaders, Black Panthers to Antiwar activists of yester years. Today, Muslims, Blacks as usual and Republicans. Do exactly what they did. Use nonviolence means and peaceful means of dissent and dissidence.

4)?? Speaking of the above groups. The color code matters. Black panthers ended up dead, civil rights leaders of color ended up dead, white antiwar activists ended up coopting the system into their issues mostly white led initiatives. Understand some things in America don’t change. That don’t make it right. You are limited by reality of certain facts on the ground.

5)?? Learn how your domestic intelligence operates in your community, society, and country. To survive it. History, methodology to means they use. Open-source media and books best source of it.

6)?? Profile those around you and how or what their intention is, you better believe they are building a profile of you too, to get to what they want to do to you. From that you learn what kind of profile they are working from. Make it a routine habit.

7)?? Use the tools of those who came before you like civil rights leaders used stories to humanize their issues. Tell your story slowly, methodically, and systematically to get allies, friends, and partners.

8)?? ?You are not alone, but good that you embraced your fears and accepted all outcomes of the situation with clear eyes. That makes you strong but not invincible. That does not mean the first ten rules do not and will not apply.

9)?? Your mind will be Post Traumatic Stressed Disorder. Mental health is going to be affected by it. Trust me, they will do so too to affect imbalance in thoughts and actions. Expect moment of meltdowns and giving up thoughts. Never ever give up, your life and freedom depend on it now.

10)Find God, serenity and make your peace. In case you rest in peace or find yourself in pieces destroyed because of dissent and dissidence. If you find yourself on your knees for it, perfect position to pray. Never underestimate the power of prayers. It is an asset not a liability. Hope giving and empowerment none can take from you. Prayers stills the mind and steels the soul, instilling hope and prepares well for the afterlife coming.

Hey once you have this rudimentary understanding of things. Great now you are on your path. That path is not an easy road. The thorns will come to you. The volunteers, informants, friends recruited some even family to cause will come at you. They do it for politics, favors, funds, fear or just we don’t like you because you are causing us a headache now. You will hear on this path. We are tired of you. You see when they can’t control and micromanage you to mold you into their sheep. The system will kick you off the books and, on the books, means right in your teeth. Some on the esophagus to shut it down, speech and all other means.

Seek allies, friends, and partners. The ultimate lesson of civil rights leaders of yesteryears. That means politics, activism, and networking with like minds. Folks who will either give you their ears, their network, or their resources because they have a stake in these outcomes now. For every one of a dissenter or dissident there are millions leaving in fear to not do what you are doing. That is your hope you connect with them. Metrical ways will get shut down, so asymmetrical ways left. It will get harder, then darker then impossible but right when you think it can’t get worse. It will get worse. Such is the life you chose and path for your values, dignity, and honor of works.

?Never ever expect a victory. You will forever look behind your shoulders. Victory counts now in just being alive and doing works for my kind.

Lastly buy life insurance. You will need it.

Most of this could end if the powerful and elite decide to emancipate.

Now that is the greatest JOKE I have ever heard of; I asked for amicable, and reconciliation means. You all bore witness to it, done publicly and privately. The lessons of Martin Luther King Jr, dissent to dissidence but get a seat at the table and off being on the menu of it permanently. The hubris of power is one to try kick you first in the teeth and push you hard over the brink. Only when the cost of doing so is outweighed by public means that infringe on that powers and limits it do they ever back off or reform ways and approach. Never count on that, hence accept your fate, and go to work.

Systematically, methodically, and slowly. Till the first ten options kick in fully and then you are done for. It is what it is now.

My advice become sheep you will live longer, become a lion, you will trophy hunted by the powerful and elite now. As for Freedom, wrong color, religion, and politics today in America.

Such is life lessons learned in misspent youth of a Mohamed Ahmed.

May it be easy for us now, we pray.




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