Understand and apply IBCS | Online training course starts on July 4, 2022
IBCS Certified Analyst course: online in English

Understand and apply IBCS | Online training course starts on July 4, 2022

What makes reports and dashboards easier and better to understand? Register and learn the difference between reports for messaging and dashboards for self-service.

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During five half-days you will be able to create easier and better understandable reports and dashboards.

We'll show you that both reports and dashboards need consistent notation, a well-organized structure, the right chart types, high information density, and proper scaling.

To make your learning easier and more efficient, you will get the IBCS poster in electronic version, plus two pdf documents: IBCS handout, and IBCS notation manual.

Brak alternatywnego tekstu dla tego zdj?cia

During first two meetings with numerous before-and-after examples, understand the IBCS SUCCESS formula, and change your mindset about reports and dashboards. Then, through numerous exercises, practice applying what you've learned.

Followed by an online test for becoming an IBCS? Certified Analyst.

Register for last seats for upcoming course:


This course is also available in classroom format, both public, and inhouse - on demand.

Find more details about this course, about our trainers, other languages, and next dates here:


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