Underneath The Shore
??Underneath The Shore?
??What’s underneath the shore? A question that wonders in the naked air, is the truth underneath or maybe more lies to turn the world in ash and salt waters that merges into thick cake and dry winds to suffer the norm of breathing.??
No!?? Underneath is a treasure patiently waiting to be discovered by a misfortune person that wanders in fear of losing everything that matters.???? What matters? Value over time, the truth over lies, that what matters.??
?Underneath the shore is the treasure that the whole world has been looking for, the book of how to be better than the person on top of the world. ??Hmmm sounds very interesting, maybe it’s time to start digging.??
???All I need is muscle and a handy shovel because underneath the shore is a new start of life. Buying a career is the perk while sailing near the shore where underneath had opened a different chapter,???? where stocking shelves is the past and swimming with the dolphins is the future.???
???What's underneath your shore????
Real Estate Consultant at Charles Rutenberg Realty Inc.
1 年treasure hunting is a hobby, however treasure can be anything also it has some value for the cost.... ??